Posts by Kippa

    Thats true, i dont deny that. Thats why i linked the Microsoft page. There might also be more than one solution for the allocate virtual memory error and i think, since its a Windows related issue, the MS page is the place to go.

    Nvm, it didnt work. Just tried to be helpful.

    I can see that you are trying to be helpful (which is greatly appreciated) and I'm sure Mormegil is thankful for your help, but just be more careful in the future of sharing information that could potentially cause more problems for people and I say this in the nicest way of course.

    Heck, I've been helping people since 2021 on this site with SPT and I still get some things wrong but I do my own research and ask questions as I'm sure you do as well.

    Sometimes issues like this can happen at anytime so it's hard to tell exactly but what we can do is try and pinpoint as to why these things happen and the usual case is either mod-related, a bad installation and/or messing with files which leads to issues down the road (so to speak).

    So it sounds like you have followed the steps for installing SPT using the Automatic Installer, you double-checked that your mods are up-to-date/compatible with the SPT version you are using and removed any problematic mods but are still having the same problem. Are you sure you haven't changed anything in the files? Even for any of the mods you have installed? Sometimes when you adjust things it can cause issues but I'm just asking for clarification.

    Please could you upload your logs here in the comments for me and I'll take another look at them.

    I think it says roughly that too on the MS page. You can always put it back to managed by system, so in the end, the risk should be minor.

    Its also a common problem in games which needs a huge amount of RAM, like I found this solution in a Cities Skylines forum, where they got literally the same error message, after loading like 15 mods and thousands of assets.

    That's true you could put it back to managed by system but you don't know what effect it could have on other people's systems. It might work for you but for others it could cause significant problems. On my old computer I changed my paging file size not knowing properly what to do and it totally fk'd everything up for me so it's a bit of a 50/50 whether or not it'll work.

    The allocating virtual memory is an issue with the page file.

    I will provide a link to the Microsoft walkthrough to get it fixed. Maybe you can inform us, if it worked?


    I personally wouldn't recommend doing this unless you know what you are doing. Extending the page file for your system can potentially cause issues with Windows and your programs on your computer, mainly with files and logs.

    Even BSG acknowledged that changing the paging file size can induce issues later on not just for Tarkov, but for Windows and other programs. Do as you wish but be careful of the effects it can have on your system.

    1XERO1 hi, I think I have 2 possibilities for your issues;

    1) I have a seeking suspicion that you are receiving this error due to installing SPT incorrectly and/or not using the correct downgrade patcher when installing SPT.

    2) I see that you have quite a few mods installed, some of them I recognise could be a potential factor for the hash errors as they may be outdated and/or uncooperative with other mods due to being outdated (or for not being compatible with SPT-AKI 3.7.6):

    Screenshotted from your Server.log file -

    I would advise removing all armour, clothing and backpack mods AFTER discarding or selling all active armour, clothing and backpacks on your PMC and in your stash. If you use the default clothing and backpacks then that is okay.

    I would also advise you to double check that your other mods are updated and compatible for 3.7.6 and then report back when you can please. More information might be needed to help fix the issues you have with the game.

    Mormegil - hi bud, I've had a brief look at your logs some of it I can't understand as I don't understand what I assume is Russian? So I apologise for that. From what I can tell it has something to do with bot spawning, maybe it's trying to spawn too many at once and it's tanking/taking all of your available memory would be my guess.

    I would advise removing any mods that spawns bots and/or double checking that your mods are compatible with your current version of SPT which would be 3.7.6. I had similar issues a couple of weeks ago with memory and bot spawns and removing outdated or incompatible mods seemed to of fixed my problems.

    If you need anymore help just reply with more details and screenshots of error messages in the console or logs, I will try and help you.

    my problem ended up being an issue with one of my ram cards I have no clue if the game caused it or if it was just an old and bad ram card, but I've only had it for 3 years.

    sometimes RAM cards can become unstable or come loose from light-heavy usage. It happened to me before Christmas I thought my stuff was breaking lol and I've only had my new computer since 2021. Hopefully your game works better since figuring out it was an external issue.

    Okay that's good, so we don't need to worry about anything in those folders.

    You don't need to transfer or copy over the "EscapeFromTarkov_BE.exe" file, usually what happens when you initially setup SPT and then use the downgrade patcher it will remove it anyway so you don't need to worry about that.

    There are two things I would recommend you and everyone else need to make sure you are "subscribed" too which are SPT-AKI versions and AKI Patcher. Just keep checking back periodically for any "silent" updates or if something changes and if you are not sure how to check your client version do the following; go to where your SPT is located > right-click "EscapeFromTarkov.exe" > go to Properties > Details and it will show your File version in the description (screenshot below).

    I believe the "consistency ensurance failed" error is mod related, I was helping somebody with this issue yesterday or a couple days ago. To check if the versions match or are incompatible you'd have to check on the mod page.

    I've had a look through your posted log files and I can't seem to find anything out of the ordinary other than this below from your client logs. I can't say for sure what this means unfortunately as I have never seen it before. It says "Consistency ensurance (insurance?) failed" which I assume means something to do with insurance failed but I could be wrong.

    Question 1: have you checked your BepInEx folder for any other mods that you haven't listed when making the thread?

    Question 2: have you made any changes to any config files prior to installing mods? For example, aki_data>server>configs or aki_data>server>database...

    Question 3: maybe your profile is missing certain mods you had previously installed before redownloading?

    I do have other questions but just for times sake I will ask them later.

    It sounds like you guys are having the same issue I had a while back with LootingBots and QuestingBots but yeah remove LootingBots the next time you are able to and go from there. I am 90% certain this could be the mischievous mod lol.

    To answer your question; if you delete a mod that has no other dependencies for it (like for example, a mod requiring another mod for it to work or to add more content for the game) then there should be no issues. On the other hand however, if you have any active armour or weapon mods and you suddenly remove it whilst wearing/using those mods that could potentially cause issues so remove any armour and/or weapons from your inventory and stash prior to uninstalling as to not break your game. Just some friendly advice, always double-check the mods you use just in case things change or get updated and read the mod page information properly. I see it time and time again from other users who don't take the time to read things properly when things go a bit awry, it will save you a heep of time and less headaches. Hope this helps!

    I've just had a quick scan over your logs and I believe your crashing and freezing is to do with LootingBots, SPT Realism Mod and Late to the Party mods. I would like you to try this method and let me know if it works or not:

    Remove LootingBots, SPT Realism Mod or Late to the Party from your mod list one at a time, restart your game and play a raid. Also double check your BepInEx folder for any unwanted/misplaced .dll files as this can cause issues too.