Posts by The_Katto

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:

    The_Katto added a new version:


    This thing has a lot of bugs. I'm posting it so people stop trying to download the old gear mod and complaining that it doesn't work because it's honestly getting super annoying.

    The majority of things in this mod is going to be changed/removed so please don't bother reporting bugs. I most likely already know them or they won't matter when I remake the mod.

    Adds a lot of new gear, special thanks to MaL from TFL for allowing me to use their assets.

    Hi Katto. Is it normal, that new 9mm bullets do not fit magazines? Game says that cartridges do not fit) But in ammo.json files it must be suitable. Maybe you forgot somethings about "cartridge" function like in Ronin Vector mod where new pirate explosive ammo have this line(DatabaseServer.templates.items["MAGEX_CHILL"]._props.Cartridges[0]._props.filters[0].Filter.push("BOOM");

    New .45 acp ammo works only for Glock 21 and 17 round mag for G21 only

    yes, will be fixed in the future

    The_Katto added a new version:


    Fixed compatibility for modders, changed items.ts for future weapons.

    I found strange bug with iron sights and another optics on HCAR, when you are adding some laser or flashlights, Sense much lower that it should be. Maybe its conflict with Uniform Aiming mod, but better to report about it.
    One more strange things about HCAR) In fullauto i have some sort of wierd glitch, its like sound slower then firerate, 3-4 shots = 1 single shot) And about Contender. Every time when i am trying to shoot, nothing happens. I think this gun is broken

    "Sense much lower that it should be" - I'm not sure what that's suppose to mean. Are you talking about the ergo?

    I don't believe the audio glitch happens for me, so that's weird.

    Contender is fully broken and I intend to remove it from the mod.

    Ergonomics on the Daniel Defense stocks are completely effed. I opened up the SRC and I see that it's supposed to replicate the magpul CTR stock, however, I believe a BSG update broke this, I've provided 2 screenshots comparing the 2.

    odd, I'll look into it

    Some of the preset menus for the weapons are bugged which causes them not to show up, so the MCX isn't the only issue but I'm slowly fixing them. Here's the MCX fixed.

    The MCX doesn't have all the relevant attachment slots and the tan upper is black.

    I understand that the mod isn't completely finished and is a test build, but I thought I would let you know what is/isn't working. :)

    just fixed this today, but thanks. Also know about the MCX spear stock, just haven't had time to fix it yet but thanks - in the meantime use a different stock and it should work fine

    The_Katto added a new version:


    Fixed _props error that stopped bots from spawning

    The_Katto added a new version:


    Fixed _props error that stopped bots from spawning