SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement

  • Solarint added a new version:

  • i think while bot is under fire he decide to run cover. sometimes direction to cover equal player view direction. that makes bot easy target. better to make bot running in cover like zig zags or find cover in other directions.
    also when bot under fire and direction to cover perpendicular player view bot can use jumps. that be very fun to see)

    Edited once, last by wizard83 ().

  • I'm noticing some Scav AI doesnt even move until the player gets within a certain range. I've even disabled all the SAIN AI limiters in f6. checked this with dynamic maps. Im ONLY running SAIN on SPT 3.10 default settings. i have big brain and waypoints too.

    EDIT: so i ended up asking in the discord and it looks like this is normal bot behavior for EFT. this is not an issue with SAIN. in vanilla EFT some ai will just be disabled to save resources. hopefully when questing bots releases we will get better roaming ai....

    Edited 3 times, last by jonsoe ().

  • I'm having some serious trouble with bots always knowing where I am, and shooting a split second after coming around the corner. They are basically blind firing the corner before they even get around it, but they are dead on in terms of aim. This is on less dangerous bots with a bunch of stuff tuned to be easier. It's driving me insane.

    I've lowered hearing, aiming, etc, but they still do it. How do I get them to take a normal amount of human time to come around the corner identify me, then aim, then shoot, instead of knowing where I am exactly without seeing me? I'm ok with them being good, but this is god-like.

    I also hate that bots will basically just sit and camp forever if they hear a sound. I want them to move! Not every scav/PMC should be a rat.

  • I was curious if you have an option for guaranteed grenade call-outs under the squad talk section, I have a hard time with grenades landing at my feet and taking me out but don't want to out right remove them.

  • I was curious if you have an option for guaranteed grenade call-outs under the squad talk section, I have a hard time with grenades landing at my feet and taking me out but don't want to out right remove them.

    You can fine-tune it in SWAG. I mean, you'll be able to, when they figure out how to revive this mode for SPT 3.10

  • I'm having some serious trouble with bots always knowing where I am, and shooting a split second after coming around the corner. They are basically blind firing the corner before they even get around it, but they are dead on in terms of aim. This is on less dangerous bots with a bunch of stuff tuned to be easier. It's driving me insane.

    I've lowered hearing, aiming, etc, but they still do it. How do I get them to take a normal amount of human time to come around the corner identify me, then aim, then shoot, instead of knowing where I am exactly without seeing me? I'm ok with them being good, but this is god-like.

    I also hate that bots will basically just sit and camp forever if they hear a sound. I want them to move! Not every scav/PMC should be a rat.

    Same experience for me - just running SAIN with Realism, QB, and LB. No matter how slow, quiet, and tactical I play, I'm constantly experience this insane reaction speed from all AI and crazy accuracy.

    Did you find any solutions?

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