MOAR - Ultra lite spawn mod

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Major Release

    • Added difficulty module, POOP-like bot difficulty added!
      PMCS difficulty is now dependent on their level, fear the Chads... laugh at the Timmy's!
      Scavs difficulty progresses as the raid does, just like in live!
    • Rewrote config files, split them into spawning/difficulty settings
    • Added an example folder for ease of copying!

    Let me know what you think!
    And have fun!

  • So far this is the ONLY mod on this site that I can quickly make my game turn into a battle royal mode on maps like Custom, Factory, and Labs. Interchange has been difficult since the spawn zones are so far apart.

    I appreciate the work man, this is the most affective and most simple mod to mess with the AI spawn amount. I have tried messing with SWAG DONUT, BETTER SPAWN PLUS...etc. and it's a giant headache with a crap ton of config files all over the places and when you change the don't even see the differences.

    I DO NEED YOUR HELP, however, so I'm just trying to make maps like Interchange and Streets to be more like an all out warzone.
    A few things that I'm focusing on trying to achieve are:
    - Make PMCs spawn more in groups as in a team of 5 or 4.
    - Make Scavs spawn more in clustered so when they face off against a group of PMC they have more of a fighting chance against gigachads.

    - Trying to have a solution for some kind of "AI despawning" so that on those maps I mentioned, they will only spawn around 1000 meters around my position so that I can see and engage in the action.

    If you can help me pin point some important configs that can achieve that.
    As far as de-spawning, the only thing I know of is the AI Limit mod but I have yet to know if it truly works as intended with your mod.

  • DewardianDev

    Changed the title of the thread from “MOAR Bots - Spawning/Difficulty” to “MOAR - Ultra lite spawn mod”.
  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    The "Moar is less" update:

    • Dramatically simplified all code and configs.
    • Removed all code not related to spawning/waves
    • Built/tested for use with FIKA
    • Maintained all the boss/invasion config options.

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Minor update

    • Adds pmc/scav difficulty setting (0 - 1.5, defaults 0.3/0.5)
      These affect the bots spawned difficulty: easy,medium,hard,impossible.
      Similar to SWAGs setting of the same name.
    • Adjusted waves for all maps, waves should be a lot more consistent in general.
      Factory should be less of a gong-show.

    8) :thumbup:

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