Server Value Modifier [SVM]

  • Tried uninstalling Realism Mod and this mod. Redownload and put the downloaded ZIP files directly into the correct folder and the mod menu opens and lets me change things but upon loading the server it says its in the wrong folder it needs to be in the Bepinex under plugins folder so when I launch the game none of the values I created work.

  • Tried uninstalling Realism Mod and this mod. Redownload and put the downloaded ZIP files directly into the correct folder and the mod menu opens and lets me change things but upon loading the server it says its in the wrong folder it needs to be in the Bepinex under plugins folder so when I launch the game none of the values I created work.

    I can't really say about current state of realism, but SVM should be in mods folder only.
    Check for nested folder.
    You won't see any SVM settings via plugin menu [F12], you use 3rd app inside mod folder called GFVE for that.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • The_Katto added a new version:

  • Hy master. Where is the extended raid time options? Or change this options: Additional raid time in minutes? This value how work? I happy se the 60 or 90 minutes raid. How to setup?


    "reworked function for setting raid time - although not the best way - you can control how many time you want to add/remove for EVERY location by a single field."

    Ok. I add 30 minutes this value, and add every raid +30 minutes. Ok. Testing!

  • gotta say one of the best ui modifier. No need to crawl thru all the server files to modify stats.

    a bit of a safety check btw. When you add something to manual field like in the flea market blacklist, can you add a checker for that. something like it will make sure everything is listed as "item", "item", "item" - to make it check for quotas and commas are correctly placed or left out.

    Also - a note would be in order for the case space manager. If you add columns to your pockets, or exceed 15x25 container size, it will be over-sized for your inventory screen.

  • gotta say one of the best ui modifier. No need to crawl thru all the server files to modify stats.

    a bit of a safety check btw. When you add something to manual field like in the flea market blacklist, can you add a checker for that. something like it will make sure everything is listed as "item", "item", "item" - to make it check for quotas and commas are correctly placed or left out.

    Also - a note would be in order for the case space manager. If you add columns to your pockets, or exceed 15x25 container size, it will be over-sized for your inventory screen.

    I might need to add a function inside app to check for that indeed, sadly I can't do that on server side hence it would throw wrong syntax error BEFORE it loads my mod.
    Speaking of container size - I was asked to increase this since IIRC the `container size` is not bound to your resolution, therefore if you have bigger screen - you can see more cells at once.

    Ah, pockets, well, you can scroll those vertically, it's not intended to be abused too much horizontally...So...User discretion is advised :D

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Hi All,

    Thanks for your hard work on all the great community mods.

    I worked on a script in python to modify the trader assorts to disable cash trading. Since I really like hardcore, but wanted to use SVM and SPTrealism mods at the same time, and i could not use the other DanW's hardcore mode due to some issues with that one.

    So yeah, im not a modder but i wanted to put this somewhere online for people who might be helped by it. Unfortunately reddit doesnt want anyone posting anything related SP for some reason, so i thought maybe here is a good enough place for people to find it when they search on google.

    Maybe katto might find it useful if they wanna include that feature later on. I know their mod is mostly geared towards making the game more casual and just tweaking configs but i would love to see integration of the standard hardcore options too.

    Not trying to hijack but just share my work and suggestions.

  • Man you went such a hard way to pull this off, idk where to even start from.

    First: There is dedicated SPT reddit channel -

    Second: Katto doesn't have any development relation to SVM, he's only a publisher.

    Third: since you know Python, might as well check how mods in AKI works, you could've just create a simple 3 cycle func to just clear the trades off the server load, with no need to override the files, this way you could always revert the changes without using backup files.

    I've wrote it up real quick, sorting ain't perfect but it works.

                const DB = container.resolve("DatabaseServer").getTables();
                const traders = DB.traders;
                for (let CurTrader in traders)
                    if (CurTrader !== "ragfair" && CurTrader !== "638f541a29ffd1183d187f57" && CurTrader !== "579dc571d53a0658a154fbec") //avoid ragfair, peacekeeper and fence
                        for(let assortment in traders[CurTrader].assort.barter_scheme)
                            if( traders[CurTrader].assort.barter_scheme[assortment][0][0]._tpl == "5449016a4bdc2d6f028b456f")

    //That's for roubles, add more currency if needed

                                for(let DeletElem in traders[CurTrader].assort.items)
                                    if(traders[CurTrader].assort.items[DeletElem]._id == assortment )
                                    traders[CurTrader].assort.items.splice(DeletElem,1) //splice instead of delete is important - you can't have blank space in array or it will cause exception with ragfair generation
                                    break;//generally inefficient way of search, break makes it less painful since we know there's only 1 element possible.
                                for(let DeletLoyal in traders[CurTrader].loyal_level_items)
                                    if(traders[CurTrader].assort.loyal_level_items.DeletLoyal == assortment )
                                    delete traders[CurTrader].assort.loyal_level_items.DeletLoyal
                                delete traders[CurTrader].assort.barter_scheme[assortment] //delete is fine here though
    You can insert that straight into traders section in SVM if you ignore first 2 lines, otherwise you can check quick tutorials (or search for blank mod presets) to just insert that and it will work.
    (Might as well add this thing inside experimental, since I wrote it anyway)
    The only thing I've missed is more currency (i made a comment about it) and catcher of trades that has roubles as not a first requested item (aka if there is an item and only then roubles - it won't be caught on) because there is no barter like that

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

    Edited once, last by GhostFenixx ().

  • Hey Ghost,

    Thanks a lot for that info. You make it look easy!

    Yeah I guess did it quick and dirty by just ripping entries out of the json files. This is what noobs do when they get desperate and they don't know how stuff works.

    Thanks for integrating that into exp. builds. Very cool.



  • I've had the issue where enabling either "Remove secure container restrictions or Remove 'cant be dropped in raid' tag" (cant remember which) causes items in secure container to get insured on insurance screen before raid.

    I don't have either of those on and my keys in docs case are still popping up for insurance.

    Is there anything else I should check that could be causing this?

  • Hi thanks for the amazing work you guys did on this mod.

    A question on the bots loadout tab.

    If I wanted scavs to have loadouts like PMCs and use any gun or armour would I just copy the values from pmc tab into the scav tab?

  • Hi thanks for the amazing work you guys did on this mod.

    A question on the bots loadout tab.

    If I wanted scavs to have loadouts like PMCs and use any gun or armour would I just copy the values from pmc tab into the scav tab?

    Strictly speaking via svm - you can't achieve that.

    Speaking in general - you need to copy 'equipment' from the db of one type of AI to another, can't give you full path since I'm on phone right now, but it should be aki_data/db/bots/"type of bot"/base.json

    DB file consist of numerous fields from type of visual models and voices to equipment chances and filters of ammunition per gun, because of its complexity - it wasn't implemented in svm

    Take a look around

    But imo I'd rather use other mods that handle that.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Yes! Same issue it. Insurrance my docs case. give me up the case and the items duplicated.

  • i dont know what this means ?? Help please???

    Man, this is not even related to svm.

    Your server terminal flags special weapons mod by priscilu with an error related to traders assort, I'm not accustomed with this mod to help, contact the original author, if it worked before you installed SVM, include your preset and I'll look what caused it, otherwise - there is not much I can do.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Is it possible to auto complete tasks you have accepted? so i dont have to run around and do all of the traders tasks??
    If you just want to solve all the quests - it's easier to do with Profile Editor

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • How does "disable bsg blacklist" for flea market works? Will there be new offers on flea with items from blacklist? Will it allow me to sell items from blacklist?

    I still don't have access to flea and profile editor has not full list of items which can be added to stash

  • How does "disable bsg blacklist" for flea market works? Will there be new offers on flea with items from blacklist? Will it allow me to sell items from blacklist?

    I still don't have access to flea and profile editor has not full list of items which can be added to stash

    It will allow you to buy items of high tier equipment from generated fleamarket offers, it will NOT allow you to sell said items, neither it allow to buy certain items that not intended to be sold by design, like quest or developer items.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

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