Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Fin added a new version:

  • Hey Fin Im getting this error for the updated Fait, i am using 2.2.2. Im not able to load my profile. But i have found out that if i change "Save Debug files' to 'false' and set "Disable all gear changes' to 'True'. i get a different prompt in the server, the second picture, and i can load my profile from 2.2.1

  • Hey Fin Im getting this error for the updated Fait, i am using 2.2.2. Im not able to load my profile. But i have found out that if i change "Save Debug files' to 'false' and set "Disable all gear changes' to 'True'. i get a different prompt in the server, the second picture, and i can load my profile from 2.2.1

    That's odd. -I've put out a fix that should get around that, but it might be indicative of a deeper problem.

  • That's odd. -I've put out a fix that should get around that, but it might be indicative of a deeper problem.

    Well hopefully it helps, or atleast being aware helps. Its fine for me, for now ill use someone elses gear mod, cause i really wanted the ai tweaking part. but hopefully you figure it out and i can use the whole mod :)

  • Well hopefully it helps, or atleast being aware helps. Its fine for me, for now ill use someone elses gear mod, cause i really wanted the ai tweaking part. but hopefully you figure it out and i can use the whole mod :)

    Hey Guys,

    i got the same issue as tom. what worked for me was to just go into ur config changer, and manually changing "change gear for this group" to false for pmcs raiders and scavs.

    Also I want to add that the game wont spawn any bots when u try to disable it from the general tab.

    Thanks for the gread mod fin ..!

  • I have a quick question. One of my favorite parts of the mod is that it adds armbands to distinguish usec, bear, scav etc. I am color deficient, and wonder is there a way to change their colors? Trying to make it so bear, usec, rogues, raiders have the same color, hopefully blue. Is very hard for me to see the difference from some with scav. it helps me from killing scavs as a scav lol

  • Continuing from my previous post earlier I believe the gear issue with FAIT is there's something in the Raiders inventory or an ID value causing the error trace but other people may need to test this out for themselves so we can identify if this is correct.

    If anyone has the same/similar issue please try what I did below and reply to this to see if this works or it doesn't work, I'm curious to see if it's a particular or the same item(s) causing the error traces.

    I went in to the Config Editor and set "Change gear for this group" for Scavs and PMC's to true and Raiders to False and no errors show up in the console window and the game works as normal. Raiders are still OP, possibly even more than PMC's in terms of gear which isn't too surprising since FAIT isn't changing the Raiders inventories. I'll be doing some more testing on this so I can narrow it down further and will update later.

    (Fin if you are already aware of this just know I'm only trying to help mate and you can ignore this lol)


    Edited once, last by Kippa ().

  • Hi.

    I have a "small" problem with gear that bots spawn, firstly bots started to spawn without any rigs/armor (scav + pmc) and scav started to spawn with weapons like ASH-12, Scar. Now scav, raiders and pmc spawn without weapon and rigs/armor. I have 3 additional mods that add gear (more camo gear).

    SS of my settings.

    That has most likely something to do with the additional gear mod.

    Check the newest update. Stuff has been removed from bots inventory because of the new inventory system. I guess if you are using the old version with aki 2.2.2 you should even see error messages popping up in the server console.

  • That has most likely something to do with the additional gear mod.

    Check the newest update. Stuff has been removed from bots inventory because of the new inventory system. I guess if you are using the old version with aki 2.2.2 you should even see error messages popping up in the server console.

    After deleting this mod still bots spawn without weapon and gear only with backpacks and melee weapon // Update: after backuping everything to default and setting again bots have vests and armor but still they're spawning without weapons

  • Which post are you referring to, exactly? -The last one I can see if the one where the mod wasn't working for 2.2.2, I think? If that's the case, there's been an update since then (1.21.4) that addressed the issue. The structure of AI inventory files changes significantly in 2.2.2, and it needed significant changes to work again. That said, if you're having an issue with 1.21.4a, please let me know, and drop off a debug hash so I can try to replicate the issue : )

    After deleting this mod still bots spawn without weapon and gear only with backpacks and melee weapon // Update: after backuping everything to default and setting again bots have vests and armor but still they're spawning without weapons

    I need your debug hash, please.

    I have a quick question. One of my favorite parts of the mod is that it adds armbands to distinguish usec, bear, scav etc. I am color deficient, and wonder is there a way to change their colors? Trying to make it so bear, usec, rogues, raiders have the same color, hopefully blue. Is very hard for me to see the difference from some with scav. it helps me from killing scavs as a scav lol

    It is, yes! -You have to modify mod.js, but this particular change is a little bit complicated. -You'd want to search for this line:

    static addFactionIdentifiers()

    And then below it you'll see the function that assigns armbands.

    There will be a chunk of code, in particular, that looks like this:

    let blue = {"5b3f3af486f774679e752c1f" : 1}

    let green = {"5b3f3b0186f774021a2afef7" : 1}

    let red = {"5b3f3ade86f7746b6b790d8e" : 1}

    let white = {"5b3f16c486f7747c327f55f7" : 1}

    let yellow = {"5b3f3b0e86f7746752107cda" : 1}

    let purple = {"5f9949d869e2777a0e779ba5" : 1}

    This determines which variable name is assigned to various armbands. If you scroll up, you'll see a list of all the armband IDs in the game on the left hand side, with their names on the right.

    There are two ways to proceed from here: You can either change the ID that each colour references (eg: change the blue one to let blue = {"619bde7fc9546643a67df6f4" : 1} to give all bots that would normally have a blue armband the labs armband, instead), or you can add new variables following the same format (eg: add a line like: let kiba = {"619bde3dc9546643a67df6f2" : 1}) and then scroll down and assign that new colour to whichever bots you like.

    On that note, most assignments look like this: = green. In this case, this is modifying the 'assault' bot.

    If you wanted to give them the kiba armband from the example above, you'd just change that line to this: = kiba

    However, there are also these four lines modify PMCs, accounting for the various new ways AKI can move the bot type of PMCs around, so just bear that in mind as well:

    botTypes[botNameSwaps.usec] = blue

    botTypes[botNameSwaps.bear] = red

    botTypes[BotConfig.pmc.usecType] = blue

    botTypes[BotConfig.pmc.bearType] = red

    I hope that made sense!

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  • I downloaded latest FAIT for 2.2.2 Aki and got this error.

    I dont have any debug has like in old versions btw.

    I tested this error even on fresh Fin ai without resetting my bakupconfig.

    P.S. I found a problem - after deinstalling mod Armor Configurator 1.0.1 hotfix it works fine. But can you search, why this happened?

  • New error, still no debug hash.

    Well, i think it's my mistake. Or its Fait bug - i forced Vepr12 SamSwat into weapon list, but Fait already did it by default , so i had some kind of conflict?)

    Edited once, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • Set to false "allow bot to use weapon from other mods" in scav pmc and raider.

    Should look like this:

  • Set to false "allow bot to use weapon from other mods" in scav pmc and raider.

    Should look like this:

    Sry but you are wrong) Its all ok with using mod weapons. I just deleted SamSwat id's from "force ID list" (backupped config from 1,21,3b version), because Fait now can do this without forcing, like it was in older version. I reported about strange bug earlier, when Fait 1.21.3B didnt add samswat guns into bot loadouts, but in aki 2.2.2 and new fait this problem is gone.

  • Sry but you are wrong) Its all ok with using mod weapons. I just deleted SamSwat id's from "force ID list" (backupped config from 1,21,3b version), because Fait now can do this without forcing, like it was in older version. I reported about strange bug earlier, when Fait 1.21.3B didnt add samswat guns into bot loadouts, but in aki 2.2.2 and new fait this problem is gone.


    Thx for reply, method that i did use worked for me.

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