That's Lit - Logical AI Vision 1.3100.3

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One step closer to fair gameplay, by giving AIs non-perfect vision and reactions. Because we too deserve grasses, bushes and nights.

That's Lit

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If you got 3 mins, please at least browse through the page, it'll answer a lot of questions and maybe save you some time and trouble.

The mod is known to be heavy. All because the extra camera needed by the Brightness module which makes bots affected by darkness/brightness. You can disable Brightness and other features still enhance bots reaction for you.

The mod is about reducing non-skill-issue death. It does makes the game easier, but can be balanced with SAIN and loadout mods giving bots NVGs & Flashlights. Check "Notes" and "Recommended Mods".

This=No Bush? NO. This+No Bush? OK. This + SAIN? GOOD. Do not turn off any No Bush for this...Use both.

Let's define unfair: When your bullet hits or whizzes past a bot, it knows your exact position. They can see you perfectly fine in the dark as long as you are within its vision range. They don't care how dense are the foliage and grasses around you.

Yet we struggle to locate bots with our human eyes.

This is why That's Lit exists: in SPT, we no longer play against human players, bots need to make human-like mistakes just like how real players do.

That's Lit let AIs overlook you when you are blended in the shadow, or spots you faster when you are lit up by lighting. Imaging ratting in Night Factory?

It also allows you to traverse the fields through grasses and bushes without always getting engaged from afar. Imagine to prone in the Woods?

Additionally, randomness is applied to AIs vision check, so they are no longer machines which 100% spots you in their configured distance or 0% out of range.

The goal is to give bots vision restrictions and imperfect reaction similar to human, so you can sneak around in night time without always getting spotted by bots from a distance, dash into trees and plants to interrupt bots' aim, or maybe get surprised by the fact that, bot no longer shoot at the very first moment you pop out of cover.

By default 2 meters are displayed at the top left corner for you to learn the mechanic, and they can be disabled.

The first is brightness meter showing how dark (left) and how bright (right) you are, the second meter (factor) tells you how much AIs are actually affected by your brightness. Factor value is just squared Score. In other words, the second meter is the final effectiveness of the first meter.

The meters only give you a rough idea about the impact of your brightness, ingame the bots are affected individually according to their positions, directions or other conditions.

To directly feel the effect of That's Lit, just go to Night Factory and look at the meters as you move, or sit in the darkness and wait for innocent AIs coming to you.

The mod is developed with SAIN and Realism, it works fine without them, but the default experience could feel easier if your setup is different.

It's very important to have a loadout mod that properly gives bots NVG or Flashlights in night raids to keep the game balanced.

The positive and negative impact from the mod is fully configurable, so when you feel the game becomes too easy maybe adjust those to your liking, but I suggest try harder SAIN presets or hardcore mods like Realism, before tuning the mod, because the mod is more like a post-processor which is based on vanilla and other mods.

Some setting adjustment is required for SAIN, Check "Recommended Mods" below.

Keep reading to get the most out of the mod.


In short: The mod delays bots reaction, in a way that how a human would see you but fail to recognize you.

Most parts of the mod are about modifying one value called SeenCoef, which determines how long the an AI needs to have you in their vision to recognize you, in other word, time to visual confirmation.

The SeenCoef is modified by some calculation with all these factored in:

  • The mod factors in all sorts of data to adjust AIs, minor mechanics are not listed. Direction, distance, height, indoor/outdoor, weather, season, devices/goggles/scopes, movement... A lot of stuff could have a impact on the gameplay.
  • Time and cloudiness determine the ambience lighting in raid. Lighting matters a lot! Try to sneak in shadows and avoid lights.
    • This also means weathers now affects gameplay! Sunny days are much brighter than cloudy days and makes you more visible, thus you'd prefer cloudy days for low profile raids.
    • In the brightest hours of clear nights you could be as visible as day time raids of normal weather.
    • When outside, you will want to stick to shadows, especially in the brightest hours (clear days&nights). It helps.
      • Top half of some Ground Zero skyscrapers do not have proper colliders thus Ambience Shadow check is not working stably for these. This only mess with you if you are not covered by nothing else or the bottom of the skyscrapers. (Maybe Streets have the same issue too, not tested)
    • Some balance changes are applied in winter raids, and overall makes you slightly easier to be spotted. Try to avoid empty snowy ground.
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    • yXk3Wpo.png
  • Getting lit up by any lights including flashlights, gun flashes or thunder, will hinder your stealth, especially when the lighting is unstable.
  • Active flashlight or laser is very likely to expose you (including IR if the AI is using NVGs)
    • A lot of the features are much less effective with flashlights on, some even get impacted by lasers. Try to toggle them wisely!
  • AIs using NVGs are quite unaffected by darkness, especially at close distance. If the player is in really dark areas, their NVGs will be somewhat less effective.
  • AIs using Thermal goggles are pretty much unaffected, and can actually spot the player faster.
    • Taking stims like SJ9 actually nullify this and grants you stealth against them.
  • AIs using Night Vision scopes and Thermal scopes can ignore your stealth, given you are in front of them, especially when the bot is not moving.
  • Forest blending: Staying close to foliage grants a small chance for AI vision check to fail from afar.
    • Requires the nearest foliage to be between the AI and you (effectiveness scale down with the relative angle up to 90 degree).
      • It's configurable up to 5 candidates instead of just the nearest foliage, which can helps you against multiple bots from different directions
    • By afar I mean this has no effect for AIs within 10m, and the effectiveness gradually scales up by distance up to 110m. (It's a low curve, much weaker at close range, only 25% effective at 50m but reach 100% at 110m)
  • AIs have a chance to overlook players up high, especially when the player is in low poses.
  • There's a small chance for bots outside to fail spotting players inside. Does not work when the bot is looking straight toward the player, or at closer distances.
    • "Inside" is defined by BSG. Proper buildings with walls and ceilings usually count... of course, there are weird exceptions.
  • There's a possibility AIs will continuously overlook when you hide nicely inside foliage, even at close distance, just like how we can rat in bushes on live.
    • You may still become exposed anytime, especially when they get close or turn to you. Don't feel too safe in there.
    • Different foliage have different characteristics, different poses may be required for a foliage to take effect, and the effectiveness may vary against AIs at different heights.
    • This even applies to short trees or tall bushes, while they are usually useless against AIs at close or maybe mid range, It's not a bad idea to stick to foliage as much as possible, It does has an effect against AIs far away.
    • Preview
  • Grasses are now proper visual covers, surrounding grasses contributes to AIs overlooking you.
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    • You can actually get close to enemies without being noticed in day time by crawling through dense grasses.
    • The only thing to note is only grasses in the direction to the AI within ~3.5m participate in the calculation. Otherwise, common sense applies.
    • Warning: there are some rare exceptions (ex: the plant in the center), these are probably decorations manually placed by BSG. They are not rendered by the terrain detail system so are not detectable.
  • Distance matters. Most of the features are more effective to AIs far away from you. Once you are spotted, you lost the distance bonus and will need to get out of the sight for a short while to regain the bonus.
    • For AIs at 110m+ away you need to stay out of sight for about 1.5 seconds; the required time is much longer for closer AIs. If the AI is actively targeting you, it'd take longer.
    • Physical obstacles are always better than grasses and foliage. If you are caught off guard and really have no choice but some nice dense grasses around you, you can try to prone and hope it works.
  • Player and bot movement are applied as final modifiers.
    • Sprinting bots are less likely to spot players not in front.
    • The player will be spotted faster by movement speed, unless it's really dark.
    • Bots staying still will spot the player faster.
  • Like SAIN's Personality system, That's Lit has a caution mechanic that diversify bots' immunity against some mechanics.
    • 1 or 2 bots out of 10 have better resistance, they are defined to be cautions and are less likely to overlook the player in stealth.
    • 3 to 5 bots out of 10 have weaker resistance, they are defined to be careless and are more likely to overlook the player in stealth.
  • To simulate bots remembering your presence, many mechanics are greatly nerfed if the bot has seen you recently, or has seen you at the same spot. Keep moving!
  • By default, all the features don't affect bosses (optional). Bush Ratting does not work for bosses even if the option is turned on, for balance reason.

TL;DR: Out of fights, utilize the environment and choose path wisely. When engaged, be strategic and flexible, try to stay out of sight as much as possible... When you pop up, you kill.

The mod also include some small patches to make bots more reasonable:

  • Bots' aim will be delayed if they encounter you when sprinting, because in vanilla they sometimes head,eye us at the first moment they end inertia slide, while we players can't even ADS when sprinting.
  • In situations a bot is told to "see" you but it's actually not facing your way, by a chance That's Lit will cancel the visibility. Instead, the bot will be told it's spotted from the player's direction, so it may finds covers first instead of instant returning fire,
    • If that doesn't happen, there's still a fallback chance for it to happen if it's a surprise attack (the bot haven't seen you for quite a while and you are far away)
    • Basically, this helps bots to behave like human being clueless when surprise attacked.
  • Compensation to bots vision distance to at least a reasonable amount:
    • When the ambience is very bright
    • When the ambience is dark but the player is lit up
    • When the player is in the dark but the bot is using NVG
    • When the bot is using Thermal goggles
    • These compensations are especially important with SAIN, because it scales down bots' vision distance simply by time and weather. Vision distance decides whether vision check happens, this means, no matter how much the player is lit up, bots remains unable to see the player if the distance exceeds the SAIN modified value. The patch balances out SAIN's vision distance scaling.
  • When the Brightness module is disabled, an optional fluctuation to visual confirmation is applied (optional, enabled by default). For the most part there will not be noticeable difference, only that you may get lucky or unlucky.
  • Bot aim point is forced to randomly jump when blind firing. This is because I got shot in the head from the sawmill (Woods)... and I was at RUAF Gate.

That's Lit is unlikely to conflict with other mods. The mod only modifies specific values out of the whole AI system, it does not add or change AI behavior pattern. An analogy would be... Given a formula A+B, That's Lit changes the value of B instead of makes it A+B+C or B+C.


  • AIs don't always rely on their vision to detect you, especially with SAIN installed, they may act in response to noises you make.
  • An unintended interesting side-effect of the mod: Because vision checks are performed per body part, with the randomness from That's Lit, somehow head,eyes is reduced as a result (my personal observation).
  • It's well known that That's Lit takes away some fps especially on weaker CPUs. I've seen all sorts of feedbacks, your mileage may vary. Check "Performance" below for more info.
    • If you set your games to have a lot of bots, performance issue is unavoidable. Check "Recommended Mods" for mods to control bot spawning.
  • Night Factory is a very special experience (With brightness module on). It's a dark hunting ground... only shadow walkers survive.
    • You don't need NVGs to run Night Factory.


Decompress the zip file into SPT folder. Bandizip or 7zip is recommended.

Configuration provided through regular F12 menu. If That's Lit is not listed there then it's not in correct folder.


All maps are supported, but Brightness module is disabled on Day Factory and The Lab because it's bright and visible everywhere in these maps and it'd be a waste of fps.


Custom lights, lasers, Night Vision/Thermal Scopes, Goggles

...can be supported through thatslitcompat.json files. It's simple and intuitive to add compatibility, for reference, check out the default and blank thatslitcompat.json files. Any thatslitcompat.json anywhere in plugins will be loaded, feel free to create your own and distribute them!

If the gear is not defined in any thatslitcompat.json, you don't get debuff when you leave custom lights/lasers on, and bots don't get buffed by custom scopes and goggles.

So yes, you won't lose anything with unsupported custom items, it just opens up opportunities to cheese which I am personally not a fan of.

Mods substantially changing game world and visual

Needless to say, mods or reshade setups that make the scenes look much brighter, remove darkness or drastically change the presented visual, will make the experience inconsistent.

For example, if you play with a mod that make the game looks (visually) bright everywhere, you may feel bots are unreasonably weak when your character is in a "dark" area. Basically anything that only change the visual instead of the actual game world will have similar issues.

On the other hand, for example, the GrassCutter mod just turn off the whole terrain detail system thus all the grass data are not provided anymore, so it's fine.

Recommended Mods

  • SAIN
    • Try harder presets (I'd say just crank up at least 1 tier of SAIN preset). Bots reaction time can be much worse when under the effect of That's Lit.
      • I Like Pain is a nice choice. And I actually recommend Death Wish if you want a true versus human experience. Every encounter is a showdown... And you gain upper hand by perform correct movement and concealment.
      • Basically, SAIN difficulty decides bots' best performance they clearly see you. That's Lit decides how bad they become when you utilize the mechanics.
    • Recommended preset: PMC Terminators
    • Latest tweaking recommendation (Tested with 3.9 I Like Pain without Realism):
      • Optional: Adjust night vision modifier in General - Look - Time Settings when you feel bots are blind in nights. Try increase 0.1~0.2 at a time.
        • KxPdS1A.jpeg
      • Tweak Not Looking At Bot Settings: SAIN now nerfs bots when you are not facing them, this is a very comfortable feature but could make the game too easy especially when stacked with That's Lit, disable or adjust these to your liking:

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      • Tweak Vision Speed settings:
        • For movement: You need to choose one. Stacking both will results in overly buff/debuff against sprinting players.
          • That's Lit's implementation is balanced around That's Lit enabled gameplay. It factors in vision angle, speed, poses and brightness.
          • SAIN's implementation scales the vision time by your speed.
          • That being said, in actual gameplay it's not necessarily better than SAIN's implementation, it's your call.
          • You can disable it or adjust it if you turn on Advanved settings. By default bots takes 50% time to see you when you sprint fast.
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        • For Elevation modifiers, it's fine to leave both enabled, but you can tweak if it's too much for you. There's some difference between how That's Lit and SAIN use elevation to affect bot vision, and That's Lit does not makes higher bots see faster, so it's not a full overlap. From my playtest, it surprisingly works alright with both at default values.
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        • Tweak Peripheral Vision:
          • In That's Lit, the angle difference between the direction from bot to you and the bot's vision direction is used only to scale the impact separately in each mechanics. In SAIN, it's used to simply scale the vision time regardless of situations.
          • It seems alright in my playtests, but if you feel like bots are not aware enough in their surrounding, you can disable it or play with the advanvaed settings.
            • START_ANGLE: the default 30 means when it's effective when the bot is looking away, starting from 30 degree
            • REDUCTION_COEF: the default 2 means at the bot type's max visible angle (usually 75~90 degrees), the bot takes 2x time to spot you.
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        • For Pose modifiers, you can disable or tweak if lowering pose is too effective.
          • In That's Lit, your pose is used to scale the impact separately in each mechanics. In SAIN, it's used to simply scale the vision time regardless of situations.
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      • Headshot Protection: Headshot Protection is much less needed with That's Lit. Due to a side effect of the introduced randomness, headshots happens much rarely with That's Lit.
      • That's Lit contains an optional patch that when a bot is close to the player, it gets a chance to ignore SAIN's No Bush ESP, so bots won't be blind at meters away just because it or you are touching a bush. DO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT BUSH TO Solarint WHEN YOU HAVE THIS ENABLED.
    • Configure DONUTS to load the starting-pmcs-only or similar presets, so you get a live-like experience and better performance
    • DONUTS now spawns only "normal" tier AI by default, so all same bots have average abilities. Find "PMC Difficulty" and "Scav Difficulty" and tweak them to your liking. I use asonline because I like randomness and variation (which is why That's Lit exist), asonline randomly configure bots ability from all options, this plus SAIN personality system gives a mixed bag of AIs.
    • The mod has a nature of keeping bots near you, as it despawns bots far away to prevent CPU being wasted on bots you'll never meet.
      • It's not intended, but with newer SAIN, which make bots smarter and hear all sorts of sounds you make, there are inevitable side effects:
        • You can't really clear out a zone, bots will keep coming, this is extremely noticeable in ULTRA.
        • It makes you feel like EVERY scav has a death wish and are willing to get you instead of running for their lives. This does not make sense to me.
      • From my personal experience with full Realism, this easily gets out of hands.
      • After enabling Bot Hard Cap, the game is fixed for me. It should be noted that I'm running default Realism (all features on). The author of DONUTS plays Realism with increased health, which is also a way to balance it out.
        • If you are going to turn on Bot Hard Cap, remember to also check out Hot Spot Spawn Boost & Hot Spot Ignore Hard Cap.
      • Needless to say with the option enabled raids are quieter than with out, especially on bigger maps. Because bots are naturally distributed across the whole map instead of kept together. Depends on bots movement, both chill and hot raids are still possible.
  • Questing Bots
    • It makes bots to actually go to places where real players would go for questing, giving your questing trips a twist.
    • It makes the whole raid much more busy and unpredictable. Clearing out an area no longer means the area is safe now, you never know when a bot would come or pass by.
    • It's known to be a heavy mod just like That's Lit, try enable the AI limiter option to reduce the performance overhead.
  • Looting Bots
    • Realistic bot looting behavior; let your prey brings loot to you.
    • I recommend turning on Sight Checks except for containers, so they don't magically get attracted to loots & corpses.
  • Realism
    • Your mileage may vary but I play with all Realism features enabled and enjoy the extra challenges with balanced bots reaction from That's Lit
    • Besides, It contains a Loadout system that gives bots proper loadout based on map/time. (Do not use with other Loadout mods)
    • Warning: Realism is a challenging experience! Do not just install Realism without reading through the description first. Many people instantly regret and had to go through restoring from profile backups.
  • Softcore
    • The economy overhaul transform the game from simple "No I can always buy this with cash" to "Hmm this could be useful".
    • This combined with Realism's hardcore flea market feature creates a flavorful experience and works very well with That's Lit.
      • NVGs are rare asset but low level bots don't have access to NVGs too, so overall a very balanced experience.
      • Make sure to follow Realism's compatibility instruction.
  • Any Loadout Mod that gives bots NVG & Flashlights in night raids.
    • Do not use any along side Realism's loadout changes.
  • Raid Overhaul
    • The random blackout event spices things up with That's Lit.
    • It's a feature rich mods but very configurable.
    • The "Raid Start Events" option randomly open/close doors and lights on raid start, which is very interesting for night raids.
  • (Not a mod) Lossless Scaling: a software providing Frame Generation technology.
    • An alternative way to deal with low fps from CPU bottleneck. Requires idle GPU power.
      • On the other hand, Upscaling helps with GPU bottleneck, which is rarely the case for SPT.
    • The Frame Generation feature tries to generate fake predicted frames between real frames on the fly with your GPU.
    • This means: up to 3x fps, with input latency and ghosting of hard-to-predict stuff on screen like UIs. Take it or leave it.
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  • TL;DR: Only Brightness module cost considerable FPS.
  • Brightness module use an additional camera to observe the player, this cause some unavoidable fps loss, the number depends on the CPU, some lose 5, some lose 20... Some even said it improves the performance retardadothinking
    • If you don't care about night raids, you can disable Brightness module, all other features still work.
    • On my end (Ryzen 5800x), turning it off yields about 1.9ms frame time in Woods, which can be translated to roughly 70->60 fps.
  • Starting every raid, the mod reads and caches terrain details (most are grasses), this process is sliced into pieces and only takes up a tiny bit of time per frame. Once the caching is done, it won't cost any frame time.
  • The mod periodically checks grasses/foliage around the player, but these works are nothing to any modern CPU.
  • Quite a lot of math is performed to combine all the available data and calculate values to apply per bot, these works are only performed for bots who is in range, and math is nothing to modern CPUs.
  • Let's just say most of performance cost comes from that camera. If you are interested you can turn on Debug Info and Benchmark optinos to take a look, the time spent on That's Lit's code path is negliable. Unfortunately the camera is a game engine thing and not measurable by That's Lit.

Fun facts

  • What we see in game is not what is actually observed by cameras. The presented visual is heavily processed, raw cameras would observe a much darker and paler scene.
  • The first person character got no thorax (for real, you are just a running pair of arms and legs), so a light that should have be projected on the thorax can not be observed.
  • The above 2 combined, is the reason why the light detection can't be die accurate. But thanks to the countless hours put in, current system works good enough.
  • I knew nothing about how modding works for this game, like even how mod files should be organized and how BepInx works, so I just downloaded Solarint's SAIN then removed most his stuff and started to work on it. In the begining I also read SAIN's code to locate AI stuff in EFT codebase, so a lot thanks to Solarint.


The very begining of That's Lit

Buy Me Bubble Tea

The mod is not technically advanced at all... it's pure labor. For example, one of the biggest update was a 90+ dedicated hours work. Basically I need to endlessly repeat the process of tweaking the code and playtesting to make AI vision human but balanced.

If you enjoy the mod and want to support, consider a small donation.

I develop mods only because I want something improved in games I play, so it's not like it would encourage/discourage the development hummm

But it'd indeed help and allow me to continue assisting with some family health issues at home. It's not a matter of life and death though, so only if you are feeling generous, here's the donation link: or

  • Version 1.3100.3


    Reverted the SPT 3.10.5 requirement.

  • Version 1.3100.2

    Minor Update

    • New option: Camera Throttling (default off)
      • Experimental. As an attempt to reduce fps impact of Brightness in day raids, when the ambience is bright, the That's Lit camera is only enabled every some other frames.
      • Theoretically, it lowers the accuracy of measurement against light sources, but maybe it's not much of a difference when the environment is bright enough.
      • Reminder: Brightness fps cost varies a lot from machine to machine. Some say 3 fps, while some say 20 which would clearly benefit from this option.
  • Version 1.3100.1


    This release fix the random flickering come with 3.10 when brightness is enabled.

  • Version 1.3100.0

    3.10 Port

    • Further tests are in progress.
    • Everything seems working fine, your experience in actual gameplay may help test this extensively on various maps.
    • Fixed a previously undetected issue causing That's Lit fail to initialize in debug build of EFT.
    • Quick rebalancing Brightness for new Night Factory (It's overall brighter now).
  • Version 1.394.06

    Minor Bug fixes

    • Fika: Fix turning off Brightness on specific maps causes exception spam
    • Fix a tiny issue in tracking where the player's flashlight is pointed to
    • Includes a file named That's Lit Compat Guide that explains adding compatibility for modded scopes/goggles/devices


    The next SPT update (3.10) will be the last version where That's Lit gets updated with best effort.

    That's Lit won't go away, and it may still receive updates, just not at the same pace as usual.

    That wraps up the announcement. Below is just me blabbering a textwall (as usual), nothing important for using the mod.

    What happened?

    Since the first day of That's Lit back in SPT 3.6 days, updates and fixes were usually delivered within days or hours. I also answer almost every question. (For compliments and appreciation, though, I usually only emote, just because I'm very socially awkward).

    It's fair to say I worked hard on it, there were days I just don't sleep at all (Willingly. I had fun for sure).

    Apparently this costs a lot of time and effort...

    As I've mentioned a bit before, I'm a Jobless Tarnished (or Unemployed Dude, if you don't speak Elden Ring). Since being burnt out in my previous job I've been enjoying my time playing and creating, while assisting with taking care of my grandma who has severe Dementia.

    Besides That's Lit, I've created a bunch of smaller mods for The Long Dark and some minor or private projects.

    It's a fun time, and it's only possible because I have savings to burn and plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately this can't go on forever.

    Blatantly speaking, I merely own about 1500 USD now, not like I'm going to starve tomorrow but it's fair to say I'm broke as an adult.

    For my projects, I always feel the responsibility to be as transparent as possible, so here we go:

    I started to accept donations in April, and received in total of about 240 USD from 14 people. The last donation was in July. There's 1 active subscription (Man, if you see this, consider canceling it for now).

    240 is a generous amount! There are many developers doing respectable stuff and don't get anything in return. I'm super lucky to have people donating for That's Lit, and I'm super grateful.

    The amount really is HUGE. It's just that life costs more vibecheck

    Gotta move on, get a job, maybe start a new chapter in life!

    What's next?

    To be honest, I'm not very confident!

    I've worked as a generalist, like... I participated in tech evaluation & prototyping, Unity development, backend server development, and even blockchain stuff.

    Like... my previous upper management really wanted me to stay, so I'm at least somewhat useful, right?

    But that's about it, I am probably a good junior but hardly to be qualified as a senior.

    The good news is I recently acquired JLPT N1... hope that I can get a go(lang) or .NET developer job and move to Japan, which is somewhere I've really wanted to go and stay.

    And... I guess that's it, thanks for reading all this awkward nonsense.

    I happened to be listening to my favorite music in the meantime, so why wouldn't I share it?

    It's toe - Goodbye. I've listened to the song for many many times. Hope you like it too.

  • Version 1.394.05

    Important Bugfixs

    • Fix devices attached on helmets are ignored
    • Fix devices detection does not work without an active weapon
    • Fix invalid content in default.thatslitcompat.json which has been stopping most of the devices from being loaded for months
    • Fix reversed brightness scaling by distance (it was the 100%->50% from 100m to 10m, should be 100%->50% from 10m to 100m)
    • Add toggles for individual mechanics. These were made for debugging, usually you don't touch these
    • Minor changes and improvements

    Notes (Regular)

    • If you are new to the mod, at least read "Recommend Mods" for proper setup.
    • That's Lit is not a No Bush ESP mod. It works with any No Bush ESP. It does not interact with any No Bush ESP. When in doubt, read the mod explanation.
    • Performance cost mainly comes from the Brightness module. The mod still do a lot of stuff even if you turn off Brightness for performance.
    • If bots are acting blind when blocked or touched by any bush, even if you are like 2 meters away, that comes from SAIN. SAIN's new No Bush ESP is very aggressive by design. (Read Recommended Mods - SAIN to partially solve this)
  • Version 1.394.03

    Minor Update

    • Fix Brightness/Darkness impact scale is applied the other way around (Harmless on default config)
    • Automatically disable Brightness on clients running in Batch mode
    • Added main menu warning for Fika

    Notes (Regular)

    • If you are new to the mod, at least read "Recommend Mods" for proper setup.
    • That's Lit is not a No Bush ESP mod. It works with any No Bush ESP. It does not interact with any No Bush ESP. When in doubt, read the mod explanation.
    • Performance cost mainly comes from the Brightness module. The mod still do a lot of stuff even if you turn off Brightness for performance.
    • If bots are acting blind when blocked or touched by any bush, even if you are like 2 meters away, that comes from SAIN. SAIN's new No Bush ESP is very aggressive by design. (Read Recommended Mods - SAIN to partially solve this)
  • Version 1.394.01

    Important Update

    • Brightness support for Ground Zero after lv20 (technically a different map)
    • Add config to set Info GUI font size
    • Maybe fix PMC Only Mode by using new PMC spawn types in 3.9 instead of old PMC spawn types injected by SPT

    Notes (Regular)

    • If you are new to the mod, at least read "Recommend Mods" for proper setup.
    • That's Lit is not a No Bush ESP mod. It works with any No Bush ESP. It does not interact with any No Bush ESP. When in doubt, read the mod explanation.
    • Performance cost mainly comes from the Brightness module. The mod still do a lot of stuff even if you turn off Brightness for performance.
    • If bots are acting blind when blocked or touched by any bush, even if you are like 2 meters away, that comes from SAIN. SAIN's new No Bush ESP is very aggressive by design. (Read Recommended Mods - SAIN to partially solve this)
  • Version 1.390.02


    • In my playtests, everything seems fine with SAIN 3 and 3.9.0. Tested with I Like Pain with General - Look - Not Looking At Bot disabled.
    • Recommended Mods - SAIN is updated. Please read for changes.
    • The Info GUI is now always aligned to left (it was somehow inconsistent from install to install)
    • Equipment detection no longer get turned off with Brightness off.
    • Calibrate Reserve.
    • Internal / Minor fixes and changes.

    Thank You

    If something is free yet you still pay for it, it gotta be valuable for you, isn't it?

    Since April, I've received several donations, including the first ever of my life. Every time it happens I still feels very lucky and surprised that people are willing to donate for my creation.

    The money is indeed very helpful, yet to think about the fact people donated because they think That's Lit deserves it... This feeling, is SWEET. It's all I've been wanted to do but failed, to actually make somethings that actually make a good difference for its users.

    For everyone who donated and also anyone gave kind words, thank you very much animeproudclap

    Notes (Regular)

    • If you are new to the mod, at least read "Recommend Mods" for proper setup.
    • That's Lit is not a No Bush ESP mod. It works with any No Bush ESP. It does not interact with any No Bush ESP. When in doubt, read the mod explanation.
    • Performance cost mainly comes from the Brightness module. The mod still do a lot of stuff even if you turn off Brightness for performance.
    • If bots are acting blind when blocked or touched by any bush, even if you are like 2 meters away, that comes from SAIN. SAIN's new No Bush ESP is very aggressive by design. (Read Recommended Mods - SAIN to partially solve this)
  • Version 1.383.31

    Regular Update

    • New: Force Look (Experimental, Enabled by default)
      • Tell the nearest bot to look around when conditions met.
      • Bots are quite vulnerable around corners, because they don't clear corners before moving out. It's usually very easy to wait and take down bots behind corners, as most bots just look straight forward while moving. SAIN can't fix this entirely because it only takes over when bots are in combat.
      • This is technically an ESP, but with strict conditions, in hope so they would look to player when it makes sense, to fake smarter bots.
      • For example, one of the scenario is:
        • The bot have seen the player in the last 10 second and is trying to get the player
        • The bot is moving but not sprinting
        • The bot is inside
        • The bot is very close (1~5m)
        • 5% chance check passed
      • A special scenario that is not telling the bot to look at the player, but to look to random direction, and then turn back after seconds:
        • The bot is not sprinting
        • The bot hasn't seen its enemy for 10 seconds
      • These conditions are checked on FixedUpdate, which is every 0.0167 second.
      • Due to how SAIN constantly steer bots, when SAIN is in control, this feature at most add noises to the nearest bots steering.
    • Fix dodgy issues that have been stopping That's Lit to load for some users.
    • Fix not nerfing Encountering Patch when the player is already the bot's goal enemy.
    • Fix nearest bot variable shared by all players which may leads to issues.
    • Fix Streets ambience factor by time.
    • Use semi-random angles for Simulated Focus, so all angles between +-90 degree are possible (all angles stepped by 3, shuffled).
    • Use caution in Encountering Patch and Simulated Focus so impacts are varied from bot to bot.
    • SAINNoBushOverride: Use cubed chance instead of squared chance so it's less likely to trigger from further.
    • New PMC Only Mode option. The requested option makes That's Lit only modify vision/reaction of PMCs.
    • Fix detecting XHP35's 2nd visible light.
    • Minor fixes, changes, improvements.

    Notes (Regular)

    • If you are new to the mod, at least read "Recommend Mods" for proper setup.
    • That's Lit is not a No Bush ESP mod. It works with any No Bush ESP. It does not interact with any No Bush ESP. When in doubt, read the mod explanation.
    • If bots are acting blind when blocked or touched by any bush, even if you are like 2 meters away, that comes from SAIN. SAIN's new No Bush ESP is very aggressive by design.

    • There are some options needs to be tweaked for SAIN, please refer to "Recommended Mods".
    • The mod is now FULLY WORKING for Fika, because it totally works, with Brightness enabled it'll tank fps because every player gets a camera, you need some extra extension mod. You should look it up in Fika's place.
    • I wanna say THANK YOU again and again to any of you who donated. I have no word to describe how it makes me genuinely happy and proud. It's just the fact that people are willing to donate because my creations actually make positive difference, it means very much to me.
    • -----
    • 2024/09
    • -----
    • Regarding unfair bot reaction with recent SAIN versions, please refer to this full post in SPT Pub discord, or this if you just want to read a bit without full context.
    • 2024/11
    • Senescent@Fika Discord: I think I've solved my crashing problem! I went from crashing every raid to 0 crashes in 10~ hours of gameplay over the last 2 days. I changed 2 options at the same time and it seemed to resolve my problem. I disabled "Only Use Physical Cores" and lowered my Object LOD Quality from 4 to 3.

    Heart 10 Thumbs Up 1
    • Sorry but I am completely unable to view this discord entry, is it still up?

    • Yes, it's in SPT Pub - #mods-development - That's Lit (thread)
      I can't pin message in there and it could be a bit hard to find. I've added another link up there for convenience.

    • I think I found it, thanks.

  • I sometimes experience crashes during battles. I checked the log for one of the crashes, and the information is as follows:

    • Without the surrounding logs I'd have to ask do these logs show up mid raid or at the end of raids?

    • These combat scenarios that occur in raids usually freeze for a few seconds and then crash. After the crash, I found this information at the end of the log, and the timestamps match, so I think the crash is likely caused by this issue. However, I should mention that even after I removed this mod, the game still occasionally experiences unexplained freezing. I don't know the cause, but it doesn't crash; it recovers on its own after a while. So, it's possible that the freezing is caused by another mod, and the freezing caused by that other mod leads to errors in this mod, which in turn causes the crash.

    • Let's see if there are more specific and clear cases in the future before investigating.

  • Would it be possible to make the players outfit effect bots seeing you? IE a bright white outfit in a green bush would be a lot more visable then a green one, or a black one in shadows being a bit harder to see if its dark enough

    • This have been discussed multiple times in the past, tl;dr: a practical and satisfying implementation is not possible.

  • where do I get SPT-Core for project fika as I am getting an error for this mod, saying that I need to download the core in order to solve it

    • Probably downloaded wrong version (mismatch with your spt version)

  • Thank you for your continued contribution. I just want to confirm which version can run properly in version 3.9.8. Thank you!

    • The one with 394 in the version number.

      The mid section means which SPT version it's developed on, and client mods generally works across minor SPT versions (3.9.0 ~ 3.9.N)

  • is "logical AI vision" them shooting through objects and walls when your clearly behind cover?

    I really don't get it. this doesn't help mitigate their cheating like aspects

    • And I am not sure I get it. Are you saying that is that the mod's fault?

    • no, i am just using this mod and not seeing any results of it actually helping. they have godlike aim and trace me through walls

    • Bug is bug. It's not a mod to fix vanilla bugs.

      If you can't see any difference then I'd say just uninstall it.

  • [SPT.Singleplayer] 1 plugin failed to load due to errors:

    Could not load [That's Lit 1.3100.2] because it has missing dependencies: com.SPT.core (v3.10.5 or newer)

    • Updated.

  • it asks me for 3.10.5. is this intended?

  • When I attempt to use this mod, it seems to crash only when I enter a raid, I'll provide my mods list below, as well as a screenshot of the error. It also freezes for a moment and brings me back to the main menu. I was also in progress of posting this, and the random sound for like when you kill a boss just spammed.







    Boss kill sound?…e=cr-MSxmNFgsODE5MDMzMzgs

    • Not sure what happened with the format, sorry!

    • "It also freezes for a moment and brings me back to the main menu."

      Unlikely cause by TL. If it goes wrong it's unlikely to take you back.

      "random sound for like when you kill a boss just spammed"

      That's not "Boss kill" sound. That's general notification sound when something is completed in EFT.

      Combining the question and the errors you posted I figure maybe you are not very familiar with SPT? It seems like there are quite some problems with your install and those are unlikely related to TL. (Crashing, yes, there are certain group of players whose machines always crash with Brightness module on)

    • That sound always plays when I kill a boss, and I'm pretty familiar with SPT. It wasn't until I add this mod my game crashed, but I also added "AI Limit," so it could be that as well.

  • Do bots get blinded when you aim a flashlight at them, or does it nothing to them ?

    Is having a flashlight/laser on more likely to give away your position ? I know it says something along those lines in your description but Im not sure if that only relates to being more visible in terms of the visibility meter.

    • SAIN should cover the blinding part.

      "being more visible in terms of the visibility meter"

      The visibility meter is not just a decoration monkas

      Thumbs Up 1
  • still getting flickering issues with brightness module enabled, although its much less in* this update, and turning off brightness still fixes it

    • +

    • Does disabling "Observe Volumetric Lights" does anything?

      All the flickering certainly is caused by EFT changes and I'm not sure if I can do anything against it.

    • Oh, right you should first see if it happens with ONLY That's Lit to rule out the possibility of conflict

    • ill do both, ive been having issues with scope PIP cameras using the TAC30 if im correct as well, so im going to be doing some narrowing for that too anyways, will report back

  • I'm not sure if it's an issue with this mod, but I'm still experiencing flickering under sunlight.

    • If you remove it and it stops then it likely is :/

  • Hi! Now I want to try ur mod for the 1st time. But I already have something to say. Reading the description here I felt like it is little story about life. It is interesting, a bit dramatic and makes u wanna know what's next. Without testing it, just reading I feel this is a HUGE work maden with love and with big heart. It is big pleasure to read such description, no joke!

    • Thank you very much for the kind words! I did put in a lot of effort in the page and I am always glad when someone likes it animeproudclap

      Heart 1
    • Hey, u got golden hands! I played 4 raids at Reserve and this is breathtaking. Playing with SAIN's max difficulty, now it's just beautiful, finally bushes and grass are my friends XD. Amazing work, this is necessary for everyone to get smooth and immersive gameplay on higer difficulties of SAIN. No words, bro, I saw a miracle with my eyes

      Heart 1
    • Good to know it helps!

      Heart 1
    • It makes SPT's life better! Hehe

      Happy 1
  • Is it possible to enable Labs and Factory maps? From what I see, factory4_day is not configured, and laboratory is commented (probably to disable). I'm curious how it would work there.

    If I'm correct, to enable Labs i need to uncomment in ThatsLitGameworld.cs and ThatsLitPlugin.cs and recompile it. I dont know c# ;p.

    • ScoreCalculator needs to be defined and manually calibrated by repeatedly entering the map and observing then adjusting the parameters, otherwise the brightness score will not make sense.

      What's more important here is there's no actual time of day system on these maps, so there's no night, so you get nothing out of it.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • How do you uninstall?

    • Delete BepInEx/plugins/ThatsLit

  • A question out of curiosity.

    What exactly does this message say?

    Is it known that the specified time increases with each raid?

    Possibly to a point where the packet loss icon appears on the loading screen? Just a thought...

    [Warning:ThatsLitPlayer] [.CanLoad.Update]: [[That's Lit] Can load players. Time: 1879.088]

    [Warning:ThatsLitPlayer] [.CanLoad.Update]: [[That's Lit] Can load players. Time: 4759.08]

    [Warning:ThatsLitPlayer] [.CanLoad.Update]: [[That's Lit] Can load players. Time: 7256.945]

    [Warning:ThatsLitPlayer] [.CanLoad.Update]: [[That's Lit] Can load players. Time: 8936.261]
    [Warning:ThatsLitPlayer] [.CanLoad.Update]: [[That's Lit] Can load players. Time: 10308.84]

    [Warning:ThatsLitPlayer] [.CanLoad.Update]: [[That's Lit] Can load players. Time: 18379.56]

    All raids were on Lighthouse. This happens regardless of the map.

    However, I have no problems, possibly only slowly increasing memory utilization on the Dedicated Fika Client.

    Restarts will of course help.

    • Nothing to worry about, it's not really a warning.

      It's just there so I can see in the log that the game world is ready to initialize That's Lit for players.

      Heart 1
  • Your work was really impressive and went a long way in making realistic plays. I wish you all the best in your path ahead.

    Heart 1
  • Thanks for your work!

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Thank you for all of your hard work on this wonderful mod, and congratulations on achieving JLPT N1! Now you're almost actually 日本語上手 :D Good luck on your job hunt, and considering how you're socially awkward, Japan might just be the place for you! Just be wary of the crazy work-life balance.


    • N1 only means I can read and listen, still far from actually knowing Japanese :kekw:

      Thank you!

  • Thanks brother, we so much appreciate you

    • Thank you for the appreciation!

  • Thanks for the great mod.

    I didn't know you had studied Japanese, and congratulations on acquiring the N1!

    Life may be tough, but I wish you all the best in your future!


    • Thank you! N1 is just a start!

  • Hello. Good luck in your endeavors and I wish you the best.

    I just looked to install this mod for use with my more difficult SAIN settings but for some reason it causes me to crash a few minutes into raid. I tried disabling the brightness and it still causes crashes. Then I disabled every setting in the config except the Main and it still causes crashes. It seems having this mod installed with Main active causes my raids to crash every time.

    Any help would be appreciated as this mod is one I have been looking forward to installing.

    • I replied in Discord. Sorry about missing your previous message there!

    • Oh I didn't realize you were the actual mod author in DC. My B. Thanks for replying man. And good luck to you. (Currently testing now).

      Thumbs Up 1
    • did the fix work? I too am having crashes

  • Good luck, thanks for your hard work on SPT, take care. :)

    • Thank you!

  • Read the notes. The best wish for you!Hope you will have a new happy life in new place ! Remember come back here to see us ! :)

    • Thanks! 3.10 haven't arrived so we still got time though :D

  • Good luck in your future endeavours, hope everything turns well for you, dude!

    • Thanks a bunch!

  • Hey man, thank you for the great mod and I hope everything works out for you. The way you deliver this mod and the way you are writing your temp goodbye already tells me that there is no way you won't land back on your feet - as far as my regional knowledge goes, there is definitely not enough IT guys for the jobs that are available, be it junior or not, so I am confident that you will find people that appreciate you for the work you put in without burning you out.

    In a few years you will probably look back to this time and laugh about it while also thinking stepping back from your old job and taking the time you need to reorganize was the best decision you could have ever made.

    Also, I have been working in IT for more than a decade now, albeit not as a Software developer, and again, with your skills and communication there is no way you are considered a simple Junior - there is a worlds difference between someone that just graduated uni or school and someone with real life work experience, at least in my experience. Especially if that someone also gives up his free time to code mods as a passion project ;). Even for that passion alone there would be a ton of companies that will take you in a heartbeat, at least here in my region!

    Also send a few bucks your way, thanks again!

    • Thanks for all the kind words! It's very touching and encouraging ^^

  • Dude, thank you for your service here. You've helped the community a lot and we really appreciate that. Good luck

  • Hi, can you provide your settings for Donuts? or perhaps more insight on donuts? I’m using similar mods such as realism and raid overhaul and i’m trying to figure out the sweet spot between bot spawns. Getting swatted with bots in one area is not great, especially with realism. Thanks

    • It's all written in the Recommended Mods section, I just configure it that way and do not mess with the files.

    • yea i’ve seen the section, was wondering how exactly you configured the bot cap, like how many bots do you put in your raids.

    • :/ I just use the starting-pmcs-only random presets and that's about it, didn't change any number.

  • I'm really trying to use my own effort to read before asking lol but many mods have or don't have this, and I can't always discern.. it's compatibility with AKI. I'm on 3.8.0 trying to look for missed updates. My line of thinking is on your latest update "3.9.0" you state that because i need that version. So this file, one before that, should work with 3.8.0 and above? appreciate any help to get this sorted haha and THANK YOU IN GENERAL!!

    • The latest 1.383 one would works.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • This is by far my FAVOURITE mod in SPT. It helps SO MUCH during night raids! :D The AI can't see you at night like if it was broad daylight - it fucking rocks!

    Heart 1