Posts by Kippa

    I forgot to mention, when you do the installation process correctly right-click the Escapefromtarkov.exe, go to Properties and then to Details and it should show your file version like below.

    RedDragon204 hi man, I would like you to do the installation process again but make sure you use the correct downgrade patcher for 3.7.6.

    IIRC the reason for the patcher opening and closing/disappearing is due to using the wrong downgrade patcher but because I install my game manually I can't give a definitive answer for this. I can see your game version is 0.14 so I can only assume you are not using the correct patcher or not doing the installation correctly. Feel free to tell me if I am wrong but I will try and help in anyway that I can.

    snBoBaH hi, I can see your problem right off the bat, you are using SPT 3.8.0 (Bleeding Edge) with mods installed. No assistance can be provided because it is an unsupported and unreleased official version. If you had read the FAQ's, checked the discord group and remembered the information you would of known that no support can be given so please make sure in the future that you read all of the important details.

    If 3.8.0 was officially released we could provide assistance but unfortunately at this time that can't happen because you are using a Bleeding Edge version that is unsupported.

    Also I think torrenting the game is illegal and most likely will get you banned, but I could be wrong.

    timpar3 hi bud, so I've just had a look at your logs and I can see some errors and things that are incompatible with your client version. From what I can see these are:

    • LittleMaid trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • NamelessMaid trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • Svetlana trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • Alex-Gunsmith trader - this is incompatible with your current version of AKI, just needs updating to latest.

    I have a screenshot of these mods for better context - Here

    You may need to reinstall these mods and remove all relative items from each trader and then removing the mods from your modlist. In the meantime I will continue to check your other logs, please update when you can. Thanks!

    I have a couple (or a few) questions for you:

    1) did you make sure you are using the correct downgrade patcher for the right SPT version? For example SPT version 3.7.6 requires EFT (released 10th October 2023).

    2) did the downgrade patcher fail at any point during installation or show files unable to patch?

    I see you are using an unknown version for the installer = SPT Installer unknown version , I can only assume that is the version for 3.8.0 which hasn't been fully released as far as I know so this may be the reason it is failing to patch?

    C0R3D As others have stated and it is shown in the FAQ's, Arena will not be coming to SPT. If you had read the FAQ's in the first place you would've known this was the answer, that is why there is FAQ's to answer users questions.

    Also please keep in mind that general support is for support with the game, not for answering easily answerable questions. It takes 2 seconds and a couple of clicks to find the information you wanted. I've had 3 people DM me in the last 3-4 days asking the same things about Arena and COOP, why they are coming to me in the first place is beyond me but I always tell them the same.

    Marking thread as solved.

    Keep in mind Marisa that this mod has not been updated since August 2022 and is well outdated which is why you are getting the errors like that.

    Okay thanks for doing that, so your fresh logs confirm to me that you do have mods that are incompatible with the latest version of AKI. You need to go back to each individual mod page and download and install the correct versions or you will continue to have issues.

    In your console (or better known as your aki.server.exe) at the beginning when it's loading everything there will either be yellow or red text showing if any mods are incompatible or won't be loaded due to an issue somewhere. Going forward please always keep an eye on your console for any error messages.

    Sorry I forgot to add:

    I see you are using Priscilu, ServerValueModifier (SVM) and Virtual's Custom Quest Loader (VCQL), IgorTrader and MaidTraders mods and I see errors from these in the logs you have provided. Please double check that these mods are updated and don't conflict with each other, you can find this information on their respective mod pages. If for what ever reason you don't find it, I'd remove them from your mod list for the time being and anything in your stash or on your PMC from those traders and see if your game works properly.

    Please update as soon as you can, thanks.

    Hello volkmanS,

    Okay so I've had a little look at your files and I believe the TypeError message you see is happening because of the Game Panel HUD mod you have installed.

    I would like you to try doing one or either of these methods:

    1) Remove all contents of Game Panel HUD mod from your installation eg. BepInEx/plugins & BepInEx>config and then restart your game.

    2) Remove all contents of Game Panel HUD mod and reinstall the mod from scratch making sure you have the correct version selected and it goes in the correct locations, then restart your game.

    Please report back after doing this, thank you.

    Thats true, i dont deny that. Thats why i linked the Microsoft page. There might also be more than one solution for the allocate virtual memory error and i think, since its a Windows related issue, the MS page is the place to go.

    Nvm, it didnt work. Just tried to be helpful.

    I can see that you are trying to be helpful (which is greatly appreciated) and I'm sure Mormegil is thankful for your help, but just be more careful in the future of sharing information that could potentially cause more problems for people and I say this in the nicest way of course.

    Heck, I've been helping people since 2021 on this site with SPT and I still get some things wrong but I do my own research and ask questions as I'm sure you do as well.