Late to the Party

  • I've hopefully fixed the bug you found in this pre-release:…releases/tag/1.3.1-alpha1. Can you please try it and let me know if it works?

    Unfortunately, I'll be very busy for the next week, so I'm not planning to post the new version until the following week. In the meantime, please let me know if you find any other issues.

    I tried it immediately and the error seems to be gone!

    I really appreciate it, thank you.

    We will contact you if we have any further questions.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Improved compatibility with LootingBots
    • Loot cannot despawn if it's too close to a bot (25m by default)
    • Improved accuracy for percentage of remaining loot
    • If debug.free_labs_access=true, you will also be able to enter Labs as a Scav
    • Fixed delayed door openings when spawning as a Scav
    • Fixed doors constantly opening/closing when using ImmersiveRaids
    • Fixed debug settings being enabled and changed by default
    • Fixed adjust_raid_times.adjust_bot_waves being disabled by default
    • Reduced minimum bot-wave time from 20s to 1s when spawning in late
    • Disabled adjust_bot_spawn_chances.enabled by default anticipating that SWAG/DONUTS or QuestingBots will be used for this instead.
    • Fixed NRE when searching for the bot closest to a point on the map
    • Fixed game freezing when raids end
    • Improved compatibility when parsing EFT JSON data from the server

    config.json files from the 1.2.2 or 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Bug fix for dropped items despawning (i.e. items in backpacks that you drop)
    • Removed the root folder from the ZIP

    config.json files from the 1.3.1 release are fully compatible. config.json files from the 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Bug fix for some functions not working after the first raid

    config.json files from the 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 releases are fully compatible. config.json files from the 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.0

    config.json files from the 1.3.1 through 1.3.3 releases are fully compatible. config.json files from the 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

    NOTE: This release uses the same code (for SPT-AKI 3.6.1) to change Fence's inventory, so that will need to be revised now that SPT-AKI 3.7.0 has fixed some of the issues LTTP addressed back in the 1.2.0 release.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.7.1
    • Bug fix for not being able to enter a raid after leaving one while it was loading

    config.json files from the 1.3.1 through 1.3.4 releases are fully compatible. config.json files from the 1.2.2 and 1.3.0 releases are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.exclusion_radius_bots will always be 10m.

    NOTE: This release uses the previous code (for SPT-AKI 3.6.1) to change Fence's inventory, so that will need to be revised now that SPT-AKI 3.7.0+ has fixed some of the issues LTTP addressed back in the 1.2.0 release.

  • DanW added a new version:

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Updated required version of SPT-AKI to 3.7.4
    • The following changes for Scav raids are now managed by base SPT:
      • Spawning into raids late
      • Reducing the minimum time needed to stay in the raid to get a "Survived" status
      • Updating train times
      • Removing missed bot waves
      • If destroy_loot_during_raid.enabled=false, reducing starting loot.
      • Client-side raid-time calculations
    • Added an option to force you to spawn late 100% of the time as a Scav (enabled by default)
    • Caching original escape times is now done slightly later as you load into the raid
    • Removed all code for features now managed by base SPT
    • Removed enums from server code because they cause issues with development SPT builds
    • Fixed incorrect type name Preset to correct name IPreset in server code
    • Bug fix for the mod trying to store null items as loot picked-up or dropped by bots

    The following changes for Scav raids can still be done by Late to the Party:

    • Initial setup with doors opened and loot removed (in a more realistic manner than base SPT)
    • Reduced vehicle extract chances
    • Reduced boss spawn rates
    • PMC-conversion chances change over the course of the raid (disabled by default)

    The config.json file from previous releases is NOT compatible.

    NOTE: This release uses the previous code (for SPT-AKI 3.6.1) to change Fence's inventory, so that will need to be revised now that SPT-AKI 3.7.0+ has fixed some of the issues LTTP addressed back in the 1.2.0 release.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Allow keycard doors and car trunks to be unlocked, opened, and closed throughout the raid (and at the beginning of Scav raids)
    • If loot is in a trunk, open the trunk before destroying it. If the trunk is locked, do not destroy it.
    • Bug fix for constant exceptions if destroy_loot_during_raid.loot_ranking.enabled=false

    config.json files from the 2.0.0 release are compatible, but destroy_loot_during_raid.nearby_interactive_object_search_distance will always be 0.75, and destroy_loot_during_raid.only_search_for_nearby_trunks will always be true.

    NOTE: This release uses the previous code (for SPT-AKI 3.6.1) to change Fence's inventory, so that will need to be revised now that SPT-AKI 3.7.0+ has fixed some of the issues LTTP addressed back in the 1.2.0 release.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Improved car-extract behavior:
      • The car will now leave at some point during the raid instead of having the chances of it being available reduced based on the time you spawn in.
      • Just like in live Tarkov, the car extract will appear in green font after it has been activated (even if you haven't approached it yet), and it will appear in red font after it leaves.
      • The car will not be allowed to leave if you're within a certain distance of it (150m by default). If the car extract has already been activated, it will be deactivated if you get too close to it so you don't get a free ride. After this happens, it won't be allowed to be activated again for a certain amount of time (120s by default).
    • Added car-extract departures to systems that can be disabled by only_make_changes_just_after_spawning
    • Changed default value of only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.affected_systems.opening_locked_doors to true because bots can now unlock doors in Questing Bots.

    The config.json file from previous releases is NOT compatible.

    NOTE: This release uses the previous code (for SPT-AKI 3.6.1) to change Fence's inventory, so that will need to be revised now that SPT-AKI 3.7.0+ has fixed some of the issues LTTP addressed back in the 1.2.0 release.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Added system to turn on switches (i.e. power switches) throughout the raid:
      • A random number of switches will be toggled at random points throughout the raid (configurable). Only switches that players can toggle are eligible.
      • Switches that control extract points (i.e. elevator buttons in Labs) will not be allowed to turn on until a certain amount of time has elapsed in the raid, before adjustments are made for Scav runs (600s by default)
      • Switches will not be allowed to be turned on if you're within a certain distance from them (150m by default)
      • Just like the systems that open doors and despawn loot, switches that are "missed" when spawning in late as a Scav will be toggled immediately after you spawn. Audio will be disabled for these switches so it's less obvious what has changed on the map.
      • If a switch is only available to turn on after another one is turned on, that one will be toggled first. If this occurs after the initial switches have been turned on for Scav raids, the first switch won't be toggled until some time after the prerequisite switch is. The delay is proportional to the distance between the two switches.
      • When spawning in late as a Scav, initial switches must be toggled before initial doors are opened (which then allows initial loot to be despawned). This ensures doors that require power will be eligible to be opened (if the power switch is turned on).
    • Added the factor destroy_loot_during_raid.players_with_loot_factor_for_maps_without_pscavs (0.3 by default) to apply to fraction_of_players_full_of_loot for maps that do not allow player Scavs to spawn. This means that (by default) significantly less loot will be despawned throughout Labs raids.
    • Reduced only_make_changes_just_after_spawning.time_limit from 30 to 5 seconds because it doesn't really need to be any longer than that.

    The config.json file from previous releases is NOT compatible.

    NOTE: This release uses the previous code (for SPT-AKI 3.6.1) to change Fence's inventory, so that will need to be revised now that SPT-AKI 3.7.0+ has fixed some of the issues LTTP addressed back in the 1.2.0 release.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Added config option to disable trader stock changes for Fence. Fence changes are enabled by default because he still sells unrealistically nice stuff in SPT-AKI 3.7.6.
    • Bug fix for constant NRE's when in the Hideout
    • Updated server code per Lint recommendations

    The config.json file from previous releases is NOT compatible.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Updated for SPT-AKI 3.8.0
    • Disabled changes to trader inventories. This will require significant updates to work with the SPT-AKI 3.8.0+ server code.
    • Stop using trader enums in the server code

    config.json files from the 2.3.1 release are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Log error instead of allowing exception when trying to register a picked-up item that wasn't discovered in the loot pool
    • Track player movement instead of camera movement for determining when to check for loot

    config.json files from the 2.3.1 and 2.4.0 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Added support for having multiple non-AI players
    • Bug fix for opening doors requiring power (before it's turned on) when other mods are used that add context-menu actions
    • Bug fix for opening the inner KIBA door before the outer door

    config.json files from the 2.3.1, 2.4.0, and 2.4.1 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Allow the server and client to run on different machines. To accomplish this, the following changes were made:
      • Moved the client DLL into its own folder ("DanW-LateToTheParty")
      • Log files will now be stored within the new client directory for this mod
      • Added server and client checks for an older client DLL still remaining in the "BepInEx\plugins" directory. If so, show an error when the server or game starts and disable this mod.
      • If a "log" directory from older versions of the server files still exist, write warning messages in the server console, but still allow the mod to function
    • Removed the LateToTheParty endpoint for writing error messages to the server console and will now use the SPT one
    • If the map cannot be determined when loot is ready to be destroyed (namely when using Fika), write error messages to the game console and server console and then disable the loot-destruction system
    • Bug fix for not being able to disable the loot-ranking system
    • Bug fix for allowing SPT 3.9.0

    config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.5.0 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Updated to SPT 3.9.0

    config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.5.1 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.

  • DanW added a new version:

    • Fixed incompatibility with the loot-destruction system and Fika

    config.json files from the 2.3.1 through 2.6.0 releases are compatible, but you'll receive warning messages in the server console about trader-inventory changes being disabled.

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