Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • ... and since you're force-quitting, it's often a 50/50 gamble whether you keep the stuff you got in said raid, so it can get tedious.

    I've had great success first stopping the server and then ALT-F4 the Tarkov client. Since the client has to send a "save" command to the server, and there's no server, you won't lose your stuff.

  • I've been experiencing the same thing as RainDreamer has, and after doing some testing I heavily suspect it's related to ProgressiveMode being enabled

    Likewise, been experiencing issues with black screen on end of raid. Mind you, I've got (probably) far too many gear/weapon mods installed which could be conflicting, but interestingly toggling Progressive Gear on/off seems to consistently replicate/resolve the issue.

    Likewise, happy to provide any info that might help narrow this down (even if the answer is - don't use too many mods)! Please let me know what you'd need.

  • Hey Fin! I'm really enjoying your mod! The bots feel much more alive! They engage, move, flank...It's really an improvement!

    I wanted to ask: the mod also increases boss & bodyguards difficulty by default, correct?

  • Likewise, been experiencing issues with black screen on end of raid. Mind you, I've got (probably) far too many gear/weapon mods installed which could be conflicting, but interestingly toggling Progressive Gear on/off seems to consistently replicate/resolve the issue.

    Likewise, happy to provide any info that might help narrow this down (even if the answer is - don't use too many mods)! Please let me know what you'd need.

    I'm still looking in to this one, but it's another that I can't seem to replicate on my end. -Out of curiosity, what combination of EFT build and AKI version are you using when you get this?

    Hey Fin! I'm really enjoying your mod! The bots feel much more alive! They engage, move, flank...It's really an improvement!

    I wanted to ask: the mod also increases boss & bodyguards difficulty by default, correct?

    Only boss followers, as they're all included in the Mid Level AI list. FAIT doesn't affect bosses by default.

  • I'm still looking in to this one, but it's another that I can't seem to replicate on my end. -Out of curiosity, what combination of EFT build and AKI version are you using when you get this?

    Personally, my EFT version's supposedly (according to live launcher) then downgraded from latest AKI ( to and playing on "FIN-AITweaksVer 1-19-4i". I didn't use your latest version because I couldn't get progressive mode to work on it, then later on read it was bugged so I stuck with 1-19.

    My mod combination is CoreMod, AntigravArmbands, FleaMarketPriceUpdater, SamSWAT-FOV, AllinOneMod, Fin-AITweaks, ThatGuyXIV-RandomLootGen.

    The issue in question never occurred with these mods until progressive mode was enabled, whether it's progressive mode on its own or it conflicting with another mod I'm unsure. However I've had gametime where it doesn't happen for a while, and then it happens every other raid so I'm still lost.

    Let me know if there's any more info I could give or test.

    Edited once, last by Lebra ().

  • I'm still looking in to this one, but it's another that I can't seem to replicate on my end. -Out of curiosity, what combination of EFT build and AKI version are you using when you get this?

    Only boss followers, as they're all included in the Mid Level AI list. FAIT doesn't affect bosses by default.

    Ah I see! So they are "stronger" than the live version, right? This might sound like a weird question, but is there a way to set the bosses bodyguards back to the live difficulty?

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.21.0 for AKI 2.2.x

    I am aware that the post-raid screen will show a strange mishmash of RAIDER, GUARD, BOSS, etc. kills. I can't fix it, it's a BSG thing, I hate it too. Assume everything that doesn't say "BEAR" or "USEC" just says "Scav". Any comments mentioning this will be ignored.

    • Compatibility changes for 2.2.x
    • Bugfixes
    • Spawn and control options for raiders
      • Raiders are not present on the default AI lists, meaning that, by default, FAIT does not change their AI. This is to let people experience them in their vanilla form, and get feedback on how / if they should be changed
      • They can be added to the AI lists if you want their AI to be changed, though they will be unaffected by Behaviour Changes
    • Probably some other changes I'm forgetting about
      • Probably quite a lot, actually. If I remember any specifics, I'll amend this list.

    Happy hunting!

  • Hi there, i wanted to customize the spawning of bots so i find this guy called "advanced spawn config.json", opened it up (np++) and simply changed the "enable_this_config" to true, just to do an initial test before i start making changes to the number of waves , timing, etc, but now when i start the server i see this:

    [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'boss_spawn_chance_neg1_is_default' of undefined

    at Function.advancedSpawns (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:3784:28)

    at Function.setupBots (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:3876:13)

    at AITweaks.main (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:5114:12)

    at AITweaks.load (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:131:8)

    at Function.executeMods (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:147:13)

    at Function.load (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:17:19)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\obj\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js:9:19)

    at Function.load (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\obj\src\utils\App.js:22:13)

    at Function.main (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\obj\src\Program.js:26:13)

    at Object.117../Lib.js (C:\Games_fast\TarkovEMU\TarkovAKI\obj\src\Program.js:30:9)

    one of the things i was trying to accomplish is to spawn absolutely every enemy at the beginning of the raid (i use the AI disabler mod to not tank my fps), so in the main config i turned both "spawnExtraWavesImmediately" and "spawn_ALL_WavesImmediately" to true, and i was still getting some (very few) late spawns a few minutes after the start, (looking at the server console on another monitor)

    Edited once, last by RedNukem ().

  • Ah, looks like I forgot to include the updated advanced spawn config in the release. -The old one didn't have any information about Lighthouse. I'll put the right advanced config in there and upload a new version shortly.

  • Hey Fin!
    To put it down more properly with screenshot and everything.
    Here's the:
    1. Backup config (which is my base config 100% saved and applied to the game) backupConfig - Copy.txt
    2. Screenshot proof as lame as it sounds for PMC weapons not being in their appropriate durability range (70-100 + Current 70-100).
    3. The mod list.

    Cheers for the amazing work as your AI mod helps the SP being much better!
    If you need anything else please feel free to ask.

    Have a nice day :)

  • Hi, there appears to be an issue with PMC Bots being friendly towards the player when playing as Scav.

    PMC Bots appear to be friendly towards the Scav Player while this mod is enabled. This seems to be the case with both behavior changes enabled and disabled.

    Once I removed the mod, PMCs became hostile again. So something about this mod breaks their hostility towards Scav Players, but not against Scav Bots as they will still fight those.

  • Hi, there appears to be an issue with PMC Bots being friendly towards the player when playing as Scav.

    PMC Bots appear to be friendly towards the Scav Player while this mod is enabled. This seems to be the case with both behavior changes enabled and disabled.

    Once I removed the mod, PMCs became hostile again. So something about this mod breaks their hostility towards Scav Players, but not against Scav Bots as they will still fight those.

    I'm aware of this one, but unfortunately don't have a solution just yet. There's a fundamental conflict between the things that need to happen in order for behaviour changes to work, and what seems necessary for PMCs to aggro player scavs, and right now I'm trying to find some way to selectively disable those parts of behaviour changes when the player runs a scav raid (Though it's more complicated than that, as simply disabling behaviour changes isn't enough to solve the issue, as the underlying things that enable behaviour changes and cause this problem are still left in place when the option is simply set to 'false').

  • Oh and I don't know if you are aware of this either, but I had a few times that some scav bots would spawn without any guns and just stand there, guess BSG never programmed the bots to use melee weapons.

    I am not sure if this is caused by the loadout changes of FAIT, but I honestly don't want to test without FAIT for a while just to see if it happens in vanilla as well, so I can't be quite sure if it's caused by it or not but I'd say it's very likely.

  • Error - no bots load

    Hundreds of these messages in the Server Window

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.21.1 for AKI 2.2.x


    • Config options for durability have been changed
      • A config option for armor durability has been added
      • Both maximum and current durability are now handled in the same entry
        • The first set of square brackets in an entry controls the maximum durability, and the second set controls the current durability
    • A config option to control the maximum number of AIs alive has been added to the spawn tab
    • Speculative fixes for the PMC -> PlayerScav aggression problem
      • If behaviour changes are disabled, or the only behaviour type available to PMCs is 'default', they will now retain their vanilla AKI bot class
    • Miscellaneous bugfixes related to ensuring no bad items are allowed into AI inventories
    • Chance values of '0' in the advanced inventory config should now be respected
  • Hey Fin!

    God I must be slowly annoying with the amount of issues I'm having.

    As of 1.21.1,
    I'm getting the error of:

    Followed by a very long list of Warnings, Example:

    Base settings nothing changed in the Config, completely re-added the mod and removed the old version.

    Cheers once more for doing gods work!

    Edited once, last by paies: (Moved some text around to me more logical and grammatically correct ) ().

  • Hi Fin, I seem to be experiencing the same as Paies I have a couple screenshots of it -



    That seems to be related to mod-added traders. There should be a fix up in a few minutes.

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