Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.10 or if they can upload older versions of their mods.
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Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
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Version 310.0.1
- jbs4bmx
Update to SPT 3.10.x
Version 390.0.3
- jbs4bmx
Type: Trader Mod
Supported SPT Version: 3.9.0+
- Update SPT version support to 3.9.0+
- Add Ref and BTR Driver
- Add default trader image backup and restore utility (batch script).
- Move config file to root of mod directory.
- Update config file to jsonc in order to use comments.
Installation: Extract to root of SPT folder.
jbs4bmx Author
The "Comments" section will no longer be used for help/support.
If you need help/support, please use the mod's "Forum" page: Alternative Trader Pics
If you are reporting mod issues or incompatibilities with other mods, you must provide information such as (but not limited to) which other mods you may have installed, the exact reproducible behavior, and where necessary, logs.
Hey, did you not have different images for the traders for the last version, I believe?
I recall a mod like this using the images that you see in quest menus (& added things)?
I can't find it but I believe it was this one, but I may be wrong.
jbs4bmx Author
No. Just the main trader images are changed with this mod.
Never mind, it was this mod: Custom Trader Avatars
the mod I go to when my eyes are sick of the ai generated stuff:
Hi there! Loving the mod and how I'm able to change the photos of the traders to what I want. However, I ran into something concerning. It seems it leaked over to my live tarkov account. I know it's just changing the pictures of the traders, but could I get banned because of it? I don't stream the game.
jbs4bmx Author
No. You shouldn't get banned for using this mod.
But... if you are worried, just run the temp file cleaner found in the SPT launcher before closing out your gaming session and switching over to Live Tarkov.
Yeah I just booted up Live and yeah saw the trader pictures and was worried. So if the Trader pics are cached do you know what else is that might ban people?
jbs4bmx Author
Cached images? I wouldn't worry about it.
About the only way to get banned is to do something silly like install SPT in your Live EFT directory or to mess with the live files and then play the live game with modified files.
Marisa Yokai Magician
If I may make a few requests.
Jeovani, and a couple others arn't being covered.Arokar
Before launching the game...
Start both Server and Launcher.
In Launcher, click on Settings.
In Settings, click on 'Clear Temp Files'.
In Settings, click arrow on right side to return to the Launcher main menu.
Launch the game by clicking on 'Start Game'.
Followed this step by step, traders are still default traders.
jbs4bmx Author
I have a theory on why it is happening... I just need to find time to test it and work out a fix.
For some reason, the mod isn't working...I am not sure why I didn't really change anything but the normal trader pictures aren't changing. The modded traders do change just not the normal traders.
jbs4bmx Author
Did you clear the cache?
same here even when i clean temp files its still the normal ones
i think i may ahve a found a reason why its happening the ingame halloween event started im pretty sure yesterday it was working fine
Are your trader icons those from the halloween event? I got those on my install yesterday and was surprised installing this mod to overwrite them didn’t seem to work.
no they arent they are the normal ones
Is there a way to change the image of a custom mod added trader icon on our hand?
jbs4bmx Author
Easiest Way (updating all traders):
Long Way (for updating selected traders).
Привет, я поставил ваш мод и у меня в лицензионном таркове тоже поменялись аватарки трейдеров. Я испугался что словлю бан и пока больше его не ставил. Как это исправить?
jbs4bmx Author
To remedy this, you can delete your BattleState Games Temp Files if you want to go back to Live EFT.
Either use the SPT launcher and clear the Temp Files through the option in the settings menu or manually delete the whole "C:\Users\{yourUserName}\AppData\Local\Temp\BattleState Games" folder.
Hopefully Google Translate works well enough...
Чтобы исправить это, вы можете удалить свои временные файлы BattleState Games, если хотите вернуться к Live EFT.
Либо используйте программу запуска SPT и очистите временные файлы с помощью опции в меню настроек, либо вручную удалите всю папку «C:\Users\{ваш логи}\AppData\Local\Temp\BattleState Games».
I also hope that the translator will not let you down
That is, do I need to clean temporary files after every time I want to return to the online TFT? Right?
jbs4bmx Author
I wouldn't worry about it... unless you plan on streaming your session.
hello! this is first mod in SPT and didnt works,
I think I followed the instructions to the letter. SPT ver 3.5.5 and
Before launching the game...
thank you
jbs4bmx Author
Is this the only mod you're using?
If so, then it should just work. The coding is pretty simplistic and doesn't do much other than change the server response for images by injecting this mod's images.
If this is not the only mod you're using, then you may need to change the order of your mods.
Check the comments here to see what others have tried.
yep, the first. I have already read all the treads and config file its ok. Doesnt work
jbs4bmx Author
Before you start the server/game again... try the following.
Go into the AlternativeTraderPics mod's "src" folder and delete "altPics.js", so that only "altPics.ts" and "config.json" remains in the "src" folder.
Start the Server.
Start the Launcher and clear the Temp files again.
Then launch the game and let me know if that works.
thx for patience
Im following all the instructions to get this but its not working no matter what i do. im on 3.5.5
Tried again for the update and still doesn't work.
jbs4bmx Author
There wasn't really an update. The current version of the mod worked for the current version of SPT so I only changed the SPT version flag on the description.
Check your config...
Before launching the game...
You should now be able to launch the game with the big yellow "Start Game" button.
Note: This mod requires that the cache be cleared for it to work as intended on the initial run. After the first time, you only need to clear the cache if adding or removing additional traders or making changes to the configuration file.
Ok good news. I finally got it working but what i had to do is make it the first mod that was loaded instead of the last. I took off the zz and added a ! and got it loading now.
jbs4bmx Author
Very interesting.
Do you mind sharing which mods you have installed?
I'd like to run some tests myself to find out which mod is conflicting with it.
Currently in the mods folder,
Yo I have this mod that i made which replaces trader images using your mod. Which works great by the way! Somebody requested a few other custom traders which aren't a part of the default configuration for your mod. How can I add them, so people who download my images can have the custom traders as well, if they have them installed? Talking about The Broker and Keymaster custom traders 😊👍
So today, I went back to play live and after 2 raids noticed that my trader images, except fence, were the modded images....I do not have my SPT folder in the same folder as my live Tarkov. Is this anything to worry about?
I really couldn't care less if I am banned from live, but if there is something that I am doing wrong I want to correct it.
Thank you!
EDIT: just read comments below and you answer this. Thanks again!
From what I can tell this replaces all of the default trader images. I was hoping to change only Therapist's image as the "odd one out", so is there any way I could have all the other images set to default without having to individually replace each image with the original?
jbs4bmx Author
There isn't currently an option for that.
I might make it an option in a future release. Thanks for the idea!
For sure, love the work you're doing!
jbs4bmx Author
So I did a thing. Hope you like it!
That's insane bro, thank you so much! You're the goat
Quick question though, I just realized there was a big update to 3.5.2. I don't wanna have to wipe the save I just started, so I might stay on 3.5.1 for a little longer. Will 3.5.2 mods still work with 3.5.1?
jbs4bmx Author
They're not backwards compatible, but you are in luck because your profile can be transferred to the new version. I'm running my 3.5.1 profile in 3.5.2 right now.
Hi,Enjoying your mods,thank you.
Tarkov,not SPT,replaced the image,
but is there a possibility of a ban?
I forgot to delete the TEMP file,
In that state, I logged into Tarkov online.
jbs4bmx Author
As of today, I'm roughly 99% sure that would be a "No".
Until BSG starts doing some shady shit like scanning your drives without your consent, then it is highly unlikely that they will ban you for this mod.
But... I'm also speculating a bit. I don't have a single clue about what BSG has going on in their noggins.
Thank you for your reply.
Your words reassured me!
㎰.It goes without saying, but whatever the outcome, I will not hold a grudge against you.
Will this interfere with the live version of the game by altering temp files?
jbs4bmx Author
It will alter the temp files but that doesn't "interfere" with live. If you plan to jump back into live, clear the temp files using the Aki.Launcher.exe application beforehand.
Appreciate it, just figured since it messed with Main Files it could lead to an issue.
Hey man, I just can't get the mod to work. I did the installation right (dropped in root sptarkov folder) and I am not getting any error codes on launch. Just can't get any pics to work. Do I need to enable something in the config folder? I'm just lost
jbs4bmx Author
Start Server and Launcher... don't enter game yet.
In the Launcher, click on the "Settings" link in the top right.
In Settings, click on "Clear Temp Files"
Then click the arrow on the right to return to the Launcher main page and start EFT.
thank you so much needed the anime mommies...
Hey man, first than all thanks for the mod since it made it easier to change trader pfp, I was thinking about adding more mods to the compatibility, would it be possible to re-post with the new compatibility while obviously giving you credit?
jbs4bmx Author
no need. you can just add the names to the config file under the "traders" section if you know the names of the traders from the mods you want to add.
The only downside is that some modders use default names like avatar, so if you use any of those mods, they will have the same pfp for their traders.
Its mainly for other weabos like me that like anime pictures on the traders, so I will also be adding my custom images along with the mod
jbs4bmx Author
If you want to create a custom image and config pack for my mod, then I'm very okay with that. I was just meaning that you don't have to re-invent the wheel by creating a copy of the actual mod itself.

You can create a pack that overwrites my pics/config and then just link this mod as a prerequisite for your customization pack. If you want to do that, I approve 100%.
Don't forget to credit any artists whose pictures you use.
were i need put the file,there is no root file
u mean beplnex file in plugins or what ?
idk i am new in modding
jbs4bmx Author
The "root" of your SPT installation is the folder in which EscapeFromTarkov.exe is located. It's the old-school way of saying "parent folder" or "source location".
So I drag the file into the Escapefromtarkov.exe folder and then it works? Not that I'm doing anything wrong, that's why I'm asking
jbs4bmx Author
Yes, the same folder that these 3 executables are in..
Just extract the contents of the zip to that location.
it works on 3.5.0 guys
jbs4bmx Author
Status Update
Update coming soon soon...EDIT: update has been here... just forgot to update this post.
its not loading for me i am playing 3.4.0 and it wont show the pics
jbs4bmx Author
Did you clear your Temp Files after adding the mod? The game will use the last cached images so you have to clear your temp files for the new images to show up.
where would those be located at?
jbs4bmx Author
In the SPT Launcher.
There should be a "Clean Temp Files" button in the settings menu.
Click on it, then click the arrow to go back to the main menu so you can launch the game as per the usual.
jbs4bmx Author
Quick update... I got the fucker to load in AKI 3.2.1, but it won't display the new trader pics yet.
Still trying to figure out the new methods and how they work so I can get this mod to work.
jbs4bmx Author
For those curious... I am still working on updating this.
I'm just having some difficulties getting this to work with the new modules in SPT 3.X.
If anyone has any knowledge in TypeScript/JavaScript and wants to contribute, feel free to hit me up on Discord.
can't wait!
I wanted to say I love the new pictures you picked out
If i could I would leave a double review with 5 stars! 
it may be a stupid question but i renamed the images in the config to the same as on the Aki_Data/traders images but only getting the fence one even after clearing the cache did i do something wrong?
jbs4bmx Author
Did you make sure that all of them have the same extension?
Did you set the extension in the config file?
Recommended extensions are jpg and png.
If using png files, then you would have to change line 2, "extension", to say "png" instead of "jpg".
i just used the default pictures you had in there and made sure the extensions were accurate
jbs4bmx Author
The default pictures should have worked as-is. No need to rename anything unless you are using your own custom images.
batch script file to remove cache is outdated !
jbs4bmx Author
Thank you.
Removed reference to the script at it is no longer needed since the ability was added into the AKI Launcher settings menu.
hmmm I don't know if this mod is safe tbh. I logged in to my online Tarkov to turn in a gpu mechanic quest cause it finished crafting and claim my bitcoin and those images also applied to the online game as well. Anyone knows if that's detectable by Battle Eye?
I guess it's because it modifies the cache that online game also uses.
Its safe, just clear your cache before you play online.
Nice job, although I'm not a big anime fan so I made my own that I'll share for others to use:…W5YxxFzH/view?usp=sharing
Thanks for the mod
I don't watch anime so I'm using your version of the mod.
You made AMAZING pics for the traders.
You have serious talent.
Hey thanks man, glad you like it. I just tried to keep them in the same feel of the originals. Wasn't much work, just some royalty free stock images with various filters and cropping lol. Thanks for the kind words all the same.
Not much of an anime fan either but not that much into serious pics either (those are really good) so i used some striking a considerably less serious note.
Made me chuckle.
It's not working properly for me.
At first, your Fence pic would show up but I got spinning wheels for the others and trace errors in the server.
I went in and found that the pic names in the config file didn't match the pic names in the res file. And even after copy/pasting the names from the pics to the config file, still only Fence shows up. The originals show up instead of the spinning wheels.
Here is the trace error I get. It occurs for each trader other than FENCE, just with different file names (pictures) that can't be found.
ALSO ....the config file uses the file names from jbs4bmx's original res file, except Fence. Not yours.
[ERROR] Trace:
[Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\AKI Tarkov\user\mods\jbs4bmx-AltTraderPics\res\59b91cbd86f77469aa5343cb.jpg'] {
errno: -4058,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'open',
path: 'C:\\AKI Tarkov\\user\\mods\\jbs4bmx-AltTraderPics\\res\\59b91cbd86f77469aa5343cb.jpg'
The download is broken. Returns Dropbox 404 not found.
jbs4bmx Author
Thanks for letting me know. Updated.