Camera Unsnap 2.3.5

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Allows you to unsnap the player camera and keep the body visible for screenshots or the such

does what the title says, unsnaps the player camera and keeps the body visible so you can use it for photos or videos

now with freecam controls and timescale manipulation

  • Version 2.3.5

    recoompile and updoot

  • Version 2.3.4


  • Version 2.3.3


  • Version 2.3.2R


  • Version 2.3.2

    added mouse smoothing thanks to Zaddish

  • Version 2.3.1

    recompile for 3.5.2

  • Version 2.3.0

    Added the ability to record camera paths, which works by recording the cameras angles and position each frame and from there you play it to have the camera follow the recorded path. You can also resume recordings after stopping them to append a new stream onto the recording, like a jump cut.

  • Version 2.2.2

    fixed assembly typeref issue, also tried implementing delegates for the lock movement command so hopefully bots move now

  • Version 2.2.1

    updoot to 3.5.0 plus some bug fixes

  • Version 2.2.0

    Updated for 3.4.0

    Camera Rotation added

    Camera Memory position list added

    Camera Session Override added

    Camera FOV manipulation added

    Cleaned up some code

    Better utilized properties

    Switched to utilizing UnityEngine.InputLegacyModule for more accurate and response input reading

    Implemented better exception handling, as well as implementing a system to alert the player of issues

  • Has anyone encountered such a problem? how to fix it?


  • I need this so bad to make my videos cinematic... maybe we can beg bsg to implement this?

  • 3.8.0 version pls

  • the package.json folder is missing, please help (spt version: 3.7.6) (mod version: 3.7.2)

  • Hello! Im new to aki and if this thread is active, plese, can somebody help me. For some reason camera plays path and never stops . i dont know what to do with that, this is really frustrating

  • Cant run camera unsnap 2.3.5 cause missing package.json

  • Dude, i beg you, add fixing camera position for "third-person shots". It is very crucial to have this option. As you said in previous comments, it is easy. I'm sure people would like it hummm

    Happy 1
  • Hello, my game version is 3.5.8 - which version of your mod is suitable for 3.5.8?

  • aquadesperate

    I know we shouldnt ask... but... but... but... WHEN 3.7.1 Update?! Pleasssssssse bugcatdrunk


    If you are not maintaining these, can you release them with a less restrictive license?! Pleeassssse?! bugcatlove

  • Does not work with 3.7.1 animetantrum


  • how do i use the free cam i see all the binds in f12 but none of them are activating it

  • Anyway to snap the camera back to player view?

  • soo i installed it and it wont run or work it wont even show up in the f12 menu and i put it in the plugins folder what am i doing wrong id love to use this

  • how to turn on the mode?

  • Thank you so much for the update, king!

  • can the game also be paused to find the right frame?

    • You can change the time scale, including pausing

  • Update was worth the wait

  • Oh my gosh, yes!

    Thanks for updating this!

  • please update as soon as possible

  • Honestly needs an update

  • Where update????? Hah

    Thumbs Up 1
  • Update??????

  • Please update 🙏

    Heart 1
  • Kobrakon, update the mod for version 3.6.0 as soon as possible, please🙏

  • Worked fine for me in 3.5.8 but not in 3.6.0

  • Hi, I wanted to ask - I have installed your mod version 3.5.8 of the game - but the camera does not work. And on the other version 3.5.3 everything works fine.

  • Hello. Who can help? how to fix the camera so that it moves behind the character from any side I want

  • Path recording breaks and doesn't work whenever i hide the HUD, always have to restart the raid after it to fix it

  • Nice! Thanks for updating!