Fontaine's FOV Fix & Variable Optics

  • Posting an error with no context isn't helpful, I need more info, and also this mod has nothing to do with bots or bots spawning. You seem to have a lot of mods installed, the issue is on your end.

  • Сообщение об ошибке без контекста бесполезно, мне нужно больше информации, а также этот мод не имеет ничего общего с ботами или спауном ботов. Похоже, у вас установлено много модов, проблема на вашей стороне.

    I'm Russian and I don't know much about this site with a crooked google translator, I searched for a support topic, but only found this one

    моя проблема в том, что после отключения ботов изменения или если удалить сам мод, то боты не спавнятся

  • Сообщение об ошибке без контекста бесполезно, мне нужно больше информации, а также этот мод не имеет ничего общего с ботами или спауном ботов. Похоже, у вас установлено много модов, проблема на вашей стороне.

    это проблема возникла с SPT Realism mod

  • It seems that everytime I restart my game, the FOV fix starts ignoring my sensitivity settings in the F12 menu (I'm using the preset instead of reduction factor, but enabling or disabling either of them doesn't fix it). 2x and higher zooms use the same cm/360 as 1x making higher zooms' sensitivities very high, and it seems like deleting the config in the BepinEx folder fixes it until I restart my game again. I'm not using any of the bridges since I'm not using realism or the recoil overhaul mod (I am using another recoil tweaker mod though) if that's relevant. These are the mods I use but I'm not sure if they would be conflicting with the FOV fix.

  • It seems that everytime I restart my game, the FOV fix starts ignoring my sensitivity settings in the F12 menu (I'm using the preset instead of reduction factor, but enabling or disabling either of them doesn't fix it). 2x and higher zooms use the same cm/360 as 1x making higher zooms' sensitivities very high, and it seems like deleting the config in the BepinEx folder fixes it until I restart my game again. I'm not using any of the bridges since I'm not using realism or the recoil overhaul mod (I am using another recoil tweaker mod though) if that's relevant. These are the mods I use but I'm not sure if they would be conflicting with the FOV fix.

    When you delete the config it resets everything to defaults. Restarting the game can't change the config. That means you are doing something to the config that is causing your problems.

  • When you delete the config it resets everything to defaults. Restarting the game can't change the config. That means you are doing something to the config that is causing your problems.

    Tested again and I made sure to absolutely not do anything to the config. I restart the server and the game, and I get the problem again. Changing the zoom sensitivities in the F12 menu doesn't seem to change anything either, everything just uses the same sens as 1x.

    UPDATE: It seems changing the load order of mods to have the FOV fix load last fixed it. I'm not sure what caused it but that fixes it. Thanks for your time!

  • Tested again and I made sure to absolutely not do anything to the config. I restart the server and the game, and I get the problem again. Changing the zoom sensitivities in the F12 menu doesn't seem to change anything either, everything just uses the same sens as 1x.

    UPDATE: It seems changing the load order of mods to have the FOV fix load last fixed it. I'm not sure what caused it but that fixes it. Thanks for your time!

    you made the scope overhaul mod load after FOV fix...

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.7.4 for SPT AKI 3.6.1


    • FIxed toggle zoom when not aiming option also working when aiming, and using the optic toggle zoom's FOV multi and sensitivity.
    • Fixed HHS-1 Eotech Magnifier combo's sensitivity not updating correctly when switching between magnifier and holo.


    • Added compatibility for Traveler's Thermal Bundles that massively improves thermal scopes, including the new ones from 13.5. Make sure to enable compatibility in the server mod's config. DO NOT INSTALL HIS FOV FIX FILE REPLACEMENTS, JUST THE BUNDLE REPLACEMENT FOR PETTAN'S 13.5 CONTENT PREVIEW + HIS THERMAL BUNDLES FOR FLIR + REAP IR!!
    • Added compatibility for new 13.5 thermal scopes. They're pretty bad so I highly recommend using the Thermal Bundles mod.

    Correct load order for compatibility:

    • Geff's Scope Overhaul
    • Pettan's 13.5 Content Preview
    • FOV FIx
    • SamSwat's Vudu Mod
    • Traveler's Thermal Bundles
  • If you have it installed correctly, and have the right versions, then it should be working. Try with no other mods, and delete the config in bepinex/configs

    ok idk what happened or what solved the issue.

    I've created a new install of SPT and only added your mod to check out if it works

    needless to say it did.

    I went back to the version that didn't work (different profile and everything), but now for some reason it worked.

    anyway thanks

  • Does anyone have a reliable fix for the issue where sensitivity gets screwed up in that aiming increases sensitivity instead of reducing it every time client is restarted?

    I did 2 full clean reinstalls of the whole thing now and it still resets to weird sensitivity with F12 settings being ignored on each restart. Load Order is attached, if any further info is needed I can provide.

    Edit2: A temporary, if annoying, fix is deleting the config in bepinex/plugins every single launch and redoing all settings, for some reason it works when the config is created by the game from scratch instead of already being there.

    Edit3: For some reason reverting to the SPT version I had before updating Realism and FOVfix to the current versions and taking the config file from that one into the updated version fixed everything. I'd play around more to isolate the issue, but it took me 3 hours to even get to this point so I'll stop here.

  • What version of SPT were you using when you had the issues, and what version did you revert to?

  • I was using SPT 3.6.1, updated Realism Mod 0.9.2->0.10.0 (left this at 0.10.0 the whole time), FOV Fix 0.7.2->0.7.4 (reverted this back to 0.7.2 and took the config from that)

    Edit: I wanted to provide both the reverted config that works and a config generated by the new version that doesn't work, but am now unable to replicate the issue lmao. They're attached anyway but there's no real point since I can't seem to mess it up again.

  • Hey,

    I'm using FOV fix 1.7.3 with ACOG4Life rework, SamSWAT VuduOverhaul and Civiciam mods that copy gear in other colours.
    I've tried several boot order, and this is the one working best for now:

    ACOG4Life rework
    FOV Fix
    Civiciam mods
    SamSWAT Vudu

    Other orders I tested resulting in coloured Vudu counterparts being bugged and not zooming properly

    Yet I still get different behaviours:
    Coloured Vudu work fine, just no switch animation when zooming, but I guess this is just normal.
    On standard Vudu, the red aiming reticule is growing larger when zooming in, and the distance zeroing is changing while zooming (as another user reported in the comments part).

    Video showing the behaviours

    Anything I can do on my end?

  • Second for sensivity issue.

    I was using Realism (but now deleted the DLL), and when I touch sensivity in F12 - it becomes too high.

    For some reason I don't have RecoilStandalone.cfg.

    Why would you have RecoilStandalone.cfg if you do not have the Recoil Standalone mod installed? You uploaded a file called "" which is the name of Realism mod's GUI config repo?

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

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