Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Well ..... it didn't work. Still getting scavs with armor class above settings. And after setting PMC conversion to 50%, I now know I'm NOT getting PMCs.

    I'm getting raiders (or what seem like raiders, given the gear they have) instead.

    FYI - This was with all the mods listed before, so I will clean up my PMC and remove any non-vanilla items/presets...then try again.

    Can you verify that they are, in fact, raiders? -You should be able to tell by the colour of their armbands, white and yellow are raiders, while green are scavs. Red and blue are PMCs, and purple are boss followers.

  • Can you verify that they are, in fact, raiders? -You should be able to tell by the colour of their armbands, white and yellow are raiders, while green are scavs. Red and blue are PMCs, and purple are boss followers.

    Definitely yellow.

    As for me trying to do a clean vanilla raid, the game borked and gave me errors and in-game bugs.

    Object reference error ... after a bugged insurance screen and missing body parts.

  • Definitely yellow.

    As for me trying to do a clean vanilla raid, the game borked and gave me errors and in-game bugs.

    Object reference error ... after a bugged insurance screen and missing body parts.

    It looks like you still had a modded item somewhere in there. In general I'd recommend creating a new temporary testing profile instead of trying to make your current one work, but.. -I had a question for you, just to try and get a better idea where the bug you're experiencing might be lurking.

    If you set "Allow bots to use both armor rigs and vests" (In the misc tab) to true, do you still get the mismatched armor classes?

    I'm still poking around at what might be causing PMCs to cease spawning.

  • It looks like you still had a modded item somewhere in there. In general I'd recommend creating a new temporary testing profile instead of trying to make your current one work, but.. -I had a question for you, just to try and get a better idea where the bug you're experiencing might be lurking.

    If you set "Allow bots to use both armor rigs and vests" (In the misc tab) to true, do you still get the mismatched armor classes?

    I'm still poking around at what might be causing PMCs to cease spawning.

    I reinstalled the mod and reread the mouse over descriptions of settings, like the ammo pen settings. I had it backwards.

    Scavs spawn with the proper gear. What's wrong is I'm getting raiders instead of PMCs, which probably why I thought scavs were getting raider gear. I will do what you recommend and create a new profile for testing and see what happens. I shall return soon with the results.

  • It looks like you still had a modded item somewhere in there. In general I'd recommend creating a new temporary testing profile instead of trying to make your current one work, but.. -I had a question for you, just to try and get a better idea where the bug you're experiencing might be lurking.

    If you set "Allow bots to use both armor rigs and vests" (In the misc tab) to true, do you still get the mismatched armor classes?

    I'm still poking around at what might be causing PMCs to cease spawning.

    OK. Did a fresh install of AKI with only your mod and everything is fine. So there is some sort of corruption somewhere in the original profile.

    I will do more testing.

  • I tried a bunch of stuff and I just can't understand why your mod would have the error I showed before when it's the only mod loaded.

    I tried different back ups, different mod combinations, etc. Nothing "fixed it".

    Therefore, I simply deleted the save and am starting fresh. Please consider the matter closed. If you want to keep looking into why raiders would spawn instead of PMCs, please continue. I'm sure you'll find something. There is always room for improvement and I look forward to experiencing those improvement. :)

    Have a good day.

  • Well ...... it appears my above message was incorrect.

    I have a fresh profile and I just got the "assault bear pmcbot usec BACK UPS does not have an inventory entry" bug.

    Here are ALL the settings I have in your config editor.

    I tried the same settings in a brand new install of AKI on a totally different drive and I didn't get this bug, so what in the world could be causing this for the original AKI install? It's a fresh profile. Fresh as in "starting new and choosing which faction to play" fresh. Can the AKI server installation get corrupted?

  • That's incredibly weird. -On the plus side it doesn't seem harmful, as going by the file's name it's just a backup of the default files used for scavs, raiders and PMCs, but on the other hand, I have no idea what could be adding a file called "assault bear pmcbot usec BACK UPS" to the bot folder. If you open your Aki_Data\Server\database\bots folder, is there a file like that inside?

    As for the bug with Clodan's mod, that appears to be due to that mod pushing several undefined values as spawnpoints for bots. It can be bypassed (Though not fixed, as I'm reasonably sure this will prevent those waves of bots from spawning properly) by ctrl-f ing for this line in FAIT's mod.js (It appears twice in the file, and you'll need to do this for both instances):

    let zoneList = map.backupWaves[wave].SpawnPoints.split(",")

    And adding these two lines above each occurrence:

    if (!map.backupWaves[wave].SpawnPoints)


  • Here is a screen cap of the files in the Aki_Data\Server\database\bots\types folder.

    As for the other bug, I'll just write it off as an incompatibility issue and not use it. Eresh's AIO does the same thing. I just wanted to see what the differences were, such as the trader name change,. We're kind of getting close to whatever is ailing my game with regards to your mod.

  • Hey Fin !

    Love your work so far. My only concern is that for some reason if I let GearChanges enable in the config file, bots seems to have very limited inventory items ignoring all fine tuning in the settings (number of mags, number of healing items ...)

    If I disable GearChanges ("disableAllGearChanges": true,) everything revert back to vanilla AKI inventories, so I suspect something isn't working within this setting.

    I am using the latest version of you mod and if I recall correctly I didn't have this issues 3 or 4 versions ago.

  • I can't tell because you didn't copy the entire config, but if you have progressive gear enabled, then that will override basically all your other gear settings. Could that be the issue?

  • Hey !

    Sorry I couldn't post all my config file, It was exceeding character limits for the post ;(

    And no, I'm not using progressive gear.

  • Hey !

    Sorry I couldn't post all my config file, It was exceeding character limits for the post ;(

    And no, I'm not using progressive gear.

    No worries! -I'll take a closer look later today when I have the chance, and see if I can use your config file to replicate the issue on my end.

    Before I do, though, I'm just noticing that you have disableAllGearChanges set to 'true'. -Is this the setting you've been using when you've had issues, or is this just something you were doing temporarily to avoid experiencing the issue? I'm assuming it's the latter, but I just want to check to be sure, as some people have assumed that 'true' enables gear changes and 'false' disables them before. -I also assume you've checked to see if this still occurs when you're using only FAIT, and have no other mods in the folder (Just to make sure it's not a mod compatibility issue)?

  • Hi I have some questions about this mod -

    1) How do I make sure my enemies' weapons aren't massively damaged too hell? In the config I have "weaponMaxDurabilityMin_Max" & "weaponDurabilityMin_Max" both at 100,100 and weapons still have shockingly low durability, not sure what I have done wrong here.

    2) Is there anyway to edit or look at which medical provisions the AI can spawn with? For example, a Scav can spawn with a CML and Salewa and another Scav can have 2 Splints, Painkillers and a Medkit. A lot of Scav AI in my raids always spawn with the standard bandages and standard splints, no CML, Grizzly's etc. I need more of a variety instead of the same stuff over and over again.

    3) I don't quite understand the "armourLevelWeights" in the config, how would I get a Scav to only have armour class 1-3? I don't like the idea of Scavs having the same armour as Raiders or PMC's and I need lower classes of armours for tasks.

    I might have more questions later but I'll leave it for now, thank you for any responses.


  • 1) That's weird because I'm finding weapons in the durability settings I have. Do you have other mods that affect weapons? Is the "change gear for this group" setting -false-? (I've done that. Tweaked setting after setting, looking for a bug or thinking I didn't understand the setting itself, only to find out I forgot to "turn it on") :D

    2) The "Min/Max Armor Class Value" setting is pretty self explanatory. The 1st number is the minimum/lowest armor class you want them to have, while the 2nd number is the maximum/highest armor class you want them to have. Be it for scavs, raiders, or PMCs.

    3) The weight system is a bit confusing, but here is how I think it works. Using the previous setting as a guide (which armor classes you want the AI to have), choose a number between 1 - 6 (using the old name and example as a guide) to determine how each class is weighed. It's a weird term, I know. It's described as giving that class of armor X chance to be spawned on an AI. Just think of it as a form of "priority". The lower the number, the lower the priority when it comes to the game handing out gear when the AI is spawned.

    The number itself, within the algorithm, means that AI (scav/raider/PMC) has that level of chance or is "X times more likely" to be given that class of armor when compared to others. 2 = 2x likely, 3 = 3x likely, and so on. There are 6 slots, each according to the armor class from 1 - 6 in order. FYI - When numbering them, you don't have to choose which one is priority 4 and which is priority 2. If the min/max class range is 1-3, you can "weigh" class 2 above the others by giving it a higher number, such as 2, 4, 2. And using that example, having class 1 and class 3 at the same priority or weight means the AI has equal chance to spawn with either, but less than class 2.

    For my own sanity and ease of understanding how each class in the range given is able to spawn, I simply gave each class it's own number in its chance to spawn on an AI. Class 2 has 2x chance, class 4 has 4x chance, and so on. How you choose to it is up to you. You could have scavs more likely to spawn in with class 2 than class 4, if both of those classes are within the min/max range setting.

    And as the description says, you can't "weigh" an armor class that isn't within the min/max class setting above it. It's been "removed" from the spawn list.

    FIN - If I'm wrong in my explanation, I apologize. This is simply how I understand it and it seems to give me the results I want in the game.

  • Thanks for responding mate :thumbup:

    1) I don't think I have any mods that affect weapons themselves other than adding modifications like Scopes, Fore grips etc. I could of edited it wrong so I'm going to test it a bit more and see what happens. I always double check to see if certain parameters are enabled or disabled but yea sometimes I can forget to turn it on or off :D

    2) I do understand this setting like you said it is fairly self explanatory :)

    3) Okay I think I understand this setting more now, correct me if I am wrong here but from my understanding it means the AI are 1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x more likely to wear this armour compared to the default? The default is 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, and I changed my config for Scavs to 2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 2, I don't like Scavs having class 4 & higher armour and I think class 3 armour as the maximum is perfect for them and I might of copied what you said but I just want to make sure ^^


  • 1) It's always the simplest of things that screw us up. :)

    2) Awesome. I just wanted to make sure, due to how confusing some of the setting descriptions can be.

    3) Yes. The 2x, 3, 4x, etc. means the AI is more likely to spawn with that armor when compared to the default. With the example you gave as to what armor classes you want your scavs top spwn with, under the conclusion that you understand the min/max armor class setting, then your scavs have a 2x chance to spawn with class 1, 3x chance to spawn with class 2, and a 1x chance to spawn with class 3. The remainder settings are moot, given the min/max class settings you entered.

    And I agree. Class 1-3 is the preferred range for me. I would like for them to get SOME class 4 armors, as some are pretty low tier stuff and "easy to find", but that would require some special settings involving actually naming (with the relevant item ID number) what armors the scavs could/couldn't use. Such as filtering out TV-110's, as they're a bit OP for scavs, but allowing them to have 6B3TM-01M's or the 6B5-15 Uley class 4 armored rigs, but I'm a bit lazy for that. It would be cool if there was some sort of box to check for specific armors you want the AI to spawn with, but I can't imagine what the coding for something like that would be. It could be easy, but I have zero clue.

    Good luck on finding out what that weapon durability problem is. :)

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