1.7.1 [03.11.23 13:00 GMT] FOR AKI 3.7.0-3.7.1
That's quite the ride with fixes.
NEW PRESETS ARE RECOMMENDED, but not mandatory, you can just save-load yours and adjust new fields to your likings.
New field in Raids section - Wave multiplier - this was in plans for ages, allows you to edit AI amount multiplier in Pre-raid options
New field in Player section - Character XP per action - currently it's not much, but it allows to edit amount of XP given per PMC and SCAV, and their Headshot bonus, I plan to add at least 4 more fields to this box in the next update.
Added Streets coop extract into extractions settings - that was missed in 3.7.0
Added Oraceon's Preset into main once again, for all the info you can check here:
Fair and Balanced Preset for SVM
Added User Vampucio's submitted preset.
Resized preset name field - Come on Oraceon, couldn't you make it a little bit smaller?
Checks for Quotes and commas in GFVE - there was a check before, but it did quite the opposite as it does right now, I removed it and forgot to add an alternative, one of biggest causes of issues on the previous update
Moved Post-Raid XP multipliers from Raids section to Player section - because it's more XP related than raid really.
Ammo stacks backend were rewritten - it is more comprehensible and generally less junk, so if any Modder wants to include their ammo - I'll be happy to provide.
Daily/Weekly/Scav Elimination quests now include more fields, that is separated by a range of levels, to accomodate with that - New fields with Minimum/Maximum required kill for each quest type.
Refreshed and rewrote Event `All bosses in Customs` by user 'At0m1cDust', It will mostly follow `Bosses & Rogues Wander` spawn points.
AI to PMC Converter: Sniper scavs were defined differently. Fixed
`Cultists everywhere` were bugged due to case sensitivity. Fixed
Russian locale got one of options (`OP Armor repair`) dislocated in GFVE, ending up unable to access. Fixed
Fixed the wrong boolean value in `Disable random placement of containers` in loot section
Fixed visual field related to USEC/BEAR ratio
Fixed and added compare checks for Airdrops and Quests values
Added missing Russian translation of changelog
Updated Quests fields to be on par with default AKI, that was partially missed in 1.7.0
Lack of notes in my Preset - I swear they were there.
1.7.0 was quite lively update, thanks for everyone reporting issues, hopefully this one will be less messy.