Featured SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement 3.2.1

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Bots that don't suck.

REQUIRES latest BigBrain by DrakiaXYZ
REQUIRES latest Waypoints by DrakiaXYZ

Report issues or bugs to here: SAIN Github Issue Tracker

Any issues must include a full list of your server and client mods, the version of SPT you are playing on, and either your Bepinex/LogOutput file or an exact description of the issue you are experiencing and the context of when it occurred. Just telling me "its broken" is not helpful what so ever.


HUGE Thanks to everyone in the Discord who helped test the Alpha builds of 2.0. Ya'll are the only reason this mod works as well as it does!

  • Version 3.2.1

    SPT 3.10.X ONLY

    VirusTotal Results

    There is still 1 false positive and "Antiy-AVL" thinks SAIN is "pornware".


    Reworked Bot Suppression.

    1. Added New Tier System for how much bots are suppressed. Old: Suppressed / Heavy Suppressed. New: Light, Medium, Heavy, Extreme
    2. Bots get Light Suppression from almost any bullet flying by them.
    3. Increased the effect that suppression has on bot stats.
    4. Add Suppression Amp to boost suppression received when bullets are very close to a bot's head.
    5. Suppression now depends on the caliber of bullet being fired at the bot. Big Boolet = much more scary.
    6. Added extensive config options for suppression (Global Settings => Mind) Most are marked as Advanced Settings. All new settings have full tooltips to explain the system.
    7. Added Suppression Resistance for Personality and BotType configs. It is not yet pre-configured, so no bots will have resistance by default.
    8. Configuring each tier of suppression is possible by editing the GlobalSettings.json in a custom preset. No GUI for it yet.
    9. Added Hearing Distance Multiplier to Suppression Effects

    Added Extensive New Config Options

    1. Everything is configurable for bot hearing.
    2. Added Toggle in GlobalSettings => Shoot to force bots to only use semi auto if desired. (Defaults to off)
    3. Added toggles for each bot type and global toggles for different movement options for bots. So you can disable lean, vault, jump, pose adjustment, and prone globally or for specific bot types.
    4. Added Power Level Options to Global Settings, these control how different things about a bot affect their power level score, and in return what personality they are allowed to use.
    5. Added Time and Weather config options for vision and hearing.
    6. Added several new advanced config options for bot steering.
    7. Added config option to change what personality bosses are assigned. (Found in GlobalSettings.json in a custom preset, no GUI yet)

    GUI Reworks

    1. Settings menu is now more condensed to allow more options.
    2. Slight adjustments to the dimensions of everything to improve readability and consistency.
    3. Added Toggle on the top bar to enable/disable advanced settings.
    4. Added a ton of new descriptions and proper names for config values. Almost all global settings have explanations now.

    General Improvements

    1. Added .json file to match nicknames with specific personalities. (Generated on game launch when sain is installed)
    2. Enable Extract Global now swaps between SAIN extract and Vanilla extract systems. Defaults to Vanilla.
    3. Bots now have more difficulty hearing suppressed gunfire.
    4. Bots now sprint when possible when under fire by someone shooting from long range. (Can be toggled in Global Settings => Mind.


    1. Fixed some vanilla combat layers still being active for PMC AI.
    2. Fixed guns not firing if returning from a raid and entering the shooting range.
    3. Fixed Bot hearing not being affected by stun/flash grenades.
    4. Disabled several loggers from activating unless SAIN Debug Mode is enabled.
    5. Fixed SAIN Server mod showing incorrect version.
  • Version 3.2.0

    SPT 3.10+ ONLY

    Full credit to @Lacyway for getting SAIN working with SPT 310!
    Note: Apparently Virus total thinks SAIN is "Pornware". So consider this the official porn update!


    • Added new config options for customizing bot sound position estimation, or how accurate they are at locating the source of heard sounds. Found in Global Settings => Hearing
    • Added new styling and design for some GUI visuals.
    • Added categories to settings folders to improve organization (wip)
    • Added toggle at the top of the SAIN GUI to enable/disable advanced settings.


    • Updated for SPT 310.
    • Zombies are now ignored by SAIN, and should be working properly.
    • SAIN hit reactions are now off by default until Solar / new developer can take a look at them (they are known to cause issues)
    • Fixes to improve Fika/SAIN compatibility.
    • Add sandbox_high to locations (Fixes: #9) by @ArchangelWTF in #10
    • Added new ammo calibers
    • Added new missing guards for Kaban
    • Added Partisan to bot types
    • Merged PR from DanW fixing nullref (other one was skipped as it was causing side effects

    Known Issues:

    • In some openable menus in the GUI, you cannot directly type a number into the box, and you have to use the slider.
  • Version 3.1.0

    SPT 3.9 ONLY


  • Version 3.0.6

    SPT 3.9 ONLY


    SAIN 3.0.6
    SAIN 3.0.6 Changelog Grenades Reworked how grenade spread works for bots, they are much more likely to misjudge the distance to throw, and their grenades are…

    VirusTotal result:


  • Version 3.0.5

    SPT 3.9.0-3.9.2 ONLY

    Changelog: https://docs.google.com/docume…TLwYCerg-Ppojql8iENM/edit

    Just a few bugfixes and difficulty preset changes mostly.

  • Version 3.0.4

    SPT 3.9.0 - 3.9.2 ONLY

    Changelog HERE
    Virustotal Result HERE

  • Version 3.0.3

    Changelog: https://docs.google.com/docume…QWJOGu7otE2VV0FJcbc4/edit

    SPT 3.8.3 build HERE
    This will ACTUALLY be the last spt 3.8.3 release.
    spt 3.8.3 build only includes bot fixes.

    Fixed version being linked here going to the spt 3.8.3 version.

  • Version 3.0.1

    Changelog here:
    Zip includes a SPT 3.8.3 version and a 3.9.0 version.

    Install the correct one, please.
    Unless there is something major I need to fix, this will be the last SPT 3.8.3 release for sain, porting stuff back and forth is incredibly tedious.
    Virustotal results:
    3.9.0 dll: https://www.virustotal.com/gui…d04c8a681427162?nocache=1

    3.8.3 dll: https://www.virustotal.com/gui…082131c3a82eb64?nocache=1

  • Version 3.0.0 - 3.9.0

    Only works on 3.9.0

    Updated for SPT 3.9.0. Requires the latest BigBrain and Waypoints version!

    Updated download link to a version without extra files in the User Mod that can affect Linux users. Sorry!

    Note: I accidentally left some loose files in a folder called "3.8.0" in the rush to fix the above issue before anyone noticed, you can just ignore it, its just some zips of releases.

    special thanks to Phiveaces for their help getting a few references updated to new EFT code!

    Change log here: 3.0.0 Changelog

  • Version 3.0.0

    Only works on 3.8.1 - 3.8.3

    Change Log