WTT - Armory - Cheytac Intervention 1.0.1

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

No, you're not dreaming.

  • Any changes in the new update other than realism compatibility? I have the first version installed but I don't use Realism so was wondering if I need to update or not.

    • no changes outside the realism patch, you are fit as a fiddle and ready to fly.

      Heart 1
  • Still has the wacky waivable inflatable tube girl bug :(

    • did you update your realism to 1.3.1?

  • Awesome mod, works great. Hoping it can be made larger in the future.

    Using Realism as well and this thing just deletes everything, Super Expensive which makes it a lot more enjoyable to run.

  • Works fine now... :love: Thanks!!! Love that weapon.....

    • Glad to hear it


    • I´m all WTT-equipped.... Should wear a sponsoring patch on my jacket.... :D

      Happy 1

    • I have done so that the arm issue still exists. fresh install of realism and the cheytac mod and Realism patch.

    • :kannatiredofthis:

    • hahah

    • Senara has gifted us with a new compat patch, perhaps it will be rectified now

  • Great work Rex.


    Heart 1
  • Rexana thank you for your hard work. I use realism but I can see how much work you put into this and the models are very beautiful. I am excited to use it one day soon. Thanks!

    Heart 1
  • Simple fix for now while waiting for Realism mod to support very heavy guns. Just make the weight of the receiver low enough at least hitting 4-6 kg's to make it work with current spt realism version.

    • do this since the receiver is the heaviest part of the gun. Or do any other parts of the gun to make it a bit more balance weight distribution wise if you choose to do it.

    • Senara (person who makes and tests the compatibility patch) tried that. and tried giving every part +120 ergo.

      It is literally a Realism issue.

    • weird i got the gun working on our installation just by simply put the weight to 1.3 instead of the normal value it had. The gun stopped going wildly side to side and the gun got to a weight of around 6-7kg loaded. i just followed the last comments on the thread and saw something about weight on realism mod making certain weapons do weird things. like the issue i assume is realism cant handle weapons above 10 or 11kg's.

  • I noticed such a bug, the mod was installed as the very first priority. The list of mods is attached along with the video

    P.S: I add. This bug does not appear at the shooting range.

    Before this happened, I took Ibuprofen and canceled the animation


    • the problem is Realism.

    • but you wrote that there is compatibility with realism

    • Yes, there is. The problem is with Realism. apparently weapons over a certain weight just make Realism act weird. Fontaine is already looking to fix it.

  • Why is it so.. small?

    Thumbs Up 2
    • I just checked some youtube videos to make sure that my doubts are in fact, correct....
      The other M4 pistol grips that are attached are way too big for the rifle (notice it does not actually line up with the trigger guard). I've seen other people put an A2 grip on it and the parts sit flushed with the trigger guard.
      I did notice the gun was a bit too small for no apparent reason... perhaps you can fix this by just scaling the whole thing till dimensions actually match?

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Rexana Yesterday, 3:17 pm Author

      The reason it is so small is because it is built over the Remington m700 container. Because the AXMC container is a busted broken un-useable mess.

      That meant scaling it down so the animations would match up to the gun.

    • You know not what you ask for.

    • Huhh.. okayy...
      Perhaps one day we can get full sized M200... I'm pretty sure it's doable as KMC weapons had the barrett 25mm thing that had perfectly fine animations, while being the size it should be.

      Having an M200 that's this small really breaks the emersion a lot, as I've always known this weapon as the huge, heavy sniper rifle from a game that modeled its feel and handling extremely well: World War 3.

    • that barrett's mag clipped through the hand during the reload animation. it was half baked.

  • This is not compatible with Deadleaves limited traders mod

    Crying 1
    • That sucks.

    • I will see if I can figure out a fix today

      Since Limited traders only touches the traders- I am assuming it is an issue with the assort

      I will post the logs- in the case you would have any insight

    • is cheytac first in your load order?

    • Yes

      I was going to try to move the barter scheme to a custom trader ID then simply blacklist that trader in Limited Traders but I have been working on other mods today so far

  • You are awesome. Keep churning out weapons please! I love all your work! Also, if you're interested in a mod commission please let me know if that's allowed. I have a pistol I would like but I dont have the talent or the resources to get it done.

    Heart 1
  • Good stuff Rexana! you the GOAT.

    • i thought all my mods were half-baked.

      Heart 2
  • Wonderful! the most beautiful AND INTERESTING mod added to Tarkov so far, maybe in the future it will also work with realism, but until then I give up on realism because with the original game it works perfectly.


    Heart 1
  • Just FYI the Geissele 34mm mount is not compatible on the gun for some reason. from what i can tell all of the other 34mm mounts are. idk if this is a bug or not.

    love the mod btw, that bolt slide sound.... chef's kiss

    Heart 1
    • is 34mm geissele a vanilla item? or from a mod?

      Thinking 1
    • If it's a mod item, like say from Epicrangetime, change the load order so that Cheytac loads before epic's stuff.

    • ah you're so smart. i was thinking it was a vanilla item cuz there's the 30mm geissele mount, but youre right, it is from a mod. thank you

    • to be fair, a 34mm geissele should have been vanilla from the get-go. it just makes sense that way.

      Thumbs Up 1

    Yes i am aware the gun is giving your PMC wacky wavy arms when you ADS.

    There will be a realism update that will fix this.

    Proof HhzWjgR

    Heart 2
    • Until then use the stances coming with realism, transition from those to ADS works without "yoga-animations"....

  • hello in server log

    2024-06-28 04:57:02.920 +07:00||Error|Default|Item deserialization error: No parent with id hideout found for item a32295443d35c7cc2d031ce3

    • your game's not loading the preset for some reason. :kannatiredofthis:

    • check in you .\Logs\log_2024.06.27_22-28-38_0. errors.log :) we look same

    • SzwRP3J.png

      maybe maybe it's unnecessary)? There is no such thing anywhere on the WTT weapon

    • loads just fine on my end. and everyone else's.

    • Still no you definitely have extra parameters :)

      Can you explain why they are)?

  • ive been goofing off with this for a bit looking at the files, is there any way to edit the stack size for the ammo? ive tried using a ton of mods to change it but cant seem to find one that works. im just asking out of curiosity.

    • "StackMaxSize": 20,

      jsut change that line for the bullet in the item .json to whatever number

    • i only just now looked at this.. im potato tysm

  • awesome mod! small bug- if you try to top load it it gets stuck in the animation

    Crying 1
  • Ok now just GIVE US WTT

    (I want it so bad)

    Happy 1
  • omg am i dreaming? oh, the mod says i'm not. MW (the good ones!) nostalgia is in full force! you guys are awesome

    Heart 1
  • Hi absolutely love your mod, I've always wanted there to be more bolt action rifles in the game as it lacks so much of it, but today I've encountered an issue with aiming with it:


    Its happened with other modded guns and didn't really know what to make of it. Ive tried moving it up in my load order but it seems to only make it worse.

    Happy 1
    • yay realism

    • Realism currently doesn't "support" guns over a certain weight. it is going to be patched, do not worry.

    • Awesome thanks for the quick reply :thumbup:

    • bruh, you have the kung fu dlc from Elden Ring installed

  • Just discovered a weird behavior in the aiming animation, only when switching to scope in vanilla stance, when using fontaine´s realism stances, the rifle behaves normal... That was just in the last raid, the ones before everything was fine.... Firsts I thought, this is one of the easter eggs, because it startet with a little "swirl" of the scope, but it got worse within the raid. Can´t describe it better, I´m not an english native. Will watch this...

    Heart 1
    • yup, it's being addressed.

      it's being addressed so bad that there's talk of realism being updated to work with heavy guns.

    • Can´t appreciate enough the work you and all the other modders put into their work to create such georgeous mods to keep this game interesting and challenging! Thank you, I hope, you get enough positive feedback and recognition!!

      Heart 1
  • The rifle doesn't count as a bolt action rifle in quests.

    Tried it in ''Shooter born in heaven'' and ''The Tarkov shooter part 6 and it doesn't count the kills.

    Other than that, the rifle works great. Fantastic sound design on it.

    Thank you for sharing it.

    Heart 1
  • you are a legend dude.

    Very very impressive.

    Thanks for all the hard work.

    Heart 1
  • Just came home from work, switched on the coffeemaker, switched on the pc to check new spt mods... Saw your new rifle, got my stuff and headed out to woods to trie it out...... and totally forgot about my coffee.... :D

    Amazing work, and again, absolute amazing sounds!! Thank you for this one!! :thumbup:

    Heart 2
    • 140% relatable.

    • Just discoverd the modding parts... three different bolts... amazing, your love to details....

    • animeproudclap

  • Can you add the SIG 550 Please?

    Nice MOD btw

    Thanks ^^

    • Thank you for trying this one out. As of this moment i have no plans to do the 550, apologies.

  • And again, the dealers of this rifle do not have them at the Flea Market, only the Peacemaker does not have spare parts for the rifle, and there are no cartridges.

    Crying 1
    • Peacekeeper is only meant to sell the gun, the magazines, and the cartridge.

      Idk why my mod is giving you issues, apologies.

  • Very cool and pretty well made mod. Did you think about making a M82 barrett? I would love to have semi-auto .50 cal.


    • It's come across my desk multiple times. idk, we'll see. kanasmug

      Heart 1
    • Not asking you to take on more than you want to/already are, but I sure would enjoy dropping mofos with a Barret .50 cal :evil: Even if the thought of bots spawning with them is down right terrifying lmao

  • Oh my goodness, friend, you are a true hero :thumbup:

    Heart 1