MOAR - Ultra lite spawn mod 2.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.X
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Ultra lite bot spawning alternative to SWAG/Donuts that works great on servers. Highly recommended to be used with SAIN/QB/LB for an immersive live-like experience. Highly configurable. Built for use with FIKA.

  • Version 2.0.1

    Minor update

    • Adds pmc/scav difficulty setting (0 - 1.5, defaults 0.3/0.5)
      These affect the bots spawned difficulty: easy,medium,hard,impossible.
      Similar to SWAGs setting of the same name.
    • Adjusted waves for all maps, waves should be a lot more consistent in general.
      Factory should be less of a gong-show.
    • Fixed spawning issue where pmcs would spawn on rooftops in streets of tarkov.

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 2.0.0

    The "Moar is less" update:

    • Dramatically simplified all code and configs.
    • Removed all code not related to spawning/waves
    • Built/tested for use with FIKA
    • Maintained all the boss/invasion config options.

    That's all for now!

    8) :thumbup:

  • Version 1.5.0

    Major Release

    • Added POOP-like bot difficulty!
      PMCS difficulty is now dependent on their level, fear the Chads... laugh at the Timmy's!
      Scavs difficulty progresses as the raid does, just like in live!
    • Rewrote config files, split them into spawning/difficulty settings
    • Added an example folder for ease of copying!

    Let me know what you think!
    And have fun!

    Big thanks to Props!!! for their contributions to the original POOP!

  • Version 1.4.1

    Silly dependency fix

  • Version 1.3.0

    Fixed config

  • Version 1.2.9

    Small Fix:

    • First wave of scavs spawn immediately on raid start
    • PMCs first waves will also spawn a little sooner

    This was done to address the initial lull in action at the beginning of games.

    Have fun! :):thumbup:

  • Version 1.2.8

    Major Fix

    - Fixes PMCs not spawning on maps other than Factory.

  • Version 1.2.7

    Bumped version for AKI 3.6.1

    - A few small fixes


    This version is broken!!!

    Use 1.2.8 above!

  • Version 1.2.6

    Bug fixes:

    • Fixed issue with custom map settings for customs and factory not working
    • Fixed issue with scavs/pmcs spawning where snipers normally would.
  • Version 1.2.5

    Major Experimental Update (Need feedback on pmc/scav balance)

    • Changed how zones are attributed to different bot types (scavs/pmcs).
    • Usec/Bear will now spawn in separate zones, as not to kill each other as often before the player can interact with them.
    • Scavs will not initially spawn in the same zones as PMC's in general
    • Scavs will no longer have a chance of spawning in boss specific spawn zones (IE rogues).
    • Due to changes, groups (small chance) of both PMC's/Scavs spawn more often.
    • Config updated to reflect "Online" amounts of pmcs/scavs, BE CAREFUL WITH OLD VALUES FOR defaultScavWaveMultiplier and defaultPmcWaveMultiplier
    • Lowered variance in quantities of bots due to random math, quantities should feel much more consistent once set.

    Config Change

    • bossOpenZoneBossChanceBuff Renamed: mainBossChanceBuff

      This can now be set whether bossOpenZones is enabled or not.
    • botWaveChanges Renamed: enableMod

      This now enables/disables the entire mod.
    • defaultScavWaveMultiplier and defaultPmcWaveMultiplier have had their values tweaked, try setting them to 1 (or using the new config) to get a feel before changing them.

    Bug fixes:

    • Major bug fix that was preventing spawning pmcs on Streets of tarkov now resolved.
  • Version 2.0.1

    Minor update

    • Adds pmc/scav difficulty setting (0 - 1.5, defaults 0.3/0.5)
      These affect the bots spawned difficulty: easy,medium,hard,impossible.
      Similar to SWAGs setting of the same name.
    • Adjusted waves for all maps, waves should be a lot more consistent in general.
      Factory should be less of a gong-show.
    • Fixed spawning issue where pmcs would spawn on rooftops in streets of tarkov.

    8) :thumbup:

    Heart 1
    • Are the default settings equal to vanilla difficulty spawn chances? I dont know how swag works.

      How will this mod interact with the in-game difficulty setting?

  • Thanks for bringing this back!

    However, I'm really struggling to get it to work as good as it used to. Using Streets as an example, I have the scav multi up to 3.0, I have even increased the wave count and have the starting ratios at .7 to .8. The raids are dead, scav snipers are there but there's just barely anything going on. A few shots in the distance but there's no scavs in common areas, lucky to see a single PMC. Here's my Streets settings,

    "tarkovstreets": {

    "EscapeTimeLimit": 50,

    "scavWaveMultiplier": 3.0,

    "scavWaveStartRatio": 0.7,

    "pmcWaveStartRatio": 0.8,

    "pmcWaveMultiplier": 1.8,

    "maxBotCap": 32,

    "maxBotPerZone": 8,

    Scav waves is set to 28.

    Previously when using your mod it was non stop action, I just can't replicate that at all.
    I'm thinking perhaps I'm not understanding the new options you added (see below). Either that or Questing bots is interfering somehow (bot spawns for QB is OFF)?

    "noZoneDelay":true, -should mean there's no delay opening zones to spawns correct?

    "reducedZoneDelay": true, -as it says, on true, should reduce the incremental spawning?

    "allOpenZones": false, -with this on false, should it "narrow" the spawning to hot zones and common areas?

    Sorry man, loaded questions but I really want this to work like it used to :(

  • Thanks for the mod, my man! Question though: is there a way to reduce the spawn delay? Sometimes, it's like 4-5 minutes of waiting and sometimes it's almost instant?


  • First, thanks for the mod. it's more performant than others, and suited me well.
    I've found some bugs, and some fixes (that i made on my game) for those bugs.
    The first is shoreline low scav count, which i believe is caused by the waveconfig setting that came with the mod, as it's set at "2". I believe it meant to be set at a higher value (like 18), so that fixed shoreline spawns for me.
    The second is the ground zero bug. If the map is played on sandbox_high, no pmc nor scavs spawn, if it's played on sandbox, the game runs normally. For that, i modified the "requiredplayerlevelmax" and "requiredplayerlevelmin" spt_data/server/database/locations/sandbox_high/base, and in spt_data/server/database/locations/sandbox/base. Set the sandbox high to be 0/0 and sandbox to be 0/100 (max and mininum levels, effectively disabling sandbox high, but it makes 0 difference on spt).
    Streets is bugged, but i don't care since i use fthatmap (and my pc doesn't run well, so for me is fine). I don't know a possible fix, but i'm prototyping a fix using swag only for streets spawns.
    For the mod author, thank you for making the mod. Sorry for the wall of text.

    Heart 1
    • Thank you for your trick regarding Ground Zero Oukforplay, it means work but not at all, it means that for me just SCAV spawn and in low number.

      I set 0/0 on sanbox_high and 100/0 on sandbox.
      I think we don't resolve the issue at 100% most of the quest like: "A shooter born in heaven", needs PMC in this case.

      Do you have found another fix or we can expect that new relase will be published soon?


  • So far, so good. Thanks a lot for this.

  • I'm at 3.9.4. With a MOAR version 2.0.1:

    I've noticed problems at night raids. Some or all (?) config settings doesn't apply for night raids. Bots go over hard cap ( my hard cap is 18 instead of 25 ).

    Interchange doesn't spawn bots at all at night ( tested 2 raids ) after starter bots are killed.

    EDIT: Factory night as well, I was alone ( 0 bots ) after gun fights was over.

    Day raids seems to be working without problems,. Haven't tested all maps yet.

    EDIT: Day raids on Streets, Woods maps, several bots were over the cap ( 21 instead of 18 ). Maybe Scav sniper triggers over the cap spawns and BTR (?)

    Streets of Tarkov have a sScav problem as other comment stated as well to the same issue. They spawn on roofs ( sniper nests and other random buildings )

    I've used Bot monitor to see numbers in maps.

    No ( red / orange ) errors in game's console or server.

    • Waves do not equal bot cap, bosses do not count towards bot cap.

  • Need a help to make waves much longer. I'm using extended raid time mod so i would like to do a very long waves. Can anybody help me with that, please?

    • This mod should already do that

      From the description:


      The above wave behaviour is dynamic, thus true for extended raid times (which is configurable under the map settings).

      Though you'd likely want to crank up the waves in such a case.

  • Hi, awesome mod. Could anyone please explain a little better what is "allOpenZones" does. I'm not sure what exactly it does and how it affects the raid.

  • Every raid in Ground Zero seems to have no bots spawning.

  • Is this compatible with GrooveypenguinX's Rogue Justice mod?

  • Great mod. thanks for the work.

    ground zero dont spawn bots, PMC and Scavs for lv 20+. some time spawn 3 pmcs nothing more.

    • Im experiencing the same thing.

    • Same for me, GZ (High) and SoT seem to have unstable spawn. Other than that, it's perfect.

    • I found a temporary solution which is make sandbox_high OFF :

      go to X:\Client.\SPT_Data\Server\database\locations

      there is 2 folder sandbox_high and sandbox, inside there open base,json

      find this 2 line

      "RequiredPlayerLevelMax": 0,

      "RequiredPlayerLevelMin": 0, “Dont Copy and Paste”

      change sandbox_high Min and Max to 0, change sandbox to min 0 and max 100.

      that will make go in raid sandbox, not sandbox_high.

      i think this is a SPT bug not this mod.

      and i dont know if you guys notice for sandbox_high the loot is F up, all the container show up.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • done exactly as you said.

      I didn't test ground zero.

      In street of tarkov, pmc spawn works but definitely spawn less then other map.

      scav spawn seems broken.

      normal scavs keep spawning in sniper spawn spot only(kilimov, roof across from tarbank, cinema etc) and there is no sniper scav spawn.

      I guess I have to disable this mod until new update.

      cannot finish sniper scav kill quest like kings of the rooftop ;(

  • What is the base Boss spawn frequency? I know it can be adjusted in MOAR but where is the default boss spawn rate? Can I change it in SVM?



  • if you use SAIN , dose MOAR need to be loaded before SAIN or after ?

  • Hey there love the mod, was wondering if there was a config for weighing the PMC faction spawns. Would love to be able to have less USEC spawns and more bears. Thanks again for all that you do this mod is sick! 8)

  • Hello!
    For map specific settings, I need to just replace contents of advancedMapSettings with contents of map_settings_reference and adjust it, correct?
    I also have a couple of questions:
    In Streets settings, bosses are listed as killa and gluhar for some reason? Do I need to replace it with BossKolontay and BossKaban for it to work correctly?
    And is it possible to somehow remove spawn delay in the beginning of raids? It's not noticeable on most maps, but on factory you can easily get to the extraction before anyone spawns.
    Thanks in advance. Aside from those specific issues/questions, the mod works great.

    • The spawn delay is intended to prevent stuttering.

    • And yeah that config is out of date.

      I think it's bossBoar and bossBoarSniper

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Got it. Thank you!

  • i like this mod! it is best spawn mod to me but in street of tarkov too many SCAV spawning on rooftop 3~4 SCAV always on rooftop

    • same here

    • hmm, streets is weird, I'll look at this.

    • I'm having a similar issue, on Streets and sometimes Ground Zero. Not only are a bunch of scavs spawning on sniper-scav rooftops, but PMC's are all spawning up there as well and the lobby ends up relatively empty because of it. Other maps seem unaffected.

  • Hello! I'm really enjoying using your mod. I’ve noticed in the latest patch that PMC spawns well in Street of Tarkov, but it seems that Scavs are only spawning on the rooftops. Is there any way to fix this issue? I’m really appreciating the mod and hope I’m not being too much of a bother. Wishing you all the best!

    I don't speak English so I used a translator.

    • Thanks.
      I'll look into it.
      I'm seeing a lot of others say the same.

  • How do I set it up to make it similar to live-like in swag?

  • Look, this mod may be very simple but it has something that made me fall in love with it, much better than others I've tried, thank you very much.

    Heart 1
  • hi there loving your mod as its significantly more performative on my fika server than other bot mods, I was curious if i wanted to make bosses harder, would I set scavs to 1.5?

    edit* I also have a follow up question. If i were to double my Raid lengths to compensate would I also have to double the spawn waves? I was having some fairly dead stretches in my raids assumed it was because i had doubled the raid length. so as a test I set raid length to normal and bot spawns were perfect.

    thank you so much and have a great day!

    • To make bosses harder, alter/use SAIN/configure there.

      Bosses in SPT all have the same easy/med/hard/impossible presets so there is no variance there, thus I haven't populated a config for that.

      would I also have to double the spawn waves?

      Yes. you can simply set the wave multiplier from 1 > 2 for both pmcs and scavs.

    • thank you so much! worked perfectly

  • Best spawn mod period. SWAG is too unstable and broken, and tanks performance. Betterspawns Plus is a good vanilla alternative. This one is a good balance of the two.

    Heart 1
  • Is there a way to make this live-like with PMC spawns only at the start?

    • In live, 10 pmcs spawn at the same time, this causes performance issues.
      This mod is meant to maintain good performance without stutters.

      The best you can do would be to set:   "defaultPmcStartWaveRatio": 0.8 > 1
      That would make all PMCs spawn in the first half of the raid and most at the start.

      With most duos/trios/quads spawning first.

  • Hi, I have installed your mod and am using it well. I have a question.

    I am wondering if it is possible to adjust the maximum spawn of PMCs.

    using the default value, but there are too many PMCs, so I want to adjust it to 2-4 per map.

    English is not my native language, so I used a translator. Thank you.

    • change the defaultPmcWaveMultiplier to 0.5 in the config.json

  • This is exactly the spawn mod I was looking for. Thanks for this!

    Question. do I need to change anything in the server configuration on the QB side to use this mod?

    QB also has its own spawning functionality and I was wondering if using the defaults would cause problems with conflicts with this mod.

    Also, fika has the function to limit the number of spawns on the plugin setting, is there a recommended setting for this as well?

    • QB and MOAR are compatible, that means QB wont use its spawning system because of the compatibility detection.

    • I haven't touched anything in Fika and it's working fine. You could try increasing it if you don't see enough action.

    • Wazuba, I understand of course that this mod and QB are compatible.

      What I wanted to know is that in QB, the QB spawn system is turned on by default.

      When used with S+D, QB has the function to automatically turn off its own spawn system when it detects S+D, but I don't think it has the function to detect MOAR.

      I think most people would just use it as it is without any changes, but I did not see any notes about QB on the MOAR page, so I wondered if MOAR has a function to automatically turn off the QB spawn system, or if it is just a matter of using it with both spawn systems on (the default).

      I was also concerned because my English skills were not good enough to understand how to manually turn off the QB spawn system, even after reading the QB Github.

    • DewardianDev, thank you for your reply.

      All I want to do is to make sure that the bot limit set by fika is not exceeded as shown in the reference image.

      I will check the config and test it myself for now. Thanks.

    • QB detects MOAR and does appropriate things.
      No need to change anything.
      I would suggest using QBs AI limit function though.

  • Hello, thank you so much for the good mod. Just a little bit of a problem, but on the Street of Tarkov map, both pmc and scavs are only spawning on the roof. Both the default settings, and the settings that you can spawn anywhere, are the same!

    • Fixed in latest.

    • Thank you so much for the update! After the update, pmc spawn normally. But scav still spawn on the rooftop. Sorry to keep bothering you TㅅT

  • Is there a way to space out the waves? Default is too chaotic, especially on Factory. Not really Tarkov, more like CoD

    • May need to turn down the spawns for factory in the waveConfig.

      I haven't looked at the values there for a while.

    • Adjusted balance on all waves, should be fixed.
      I don't play factory much so didn't test until you mentioned this.

  • What does "Built/tested for use with FIKA" mean? Will there be any difference or problems if I use it on ordinary SPT? I am confused about this.

    • No, it will work fine with SPT.
      I just made sure this works well with FIKA as well.

  • Hi, it seems some of the pmc have spawned on building roofs while playing on streets. I've noticied 2 groups of pmc who spawned on top of the lexos roof (where usually scav spawn there) and kilmov mall. PMC seems to be able to spawn anywhere sniper scav can (havnt changed any config files, playing with the default values)

    • OH!..
      That's likely a bug, I'll look into it!

      Thanks for reporting.

    • Fixed.

      Heart 1
    • You were pretty fast on this.

      Are you planning to add boss chance spawn rate in the mod ?

  • Apologies if this is too unrelated to this mod, but I was very curious about the Algorithmic Quest Randomizer but the link is either broken or the mod isn't up. I was just mainly curious about the mod and hoping the get a sentence or two about it if it's not ready yet. And thank you for the ALP update, I'm sure you know the love people have for that coming out lol.

    Thumbs Up 1
    • Oh sorry, I added the wrong link in the overview.

      I deprecated quest item randomizer a while ago.
      I doubt I'll bring it back as it wasn't very popular.

      I updated my mod list with QDT, which is my other mod Quest Difficulty tweaker.

    • Thank you very much! I'll just check QDT out then.

      Thumbs Up 1

    Better Spawns Plus ??

    • Two options!


      1. Delete Better spawns plus
      2. Install this.


      Do nothing.


      Happy 1
    • Code
      Thumbs Up 1

    • tried and I'll stick with it. lots of fun thanks to this mod. good job thank you

      Heart 1