Fontaine's FOV Fix & Variable Optics

  • Fontaine added a new file:

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Hello, I was the one with broken magnification.

    Spt Version:





    Faupi HideoutArchitect & MunitionsExpert

    Fontaine ALE & FOV Fix


    SamSwat HelmetLights

    ODT's ItemInfo


    Veritas Fix

    Config Options:

    [1. Scope Zoom]

    ## Increases/Decreases The FOV/Magnification Within Optics. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom. Requires Restart Or Going Into A New Raid To Update Magnification. If In Hideout, Load Into A Raid But Cancel Out Of Loading Immediately, This Will Update The FOV.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 0.75

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.1 to 1.25

    Global Optic Magnificaiton Multi = 0.75

    ## Set The Magnification For The Range Finder Seperately From The Global Multi. If The Magnification Is Too High, The Rang Finder Text Will Break. Lower Value = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 15

    # Acceptable value range: From 1 to 30

    Range Finder Magnificaiton = 15

    ## 1x Scopes Will Override 'Global Optic Magnificaiton Multi' And Stay At A True 1x Magnification. Requires Restart Or Going Into A New Raid To Update FOV. If In Hideout, Load Into A Raid But Cancel Out Of Loading Immediately, This Will Update The FOV.

    # Setting type: Boolean

    # Default value: true

    True 1x Magnification = true

    [2. ADS FOV]

    ## Applies On Top Of All Other ADS FOV Change Multies. Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    Global ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.41 to 1.3

    1x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    2x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    3x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    4x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    6x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    8x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    12x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    14x ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    High Magnification ADS FOV Multi = 1

    ## Multiplier For The FOV Change When ADSing. Lower Multi = Lower FOV So More Zoom.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.4 to 1.3

    Range Finder ADS FOV Multi = 1

    [3. ADS Camera Position]

    ## Distance Of The Camera To Optics When ADSed. Lower = Closer To Optic. Have To Unequip And Re-Equip Weapon To Update Distance.

    # Setting type: Single

    # Default value: 1

    # Acceptable value range: From 0.01 to 1.5

    Global Distance to Optic Multi = 1

  • Hi, just wanted to drop a bug report:

    When the RAPTAR rangefinder is equipped, it overrides the current scopes FOV to match the rangefinder's set FOV value whenever you're ADS & turn on the RAPTAR or toggle tactical devices while the RAPTAR is on. Un-ADSing then re-ADSing fixes the scope FOV, but it can be very annoying if I'm ADS & need to toggle my flashlight in the middle of a gunfight, then my scopes FOV goes out the window until I re-ADS just because I have the RAPTAR attached.

    I'm assuming BSG copy-pasted the rangefinder code to the RAPTAR attachment to enable the rangefinding function on the attachment, and that's why scope FOV bugs out whenever toggling the RAPTAR, so it might be outside your powers to patch.

    As a workaround, is there anyway to input a checkbox in the config menu to disable the rangefinder FOV adjustments entirely? If I'm using the RAPTAR w/ a scope, I think there's little point in carrying the pocket range finder & thus enabling the FOV adjustments it would need to be functional at higher FOVs.

    Absolutely love the mod otherwise, thanks for the great work!

    Edited once, last by FightMeIRLScrub: Bug reproduction clarification ().

  • Thanks for the detailed report. Unfortunately it seems like the only solution is what you suggested, I'll keep looking into it though

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.3 for SPT AKI 3.5.0

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT.

    Mirror if you can't access Mediafire:…x-v1.4-for-3.5.0.rar?dl=0

    Updated to SPT 3.5.0


    • RAPTAR Range Finder: if your weapon has the RAPTAR range finder, it will not disable patching the FOV of range finders.


    • Camera Transition Smoothing: added a config option for setting the speed of camera ADS transitions, this can help mitigate some of the janky looking transitions caused by a high FOV.
  • Fontaine added a new version:


    Fontaine's FOV Fix v1.3 for SPT AKI 3.5.0 - HOTFIX

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT.

    Mirror if you can't access Mediafire:…v1.4.1-for-3.5.0.rar?dl=0

    Updated to SPT 3.5.0


    • Fixed under barrel grenade launchers freezing the player when toggled.
  • Fontaine

    Changed the title of the thread from “Fontaine's FOV FIx” to “Fontaine's FOV Fix”.
  • Here's the link to the video showcasing the 1x & RAPTAR issue:

    RAPTAR must be already enabled on the weapon for the bug to reproduce.

    It also happens with non-RAPTAR weapons that have zoom-toggleable scopes, but only if you don't ADS with the non-RAPTAR weapon when you swap back into the RAPTAR enabled weapon. Once you ADS with the non-RAPTAR weapon's scope, the issue doesn't occur on the RAPTAR enabled weapon when you switch back. With the 1x sight, it happens regardless of ADS or not if you leave the RAPTAR enabled on the other weapon.

    Putting the RAPTAR on both weapons will prevent this bug from occurring to begin with based on my testing, regardless of whether they're enabled or not.

    I'm guessing the FOV adjustments are applied on ADS, and the order in which the weapons are ADSed are screwing with the FOV adjustments when switching between different scopes.

    Again, pretty benign since the odds of it happening is pretty low & the way to resolve the issue is pretty simple.

  • Thanks for the detailed info and video, I'll look into it and see what I can do, it'd annoy me if I didn't fix it

  • With the way BSG reimplemented freelook, there's an issue with the FOV being zoomed back in to the sight's default FOV when out of freelook while aiming down sights. You can fix this in game by switching between sights or ADSing again but a more seamless transition would be a nice QoL feature.
    In the older versions, BSG didn't touch the FOV settings at all while freelooking (hence why it got disabled) so when paired with a mod that brought back freelooking in those versions, you could have seamless ADS to freelook transitions without the FOV being reset to the sight's default.

  • With the way BSG reimplemented freelook, there's an issue with the FOV being zoomed back in to the sight's default FOV when out of freelook while aiming down sights. You can fix this in game by switching between sights or ADSing again but a more seamless transition would be a nice QoL feature.
    In the older versions, BSG didn't touch the FOV settings at all while freelooking (hence why it got disabled) so when paired with a mod that brought back freelooking in those versions, you could have seamless ADS to freelook transitions without the FOV being reset to the sight's default.

    Are you talking the bug where if you use freelook while ADSing, it'll zoom in a bit? Yeah it's a weird free QoL feature, I'll look into how to make it toggleable.

  • Are you talking the bug where if you use freelook while ADSing, it'll zoom in a bit? Yeah it's a weird free QoL feature, I'll look into how to make it toggleable.

    I don't know if I explained it correctly so here are the pictures showing the issue before and after freelooking while aiming down sights (this applies to every optic, irons, etc from what I tested):

  • Hey man, love your mod. i wanted to report a bug that is happening to a few other players. it occurs when switching to an UBGL on AKs. what happens is once i switch to the UBGL, the gun freezes. Like i cant switch back, cant fire the nade, cant aim down, cant reload, cant inspect, cant unequip. ill list my mods below but one other person on reddit has confirmed that it is the FOV that is causing the issue. just look into it whenever you get the time. Peace.

    My mods,








    SPT-Realism Mod


    Link to my Reddit Post;

    r/SPTarkov on Reddit: UBGL bugged?
    Posted by u/SRZ_11 - 1 vote and 7 comments

  • install the latest version

  • Ok, if you think it can help, I ll post it here. I have 2 copies of AKI 3.5.0, so i launched 2nd one on Dev account without any other mods. Only your fov fix)

    I have ingame console errors when i attach Raptar rangefinder on both separate versions, i dont have any server errors and i didnt see any gamebreaking things, but its annoying to see console spam and my "2 years of Jet+Aki playing" experience says, that its not OK + i had different console spamming with NotGreg's Scope Tweaks and he said, that his mod errors should not be at all)
    P.S. maybe i am just wrong

    1) Weapon Build:

    2) Console error -

    Edited once, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • I can't reproduce this at all

  • I can't reproduce this at all

    Maybe something wrong in my FOV FIX config?

    Because everything is vanilla

    Edited once, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • Can't reproduce it, you'll have to try reinstalling the mod and SPT. You have SamSwat config in there, test it without mods.

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