Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.
Version 2.2.4
- Arys
Updated for SPT 3.9.x
Currently broken, please wait for an update
Version 2.2.3-Hotfix-2
- Arys
Bugfix: Fixed locale issue with A-10 weapon and ammo (thanks to Ereshkigal for reporting)
This should be the last release until the Apache update.
Version 2.2.3-Hotfix
- Arys
Bugfix: Fixed being unable to call fire support in Ground Zero
Version 2.2.3
- Arys
Updated for SPT-AKI 3.8.0
Apache and other features will be coming in a future update.
When? When it's ready.
Version 2.2.2-Hotfix
- Arys
Bugfix: Fixed A-10 audio desync
Tested on 3.7.4, should work for 3.7.1+
Version 2.2.2
- Arys
- Improvement: if you have selected a support request but have not confirmed it with LMB, either pressing
, or switching from the rangefinder to another weapon or item will cancel the support request - Bugfix: Fixed missing Black Hawk helicopter rotors (the old ones went for some cigarettes and never came back
- Bugfix: Fixed the direction that the A-10 approaches in; it now actually follows the path shown with the marker
- Bugfix: Fixed an audio bug with the A-10 strafe on its first use in every raid, where its engine sound was loud and immediately played after confirming the strafe request
- Bugfix: Resolved a
exception when extracting with the Black Hawk helicopter - Misc: Some code refactors/improvements
I highly recommend updating to this version as the fixes will improve your immersion and has a nice new improvement
Tested on 3.7.4, should work on 3.7.1+
Version 2.2.1
- Arys
Fixes the mod breaking after the first raid you run, hopefully for real this time lol
If you downloaded 2.2.0, please update to this version otherwise you will experience the problem mentioned.
This has been tested on 3.7.4, but should still work on 3.7.1+
Arys Author
I no longer have as much time as I used to, so I will only be maintaining this mod - the Apache stuff is left unfinished and it's unlikely that I'll finish it either. Same goes for other features or bugfixes.
Sorry to disappoint.
thank you Arys! this mod makes takes the game to a whole new level, super fun. we appreciate you updating it
i only have a bug where the call in UI looks photo shopped tbh(can see a black border around it)
Sad, but understandable. Mod is still awesome, so theres that at least.
sad that original Creator went MIA
hey, not asking you to update or anything btw, just wanted to ask if there is a planned update to 3.10 or not cause of your life stuff. cause i love this mod and just want to know if i should keep a eye out for it or not. thank you kind person
i pray every day for an update to this
RAWR i cant get to my stables without this mod!!

this is one of if not the coolest mods ive came across in SPT, the radio, audio and visuals are top tier!!! cant wait for the 3.10 update..
Arys, will you update the mod to version 3.10? Even though it is unfinished?
Arys Author
After I update Swagnuts, yes
RAWRRRRR! i need furrysupport so i can get to my stables

Can anyone confirm if the mod works in 3.10 by just changing the version number?
I can't figure it out, and my game won't even let me boot it with the mod installed. If anyone knows how to get it to work, I'd love to know.
I still can't call extract on Ground Zero. What could be the issue?
all of the buildings in the area make it hard to fly a helicopter into the zone without it clipping, theres very specific and few areas where you can call it, though
randomly stopped showing when pressing y with rangefinder. downloaded the same version and still did not show up.
Hope sometime in the future, you feel like working on it again! Love what you have given us! Just know the community would rejoice if the Apache was added, came for the extraction stayed for Apache. thanks Arys you made some great stuff!
Bloody love it. You can use the heli for extraction. I'm using it on 3.8.x at the moment. It's bloody brilliant. Thank you xxxx
any way to use this in vr mod
Just thought how cool it would be to have the extract feature be attached to a flare instead. Then the price of the flare itself could be easily configured and this would add an improved visual atmosphere to the extraction as well!
A cool idea if someone picks it up and figures it out. Nonetheless, great work Arys we appreciate the work you did
thats a great idea... I love this mod. makes the game come alive on extraction
Great mod! Love evacuation especially. Make me feel like Sam Fisher xD
i just updated to spt 3.9.5. when i press y twice to pick gesture menu nothing shows for fire support.
anyone tried this with FIKA?
Yes, it works (3.8.0), but we can only see it for the one who started it, but it kills and evacuates normally. (I didn't try to evacuate as a host when my partner was still in the game, but after the evacuation of my allies, it's fine)
The only reason I had not updated SPT was to wait and see if you release the Apache update or not.
Hopefully someone else will pick it up one day.
till that day I shall spare me another wacky adventure in pirate's bay.
Thank you very much for this mods Arys. I really appreciate what you do!
hey Arys, I really enjoyed this mod in 3.8.3 but after updating it to current 3.9.0 save, it doesnt seem to work
to confirm this i called in strafe on this sniper scav and it didnt kill him, can you look into it? I'd really appretiate it as this is one of my favorite mods.
Arys Author
Sure I'll do it when I have time
thanks dude appreciate it
Yeah just did a GZ High level, and it doesn't show the icon for heli extract or airstrike.
Probably not updated for that map yet.
Strange windows defender notification
Windows Defender is accusing trojan
Should I tell them windows defender is just useless and detects the most annoying and not virus at all stuff?
Bruh I tried to test like 50 meters from me, behind cover and still died

Absolutely absurd and I love it
Edit: Tried it today on a long raid, and the helicopter going for the extract, is very cool and makes noises ... incredible mod! Thanks for the port for newest version of SPT.
You are doing a great job but I wonder if you can make it FIKA compliant
Hey, not sure if it's on my end. but when I try to Download through OperaGX 6 different times I keep getting "Interrupted: Virus Detected"
Weird, because I downloaded this mod a few times before without any problems... I'll try a different browser
EDIT- Download* not install
Update- I installed chrome and tried it. Didn't work either
Arys Author
Probably your antivirus is blocking it. I was able to download it fine on my chrome. Only solution for you is to temporarily disable your antivirus.
Odd, because I don't have any 3rd party antivruses... I'll see if I can troubleshoot something by disabling windows defender and restarting my PC. I'll update on this reply if anything comes up
UPDATE- I disabled my OperaGX's Malicious Site protection, disabled my Windows Defender, managed to download the file. Activated the defender again, where it gave another error about it being a threat, But I was able to go into the Windows Defender settings and allow access to the file. So everything's working smoothly now.
Not sure why my Windows Defender suddenly has a problem with this mod... I was able to download it just fine before.
Ah well, it's fixed now. Still love the mod!
Bruh we need 3.9.x!
You didn't bother to check the version in downloads, did you?
Haha, got me, when i wrote it there was only elder version
What is the purpose of which icon on the far right side of the menu that appears after double clicking on y?
Does this &/or crash sites require your custom asset importer?
a quick suggestion for more customization, maybe have a few options in the f12 menu where you can choose how long it takes for a strafe run to happen (with maybe a minimum of 5 seconds?), the length of the strafe run (which i dont know if its even possible) and the amount of rounds that go in the strafe run (for performance issues). and i dont know if you know how to do this, but since theres a third option in the wheel menu maybe it could be some sort of a mortar strike that you can call in? or maybe an apache helicopter that provides covering fire? my bad if im rambling too many ideas i really like mods and cant make shit so i rely on other people