Easy Ammunition 1.4.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

This mod changes ammo colors based on their strength and is designed for the server side, so it doesn't need frequent updates. It's inspired by Faupi - Munitions Expert, and focuses on being simple and compatible with Single Player Tarkov.

Easy Ammunition


Assign background colours to ammunition items based on their penetration values. This allows players to quickly identify the best ammunition without having a PHD in ammunition engineering. This mod is a streamlined server-side adaptation of Faupi - Munitions Expert.

This mod is compatible with Color Converter API. This server-side mod will allow you to use hex colour codes to assign background colours. It's highly recommended, but not required.

Vanilla Trash:

Easy Ammunition Default:

Easy Ammunition Default with Color Converter API:


This mod would not be possible without their work. Send them your love!

To Install:

  1. Decompress the contents of the download into your root SPT directory.
  2. Open the EasyAmmunition/config/config.json5 file to adjust configuration options.
    • The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it!
  3. Optionally, install Color Converter API (highly recommended).
  4. Leave a review and let me know what you think.


  • Version 1.4.1


    • Updated to support SPT v3.10
    • Drops ESLint and Prettier for Biome


    • This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.10 release.
    • Color Converter API enables darker background shades for higher penetration ammunition.
    • The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it!


  • Version 1.4.0


    • Updated to support SPT v3.9


    • This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.9 release.
    • Color Converter API enables darker background shades for higher penetration ammunition.
    • The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it!


  • Version 1.3.0


    • Updated to support SPT v3.8


    • This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.8 release.
    • Color Converter API enables darker background shades for higher penetration ammunition.
    • The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.


  • Version 1.2.0


    • Made updates for SPT v3.7 compatibility.
    • Now compatible with RaiRaiTheRaichu's Color Converter API for custom colours.
    • Background colours in the same tier will become a shade darker depending on penetration.
    • The configuration file structure has been updated. You can not use your old versions!
    • Configuration file is now even more strictly validated.
    • Refactored mod structure to be cleaner.
    • Updated npm dependencies to be in-line with SPT core.


    • This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.7 release.
    • The configuration file is in JSON5 format. The file extension is not a mistake. Do not rename it.


  • Version 1.1.3


    • Updates the project code to be compatible with SPT v3.6.


    • This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.6 release.


  • Version 1.1.2


    • Updates configuration file formatting.
    • Uses the file system library to load the configuration file.
    • Uses an absolute path when loading the configuration file.
    • Adds Realism example configuration file.

    No user facing changes have been made.

    This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.5 release.

    If you experience any problems, please submit a bug report.

  • Version 1.1.1

    This update is scuffed. Do not download.


    • Rewrote mod to execute asynchronously.
    • Rewrote mod to be more modular.
    • Rewrote build script to be... better. Like, so much better.

    No user facing changes have been made and configuration files from v1.1.0 are compatible.

    This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.5 release.

    If you experience any problems, please submit a bug report.

  • Version 1.1.0


    • Major code refactor; almost a total rewrite
    • Users can now configure background colours and penetration levels
    • Mod will now validate the structure of the configuration file

    This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.5 release.

    If you experience any problems, please submit a bug report.

  • Version 1.0.0

    This version should be compatible with any SPT v3.5 release.

    If you experience any problems, please submit a bug report.

  • Version 1.4.1 of this mod should be compatible with any hotfix version of SPT v3.10. If you notice an issue, please submit a bug report.

  • A cursory check shows that this does work for 3.10 as long as you change the package version. The game loaded fine and the colors changed like they were supposed to. Can't say anything on the color converter side of things, nor can I guarantee it works 100% no issues. Use at your own cation, don't bother Refringe if you do this and things break

    Thumbs Up 2
  • Hello and thank you for your mod. Is it possible to use this mod to color the backgrounds of specific ammunition only?

  • When using Realism, the mod still reads the pen values from spt not the realism mod.

    When using Color Converter API, the displayed colors are darker then the ones I have set inside the config.

  • Can you please explain the colours?

    For example does red = OP ammo?

    • In the default color scheme yes. Look in the config.json5 file and you will see the pen ranges that each color covers. I didn't much care for the original scheme and changed mine to red is worst and green is best with blends that make more sense (to me at least) in between.

  • For anyone using this with a remote Fika server and want to use hex color codes, it will complain that the Color Converter is not installed and fail to function correctly. I thought it couldn't possibly be the solution, but if you create a BepInEx\plugins folder alongside your user folder on the server and drop the color converter dll in it, then this mod will no longer fail.

  • Hey, huge thanks for making this.

    Quick question and I hope I didnt miss anything. I have my server running on a container over the network - on startup it will give me the following message:
    EasyAmmunition: Color Converter mod not found. Only vanilla EFT colours are enabled.

    Now the thing is, Color Converter appears to be a client-side mod. What am I missing? Or is my scenario simply not supported?


  • Beautiful mod bro! thank you, I can't play without this mod anymore.

    Heart 1
  • mod reads default ammo values with realism installed

  • Hey so i noticed some issues with certain bullets that the color doesnt get shown properly and it stays gray, ist mostly bullets that have exactly 30 or 40 pen, im using color converter API but idk if the issue lies with the API or the mod here, so mb if the mod isnt the issue.

    So is this a known issue or how can i fix it?

    • Can you give me an example of a ammunition type that isn't being coloured correctly? Also, have you updated the configuration at all, or is it untouched?

    • everything is updated. i had problems with rounds like .366 EKO and 4.6x30 FMJ SX specifically but i saw a few others that i don't know the name of, i tried changing around the values in the config for some tiers to see if it helps but it only fixed like 2 or 3 rounds

    • okay i looked for some again and i found that 7.62x39 FMJ, 7.62x54R FMJ. 5.45x39 T, .45 Match and Lasermatch FMJ, 7.62x39 SP, .300 BLK V-max, 5.7 L191 and SS197SR, 9x19 PST, 9x39 SP6 and 9x21 BT dont have their correct color, and those are just the bullets that i can see

  • :thumbup::thumbup:<3

  • Version 1.4.0 of this mod should be compatible with any hotfix version of SPT v3.9. If you notice an issue, please submit a bug report.

    • Hi with your mod, i have some problem.

      you recommend with rairai color convertor mod , and when i use this mod,

      the game is broken and can't play.

      can you fix it?

    • Color Coverter is not updated for 3.9 yet. Remove the version you have installed and the game will work again. Once It's updated for 3.9, it will work with my mod as well.

    • Color Coverter is updated. Send it.

      Heart 1
    • thx for making awesome mod ^^

      Heart 1
  • download seems broken :(

  • would it be possible to add damage for coloring so we can differentiate betwen ammo with the "same" pen ?


    • While not a bad idea on the surface, it does raise issue. I would like this mod to remain server-only so that updates are only rarely needed. There are only so many colours available to the server to use, and most of them are used by default due to the large number of different ammunition types. Adding more/different colours would require a client-side modification and unfortunately this is out of the initial scope of the mod. This could change in the future, but there are currently no plans. Sorry.

  • Can someone running Realism confirm that this version of the config file is using the correct colours?


    If so, I'll include it in the config folder as an option.

    • This is indeed the same color configuration as the SPT Realism Ammo Stats mod's default one.

    • Thanks! It'll be included in the next release.

  • pls update for realism mod.

    • An example configuration file for use with the Realism mod is now included in v1.1.1.

  • EasyAmmunition: Error loading configuration. Unexpected token ':' No changes made.

    • Same error not working.

    • Can one of you DM me your config.json5 file? The default config seams to be working fine for me.

    • Done

    • A hotfix has been pushed for this. Please try the v1.1.1 download again to see if the issue has been resolved.

    • Unless the file didn't upload correctly (since it does not show any update on the page), nope same problem.

  • Would this work with the adjusted ammo values for Realism mod? Thanks.

    • It absolutely should, yes. If you have any issues be sure to adjust the mod order so that this mod loads below any other mod that’s adjusts ammunition.

      I recommend this tool to help:

  • image.png
    Not sure what else to show.

    • By the look of the error message, you may have an invalid character at the beginning of your config file. If you can't figure it out, feel free to paste a copy if your config file so I can test it on my end.

  • I hope to get rid of the blablabla error bug with this mod. Though, I would like the color scheme to be identical to SPT Realism Ammo Stats instead. How would I go about this?

    Custom icon colours:

    (penetration value): colour of icon ingame

    0 - 29: brown

    30 - 49: red

    50 - 59: yellow

    60 - 69: green

    70 - 79: blue

    80 - 200: violet

    • Stay tuned. I will add configurable ranges and colours in the next version.

    • This is now possible in the v1.1.0 release.

      Heart 2