Changes in 2.1.1 from 2.1.0
## Removed
* MinCumulativeChance - replaced with 'MinRelativeChance' and fixed logic.
### Added
* FixNewItemsSpawn - when enabled, enables 'Can of thermite' to spawn in 'Ground caches', 'Ratchet wrench' to spawn in all containers where 'Radiator helix' can spawn, "TP-200 TNT brick" will spawn in 'Grenade boxes', 'Technical supply crates', 'Buried barrel caches' - all spawn changes are approximately equal to chances spawn 'Radiator helix'.
* GrinchStoleChristmas - fixed logic to spawn Roubles instead of decorations when decoration spawn chance proc.
* LootContainerSpawnLootChance - does nothing at default (50), otherwise change % chance to spawn loot in container
* TntRelativeSpawnChance - changes relative spawn chance of TNT, default 500 is equal to 'Radiator helix'. Vanilla values are between 1 and 5000, but can be set higher.
* SpawnTntInAnyContainer - enable to spawn TNT in any loot container, by default (false) spawn is only possible in 'Grenade box', 'Buried barrel cache' and 'Technical supply crate' as on Live
* ThermiteRelativeSpawnChance - changes relative spawn chance of TNT, default 500 is equal to 'Radiator helix'. Vanilla values are between 1 and 5000, but can be set higher.
* SwawnThermiteInAnyContainer - enable to spawn TNT in any loot container, by default (false) spawn is only possible in 'Ground cache' as on Live
* RatchetWrenchRelativeSpawnChance - changes relative spawn chance of TNT, default 500 is equal to 'Radiator helix'. Vanilla values are between 1 and 5000, but can be set higher.
* SwawnRatchetWrenchInAnyContainer - enable to spawn TNT in any loot container, by default (false) spawn is only possible where 'Radiator helix' can spawn
* MinRelativeChance - increase relative spawn change of all items below value to be equal to that value. Vanilla values are between 1 and 5000, but can be set higher. At 5000 or higher all items have equal spawn change.