SPT Realism Mod

  • Are you 100% sure? When you open the console app what version does it say it is?

    Yeap. I open the console app to tweak the settings and it says v0.14.5 SPT v3.7.1 I also decided to delete it and reinstall it completely and not even touch any of the settings to see if that works but it still gives me the same error. It spams the logs with a whole different bot names and levels and then it gives the error. I'm using it right now but with Bot Tweaks disabled, the only problem with that is that I notice that the only bots that spawn in are scavs and the PMC bots from Questing Bot Mod. No more PMC bots spawn other than the initial wave, At least I've noticed it in Factory so far other maps are so big I just assume they do spawn in. Thanks again for the reply!

  • with the latest version i often found that usec pmcs have: only pistols, no gun at all(unarmed), or main gun missing parts(like stock). also they allways have crap ammo

    have this errors

    almost is turned off. i only use this settings for this mod.

    mods and load order

    Edited 2 times, last by tzeapa ().

  • Those errors are harmless and not to do with the issue you described. Please try the mod by itself before reporting issues.

  • Hi, I get this every other raid or so. It just prevents scav bots from spawning, PMC bots do spawn and some scav bots spawn at later times but not as many as normal. Only mods I have is SAIN with all its requirements and SPT Realism but with med changes reverted. it actually spams that bot and its level like 100 times before it gives the error not sure if that helps. Any help would be appreciated and thank you again for an amazing mod!

    Reinstalled the mod this morning. Using the latest version, still getting the error.

    The logging where it says the bot name and level should not be appearing on the released build. I downloaded and installed the latest release to confirm that these errors are not happening and that logging is not occurring. Where did you download the builds from? Did you try redownloading and then reinstalling?

  • The logging where it says the bot name and level should not be appearing on the released build. I downloaded and installed the latest release to confirm that these errors are not happening and that logging is not occurring. Where did you download the builds from? Did you try redownloading and then reinstalling?

    Just redownloaded and Installed doing some testing now.

    Edit: I got into 2 quick raids and got a bunch of log from the server most of it spam like a lot of it but this time the error did not appear and I could tell the bots did in fact spawn in. These are the logs.

  • The logging where it says the bot name and level should not be appearing on the released build. I downloaded and installed the latest release to confirm that these errors are not happening and that logging is not occurring. Where did you download the builds from? Did you try redownloading and then reinstalling?

    Deleted all the Realism mod files, redownloaded from the mod page, and reinstalled again just now, still getting the same errors and logging showing up.

  • So something odd just happened. Everything was working fine for like 3-4 raids, then my game crashed as I noticed my Tarkov was using over 26G of ram. After the crash I ran it again and got this. I'm on the main menu and it keeps trying to spawn in a bot. I have no idea what I've done LOL.

  • No problem man thanks for looking into it anyway. I'll try a completely fresh install of everything see if that fixes it, if not ill go back to the old version which was working. Love the mod so not gonna play without it.

  • So something odd just happened. Everything was working fine for like 3-4 raids, then my game crashed as I noticed my Tarkov was using over 26G of ram. After the crash I ran it again and got this. I'm on the main menu and it keeps trying to spawn in a bot. I have no idea what I've done LOL.

    I completely reinstalled SPT and just Installed the Realism mod. I believe it was working fine the first 2 raids I saw no errors. I went into the realismmodconfig.exe so I could revert the med changes. Ran in again it was fine the first raid but a second raid in I got the error again. The first Screenshot is from the mod left as is. Second is from me reverting med changes. Not sure if this helps but all my SPT has is Realism mod I haven't even placed in the Amands graphics yet.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • I completely reinstalled SPT and just Installed the Realism mod. I believe it was working fine the first 2 raids I saw no errors. I went into the realismmodconfig.exe so I could revert the med changes. Ran in again it was fine the first raid but a second raid in I got the error again. The first Screenshot is from the mod left as is. Second is from me reverting med changes. Not sure if this helps but all my SPT has is Realism mod I haven't even placed in the Amands graphics yet.

    No problem man thanks for looking into it anyway. I'll try a completely fresh install of everything see if that fixes it, if not ill go back to the old version which was working. Love the mod so not gonna play without it.

    i did. don't had/have this problems with Version 0.14.3

    I was in woods when I got the error, I’m lvl 20 and it was day time. Hope that helps

    Let me know if the latest hotfix fixed these issues

  • Greetings!

    Error in client log\console:

    Realism Mod: Failed to find custom preset for bot marksman at tier 2

    Weapon 5ae08f0a5acfc408fb1398a1 was generated incorrectly...

    Issue: The PMC (Bear and Usec) does not have the Found-In-Raid status for items in all slots except for the dog-tag, backpack and pockets.

    Issue 2: Once in 5 hours I got a bug with a 90 degree turn.

    All happened in v.0.14.6 SPT AKI 3.7.1

  • Hi Fontaine. Just wanted to let you know that I recently experienced the sudden 90-degree rotation bug. It happened after I killed a Scav on Factory with an MDR. Was experiencing another bug at the time with recoil being far too much. THAT bug only started after I mounted a box to show some friends the mounting mechanic. IDK if all these bugs are linked as it could just be a mod conflict (I'll test more), but I wanted to let you know about the rotation bug ASAP <3

  • Hi Fontaine. Just wanted to let you know that I recently experienced the sudden 90-degree rotation bug. It happened after I killed a Scav on Factory with an MDR. Was experiencing another bug at the time with recoil being far too much. THAT bug only started after I mounted a box to show some friends the mounting mechanic. IDK if all these bugs are linked as it could just be a mod conflict (I'll test more), but I wanted to let you know about the rotation bug ASAP <3

    What version of Realism was this?

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