SPT Realism Mod

  • Yes, but i did have a suppressor. I suppose it was just the wrong kind, perhaps too large of suppressor to give enough backpressure in the gas tube to cycle properly, this is pre your new update. i'll install the update and see how it works out. thanks for the fantastic mod btw!
    I am still having some slight issues with the ADS being buggy from 'active' making it worse than default gun stance in aim speed, I tried resetting the bepinex as you directed me previously in a thread elsewhere but it didn't change the way the gun is rotating too hard. essentially all poses when you right click, flail around as they move to center, but it's path is always from middle right of the screen as if ADS causes the PMC hands to jerk from pose back to default pose and ADS from there. i'll try to get a video sometime to show if it doesn't correct itself with the update.

    It's the PBS suppressors, they are designed for use with that ammo and will eliminate the extra malfunction chance. Regular suppressors just reduce it. No idea what you're describing with the stances, they can't instantly materialize back at the centre of the screen and instantly ADS. ADS from active aim is going to be slower than if you're not in a stance, it has to move and rotate back vs. already being in the right position. Delete the config from bepinex/configs if your stances are behaving strange.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • I've been loving the mod so far, but my only problem is im not a huge fan of the reworked med system. Not a big problem, except for the fact that i cant seem to disable the med changes. I disable the different changes and restart spt, but the med items never get reverted for some reason.

    Read the overview page section on med changes

  • Vector 9x19 in new version is broken :)
    the weapon behaves incorrectly when firing

    Even on the new version, there are constant crashes from the game in hideout
    crash and broken vector -

    That's an incredibly vague report with no error logs. You've edited the recoil in config and now you're telling me the recoil is "broken"? What am I supposed to take from this video?

    Just tried it, can confirm this fault.
    The .45 version does have significantly more horizontal recoil

    You're not describing or showing what the issue is. Are you saying you think the recoil is too high? He's saying that it's "broken"

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Edit: It appears that this is an issue with SPT itself.

    Hi, I've noticed a strange issue with the latest version of the Realism Mod (v. 11.2). I'm not sure if this is a compatibility issue, or if it's caused by the mod itself.

    After updating to v 11.2 (fresh update, deleted all old files), I've began experiencing lag spikes, and even crashes, when in-raid. At the moment, I've ran both the Shoreline and Factory, and the lagging begins after about a minute or two in both, with increases in intensity the longer I'm in-raid. At the moment, the game only crashed on Shoreline after entering Resort. It was such a hard crash that I had to manually restart my PC. I've posted an image of my mods folder below.

    Edited 2 times, last by 1XERO1 ().

  • Edit: It appears that this is an issue with SPT itself.

    Hi, I've noticed a strange issue with the latest version of the Realism Mod (v. 11.2). I'm not sure if this is a compatibility issue, or if it's caused by the mod itself.

    After updating to v 11.2 (fresh update, deleted all old files), I've began experiencing lag spikes, and even crashes, when in-raid. At the moment, I've ran both the Shoreline and Factory, and the lagging begins after about a minute or two in both, with increases in intensity the longer I'm in-raid. At the moment, the game only crashed on Shoreline after entering Resort. It was such a hard crash that I had to manually restart my PC. I've posted an image of my mods folder below.

    So I'm no longer sure it is an SPT error. My in-game console is filled with the following error:

    Error|Default|MissingFieldException: Field 'RealismMod.Plugin.StartingAimSens' not found.

    I'm not able to figure out what I'm missing and where. I don't see any other requirements in the install instructions, and made sure to follow the mod update instructions to the T.

  • So I'm no longer sure it is an SPT error. My in-game console is filled with the following error:

    Error|Default|MissingFieldException: Field 'RealismMod.Plugin.StartingAimSens' not found.

    I'm not able to figure out what I'm missing and where. I don't see any other requirements in the install instructions, and made sure to follow the mod update instructions to the T.

    Please don't report SPT or mod issues without first testing SPT by itself, and then the mod you think is causing the issue by itself. Getting the error "Error|Default|MissingFieldException: Field 'RealismMod.Plugin.StartingAimSens' not found." means you have the compatibility bridge installed for FovFix + Realism, when Realism and FoVFIx have been updated to no longer use that. Remove the compatibility bridge and update FovFIx.

  • Hey ho.

    I've got no idea what's causing this problem in itself, but admittedly there's a pretty big problem in my opinion when a warmaggedon bullet can pierce a PM10 armor, I've got no idea if that's just incredibly bad luck or if there's an actual problem here.

    If you need anything more from my site specifically let me know I've attached a screendump of the mods that I'm running

    The only settings affecting armor that I've changed through SVM has been the setting for permanent damage when repairing armor.

  • Did you look at the mod's features, and the overview page tab on ballistics?

  • Did you look at the mod's features, and the overview page tab on ballistics?

    Which parts of the ballistics tab are you refering too specifically?

    Because I see the parts about armor having zones and I see the chart you made and I also see your reference to the Wikipedia for real armor classes/types.

    But if the warmaggeddon went through the side then that's also fine but then having the death screen just say "thorax" wouldn't be enough, personally anyways

  • Which parts of the ballistics tab are you refering too specifically?

    Because I see the parts about armor having zones and I see the chart you made and I also see your reference to the Wikipedia for real armor classes/types.

    But if the warmaggeddon went through the side then that's also fine but then having the death screen just say "thorax" wouldn't be enough, personally anyways

    The round could have gone through the side, shoulder, upper chest, neck, or below the plate. The round didn't go through the armor. If you know about the armor zones I don't understand what the issue is that you're reporting? Why is it not enough for it say thorax? You can deduce what happened, and at the end of the day if you died you died and knowing how the round bypassed the armor won't change that. I probably can't even change the death screen if I wanted to.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Is it intentional for shotgun ammo to be so weak?

    I'm working on the silent caliber quest and its taking 15+ shots with flechette to drop pmcs from within 25m.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong?

    It doesn't seem to pen armor correctly or something due to the rework.

  • Yeah you're using flechette which is very shit in real life. What's good in live Tarkov =/= realistic. Look at the stats of the ammo you want to use. You can't qualify all shotgun ammo as weak after trying only one round

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • The round could have gone through the side, shoulder, upper chest, neck, or below the plate. The round didn't go through the armor. If you know about the armor zones I don't understand what the issue is that you're reporting? Why is it not enough for it say thorax? You can deduce what happened, and at the end of the day if you died you died and knowing how the round bypassed the armor won't change that. I probably can't even change the death screen if I wanted to.

    The issue seems to be the missing feedback of where the bullet impacted. When you just die and all the end screen message is saying is "thorax" it doesn't give much of a chance to improve and gives the belief that the bullet just seemingly went straight through the plate instead of hitting anything at all.

    If nothing can be done about the end screen then that's what that is

  • The issue seems to be the missing feedback of where the bullet impacted. When you just die and all the end screen message is saying is "thorax" it doesn't give much of a chance to improve and gives the belief that the bullet just seemingly went straight through the plate instead of hitting anything at all.

    If nothing can be done about the end screen then that's what that is

    You can easily deduce that if a round with pen lower than required to defeat the armor you're wearing one tapped you, it bypassed the armor hitbox. I fail to see how knowing if a round penetrated the armor vs. it bypassed the armor plate would change the fact that you died or help you not die in the future.

  • You can easily deduce that if a round with pen lower than required to defeat the armor you're wearing one tapped you, it bypassed the armor hitbox. I fail to see how knowing if a round penetrated the armor vs. it bypassed the armor plate would change the fact that you died or help you not die in the future.

    alright, do you have the armor plate layout for all the armors somewhere easily accesible?

    Getting told where you get hit and if it penetrates the armor plate or not helps with positioning and knowing whether or not "Ahh I was an idiot because I stood badly" instead of just having the kill shot be 5.56 warmaggedon thorax

  • alright, do you have the armor plate layout for all the armors somewhere easily accesible?

    Getting told where you get hit and if it penetrates the armor plate or not helps with positioning and knowing whether or not "Ahh I was an idiot because I stood badly" instead of just having the kill shot be 5.56 warmaggedon thorax

    In the overview page, in the ballistics tab. If you were shot you were shot and therefore had bad positioning and misplayed or were just unlucky (got shot from out of nowhere by unseen target). It makes 0 difference how you were standing, you can't "stand different", if you're shooting at a bot you're facing the bot. This is not a support issue either way.

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