Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • 我会特别检查伍兹,看看我是否能在那里发现任何奇怪的事情发生。- 您还可以通过将配置中的 showBosses 更改为“woods”来设置 mod,为您提供有关 Woods 生成的报告。然后,一旦您加载了针对树林的突袭,在 donottouch/debug 中将有一个名为 woods_bosses.json 的文件,该文件将包含一个提到“bossKojaniy”的条目,它指的是 shturman。要查找的主要内容是异常生成时间或 BossChance 值。

    您可以更改 AI 文件中的机会值,并将 ArmorVest 设置为 100。它们会稍微延迟生成,这就是原因。

    Got it. Thanks, sir

  • 我会特别检查伍兹,你还可以通过将配置中的显示老板更改为“伍兹”来设置模式,为您提供伍兹生成的报告。然后,您的加载了针对树林的突袭,在 donottouch/debug 中将有一个名为 woods_bosses.json 的文件,该文件将包含一个带有“bossKojaniy”的条目,它指的是 shturman。要查找的主要内容是异常生成时间或BossChance值。

    您可以更改 AI 文件中的机会值,将 ArmorVest 设置更改为 100。它们会延迟生成,这就是原因。


  • Fin added a new version:

    • Added granular control of AI weapon selection via an advanced loadout file
      • The spawn frequency, mod quality, specific blacklisted or whitelisted mods, and which maps specific weapons are not allowed to spawn on can all be set via this file
        • Details for how this file functions are contained inside the file itself
      • I seriously recommend anyone using this file view it in Notepad++, or another similar program that can collapse categories, or you'll have an extremely difficult time navigating more than one or maybe two bots worth of weapon information
    • Added boss spawn chance to the advanced loadout config
    • Changed debug settings to make them more convenient
      • By default, debug data is now saved for all maps and bot types instead of only one at a time
    • Changed the backpack size config entry to have settings for both min and max backpack size.
      • Setting the minimum value to a negative number will set the minimum to the size of whatever the smallest backpack in their default loadout is.
    • Bugfixes
    • Very small AI tweaks
  • Fin 添加了一个新版本:



  • 这应该在最新版本中修复。-我在压缩和上传之前不小心剪掉了一段非常重要的代码,但它从 1.13.1 开始,以及一些其他修复程序,使其适用于 1.3.x 或 1.4.x。

    Thanks a lot. By the way, is it midnight now in your area? If so, please have a rest first. In China it's already late at night.

  • Hey Fin as always thank you for this mod. Unfortunely these crazy bot are still too hardcore for me, i really would like to have a casual experience when i'm playing to the game with some challenging moments. I already asked you, previously but do you think, it's possible to modify their rate of fire (of bots), i just need to reduced it by half maybe; that way i can stand a chance, when they're engaging first? Thanks in advance, i really miss the previous AKI versions when bots where stock-configured challenging.

  • Hey Fin as always thank you for this mod. Unfortunely these crazy bot are still too hardcore for me, i really would like to have a casual experience when i'm playing to the game with some challenging moments. I already asked you, previously but do you think, it's possible to modify their rate of fire (of bots), i just need to reduced it by half maybe; that way i can stand a chance, when they're engaging first? Thanks in advance, i really miss the previous AKI versions when bots where stock-configured challenging.

    Hey I may be able to help you,

    - first off go in to the config file and edit the line: "semiAutoFireRateMult": (I have mine set to 1.5 at the minute and it seems to work pretty good but I tend to mix things up between 1.5-2.0, give this a try)

    - next, a little further down in the config, if you don't want the AI just unloading lead towards you on full-auto look for "removeWeaponTypesSemiAutoPumpBolt":[ (and underneath put "auto" or "semi" but not both!)

    - this one might make things easier or more enjoyable for you, at the top of the config look for these line -

    - "aiAimSpeedMult": 1.3,

    - "aiVisionSpeedMult": 1.3,

    - "visibleDistanceMult": 0.5,

    - "aiHearingMult": 0.3

    (these are my custom settings, I personally think the AI are too quick at hearing and seeing things still trying to find that S W E E T spot)

    a little tinkering with this mod and my game is pretty much like online, I have the AI difficulties set to 2,2,1.

    Hope this helps you!


    Edited once, last by Kippa ().

  • Hey Fin as always thank you for this mod. Unfortunely these crazy bot are still too hardcore for me, i really would like to have a casual experience when i'm playing to the game with some challenging moments. I already asked you, previously but do you think, it's possible to modify their rate of fire (of bots), i just need to reduced it by half maybe; that way i can stand a chance, when they're engaging first? Thanks in advance, i really miss the previous AKI versions when bots where stock-configured challenging.

    Pretty much what Roach said, though you might also want to look into changing aiShotSpreadMult. It won't alter how fast they fire, but it can make their shots a bit less likely to land (I don't remember if higher or lower is better off the top of my head, though, you'd have to experiment a bit). -And while you can't change their full-auto fire rate, if you want to make them less likely to fire full-auto you can do that with a small modification to mod.js.

    Ctrl-f for either CHANCE_TO_CHANGE_TO_AUTOMATIC_FIRE_100 or BASE_AUTOMATIC_TIME (They're positioned right next to one another, so once you've found one you've found the other). You'll notice each one of those lines has a series of six numbers inside square brackets, these numbers are used to define the different difficulties. Each bot type uses one of those numbers depending on the difficulty setting, so for difficulties easy/medium/hard/impossible, scavs use 1/2/3/4, raiders use 2/3/4/5, and pmcs use 3/4/5/6. The [low/med/high]LevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3 config entry can push these numbers up or down, so if that value is set to 2 for scavs, then scavs are now using 3/4/5/6.

    Anyways, knowing that, you can change those two settings around in mod.js to change how long their full-auto bursts are, and how likely they are to full-auto in the first place.

  • Huge thanks Roach, man i'm going to try this out tonight, i'm excited to get back in. Thanks for all these pointers.
    Yeah it really depends on bots, some times they hear and see you really quick, sometimes i get by unnoticed, but i think it ties to the base game (AKI) and how it's configured. But i tend to have some quick reflexes, when it comes to this game, i need to defend my loot you know. But i see what you, yeah i like tinkering mine too. Although my biggest issue is toward minion's bosses they have high tier ammo, most of the time i get one tap even with wearing 2 class 5 armors.

    Fin as always your reply is very much appreciated, same i'm going to dive into the config tonight, see if i can alter it, a little bit to maximize my experience in the game.
    I really enjoying your mod, even though sometimes it's frustrating to get one tap whereas you put a full dump mag on a bot, i always ending up going back into the game with your mod, it adds tensions to the raid, i think it's part of the experience and it's the endgame of the game itself.

    Edited once, last by Zipp ().

  • Hey, very new to using SPT-AKI, so sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask this question in;

    Is this mod compatible with Bread and Butter? I think they both change AI behaviour, though it sounds like yours makes them more deadly because of their fire patterns while B&B gives them proper gear.

  • Hey, very new to using SPT-AKI, so sorry if this is the wrong thread to ask this question in;

    Is this mod compatible with Bread and Butter? I think they both change AI behaviour, though it sounds like yours makes them more deadly because of their fire patterns while B&B gives them proper gear.

    I haven't tried Bread and Butter myself, but it should be. -All the major features of my mod (Gear changes, spawn changes, and AI changes) can be completely disabled via the config, so you can pick and choose which parts you're using, if there is a conflict.

    -And this is probably the sort of question you'd put in the comments section, but it really doesn't matter xD. People ask everything everywhere.

  • Fin added a new version:



    This is being released a little early, because I was dumb and managed to perma-delete every last one of my EFT backups. There won't be any progress, changes or bugfixes until AKI is synced with live again.

    • Ingame spawn frequency can now be set to values other than "As Online" without error
    • scavsFight[BEAR/USEC]Bots is working again
    • Small AI difficulty changes
      • lower difficulty AI settings should be a little bit more competant, without being too much more dangerous. Higher difficulties are untouched.
    • Added the option to alter AI field of vision
    • Added the option to disable deliberate AI headshots
      • You can still be hit in the head due to bullet scatter and recoil, but the AI won't purposefully aim at your head
    • Added options to alter AI grenade throwing distances
    • Added an option to give the AI infinite ammo
      • They still need to reload, and the player won't be able to loot any extra ammo off them (All the extra ammo is in their secure container)
    • Added an option to give the AI (Nearly) infinite self-healing
      • There's still a delay before they heal, and this also doesn't give the player any extra things to loot
    • Added an option to limit the number of tactical devices on AI gear (Finally)
      • This one might still be a little buggy
      • An option to limit optics is in the works, but at the moment there are massive problems that still need to be fixed.
    • small miscellaneous bugfixes and optimizations
  • Fin added a new version:


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