Posts by Tyrian

    Tyrian added a new file:

    Tyrian added a new version:


    Works on 3.7.1

    Added -

    The ability to disable fire damage taken from in-game fire effects. Thankfully there's no Molotov's in the game yet!

    Tyrian added a new version:

    Tyrian added a new version:


    Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0

    Fixed -

    Optimized code to reduce and hopefully effectively remove hanging issues on loading into raid.

    Hopefully whatever was going on in my 1.1.3 release with invisible bots, not sure if it was De-Clutterer but I added some more checks to make sure it doesn't touch bots.

    [Exception] : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    SAIN.SAINComponent.Classes.Decision.SelfActionDecisionClass.get_ContinueReload () (at <ac9a8936ff104ad0847d9f875e7e8aac>:0)
    SAIN.SAINComponent.Classes.Decision.SelfActionDecisionClass.CheckContinueSelfAction (SAIN.SelfDecision& Decision) (at <ac9a8936ff104ad0847d9f875e7e8aac>:0)
    SAIN.SAINComponent.Classes.Decision.SelfActionDecisionClass.GetDecision (SAIN.SelfDecision& Decision) (at <ac9a8936ff104ad0847d9f875e7e8aac>:0)
    SAIN.SAINComponent.Classes.Decision.SAINDecisionClass.GetDecision () (at <ac9a8936ff104ad0847d9f875e7e8aac>:0)
    SAIN.SAINComponent.Classes.Decision.SAINDecisionClass.Update () (at <ac9a8936ff104ad0847d9f875e7e8aac>:0)
    SAIN.SAINComponent.SAINComponentClass.Update () (at <ac9a8936ff104ad0847d9f875e7e8aac>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    Class327:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)
    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Seems to be spamming my console every now and again too.

    Tyrian added a new version:


    Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0

    Changed -

    Changes some methods into coroutines so that they run on a separate thread from the main thread, this reduces hang time significantly.

    Tyrian added a new version:


    Works on 3.7.1 and should work on 3.7.0

    Changed -

    Changes some methods into coroutines so that they run on a separate thread from the main thread, this reduces hang time significantly.

    Tyrian added a new file:

    Tyrian added a new version:

    Tyrian added a new version:

    Getting this error in console from latest version with latest big brain and waypoints -

    Tyrian added a new version:

    Tyrian added a new version:


    Works on 3.7.0 and 3.7.1

    Added -
    You can now toggle the de-clutterer inside of a raid and it will re-enable or disable the clutter it has found. This is not performance heavy as it saves a list of all the found clutter and doesn't search for the clutter again to do this.

    Changes -

    Changed the method used to check if an object has a collider or not and whether it is even enabled, which should result in even less objects being disabled that shouldn't be.

    Tyrian added a new version:


    Fixed some issues with objects that don't appear to correctly have a calculable bounds returning a bounds of 0 and being added to the removal list, no more floating computers on invisible tables.

    Overall it's a better implementation than the previous one that should hopefully reduce the amount of floating objects and large items missing that shouldn't have been.

    Tyrian added a new version:

    Tyrian added a new file:

    Tyrian added a new file:


    Straight up this includes all my files from my setup of the EFT/SPT SDK, that means it includes files used in my currently released mods. UNSC Equipment, Marauders Equipment, etc. Game objects, blender files, animations/poses you can use to quickly overlay source game armatures over the EFT armatures.

    This is really only useful for those that know how to use the SDK and understands how to use blender, etc. I'm not providing you with support for its contents and what I've created.

    Tyrian added a new version:


    This contains the entire mod, both client and server mods.

    Installation -

    It's pretty simple, open up the .7z with 7zip and drag and drop the files straight into your SPT installation folder, dummy.

    Tyrian added a new version:


    New Features -

    Added the ability to change the distance scaling between yourself and enemies that show on the radar.

    Added the ability to change the height scaling to increase how far an enemy needs to be before it changes from a standard blip to an up or down arrow blip.