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"look at how clear that shit is fr"
UCNVG is the client-side take on the clear NVG mods, the main fault with the server-sided variants is that they sacrificed the functionality of said devices when creating a clear picture by reducing the light amplification granted by the noise, however, this client-sided version works by tweaking the components applied to the player camera and disabling texture masks creating a clear picture without sacrificing any light amplification.
To install this mod drop the DLL into the BepInEx/plugins folder and it should work, if it doesn't then it's most likely your fault.
Version 1.0.2
- Kobrakon
added a server plugin that allows you to change the RGB and Alpha values for NVGs
Version 1.0.1
- Kobrakon
Minor update because BSG changed a method, should still work the same tho
Version 1.0.0
- Kobrakon
Still working on 3.7.2
For anyone wondering - it still works
3.7.2 still working! =)
Is there a way to fix the IR lasers? They no longer work with the T-7 thermals. Now it won't show the light or laser like it should. I'm assuming something you turned off did it. Is there a way to turn this back on or no?
Lasers don't work with thermals.
IR lasers do.
Can't remember if they did In Game but IRL they do.
Great mod, works perfectly, thanks.
One suggestion, add a picture of what the games looks like without the mod to show how much of an improvement it is.
Hello I just downloaded this mod, more specifically the newest version for aki 3.5.0 and it says in the szerver that it's not compatible with the current version of aki
Kobrakon Author
yeah I didn't update the server version in the package but it should still run just fine as it's mostly the client plugin that does the work
Szerver? Lebuktál!
Szerver? Are you from hungary? Big UP!
Hát most na, az autocorrect hibája xd
Aztamindenit azt hittem csak én vagyok ilyen értelmiségi közülünk hogy ezt tolom
this is very cool! But I still want one thing, can you make NVGS compatible with normal sniper scopes? Using NVG will make the scope very dark, and thermal are not compatible with normal scopes at all. If that's solvable that'll be great
Kobrakon Author
The issue with scopes being really dark is that there are filters applied to the player cam that isn't applied to the scope cam, it can be fixed but would probably add way too much overhead for what it's worth
using scopes with thermals is something I have been looking into tho
It says its imcompatible with the current aki version when i execute the server (willpost this on a few other mods dont mark as spam. just letting you know)
While the NVG's work perfectly with red dots, clear and very visible. However, when i zoom in with like a Valday for example, the screen becomes very dark, almost unable to see the enemies. is there a way to fix that on my side?
Kobrakon Author
that's due to the fact that the player camera has filters applied to it that are not applied to the PIP optic camera which causes that dissonance
BRSaura fix then?
it doesn't work for me, the NV is still the same in the hideout
Maybe I did something wrong idk
Kobrakon Author
as I’ve said before, hideout NVGS are already clear, use something like the PNV-10T or other NVG that restricts view and you’ll see the difference
Oh okay I see, my bad
Thx for answering!
Would love to see this mod develop into the replacement for modular night vision goggles since that one doesn't seem to be supported further. I would love to see the ability to modify colors through a RBG value changer. I've gotten so used to white phosphor style nods that I can't upgrade to 3.x.x until there is a functional port of modular nvg or a natural replacement. Awesome work and I would love to see expanded capabilities in the future!
Kobrakon Author
Awesome! looking forward to it. I've been checking daily and I look forward to updating from 2.3 when it drops!
Love your mods man. While this isnt the modular NVG mod that someone else made this is about as close as I can get for now. Any chance you might be able to port that if you have the time?
missing.json for 3.1.1
Kobrakon Author
client mod not server mod
oh? o.o well fair enough
fr why it looks too cartoony
Kobrakon Author
this mf eating beans at midnight while killing scavs
Can i input custom color values for the goggles? Change it from green?
Kobrakon Author
hmm, maybe I outta add that
That would be awesome. Ive been cutting the code from "Modular Night Vision" by JC980 Modular Night Vision Goggles
Anyways been cutting the color customisation part out of it, and then adapting it to work in ALEX AIO Mod Alex-AIO
It looked like this after splicing the 2 mods together. I then got all the Thermal advancments that Alex made, and allowed me to custoimize the color of nods so it wasnt green and was easier to see and on my eyes.
if (config.gameplay_changes.thermal) {
const t7 = items["5c110624d174af029e69734c"]._props;
t7.IsMotionBlurred = false;
t7.Mask = "Anvis";
t7.MaskSize = 1.5;
t7.IsNoisy = false;
t7.NoiseIntensity = 0;
t7.RampShift = -0.1;
t7.MainTexColorCoef = 1.3;
t7.MinimumTemperatureValue = 0; //added 7-5
const gpnvg = items["5c0558060db834001b735271"]._props;
gpnvg.IsMotionBlurred = false;
gpnvg.Mask = "Anvis";
gpnvg.MaskSize = 1.5;
gpnvg.IsNoisy = false;
gpnvg.NoiseIntensity = 0.02;
gpnvg.Color.r = 100;
gpnvg.Color.g = 149;
gpnvg.Color.b = 237;
gpnvg.Color.a = 200;
Man I would KILL for a port of Modular NVG's just so I can mess with those values again but also to mount the N-15's on helmets again lol.
i got so used to a nice blue in 2.3.1, i couldnt let it go lol.
Okay, I'm sorry, but I'm confused. I put the .dll in the \BepInEx\plugins, and it shows in the BepInEx Console that it loaded. However, I don't se any difference with it loaded or not. Being in the Hideout, and turning on the Night Vison, it looks the same with or without this mod. Is it suppose to be some drastic difference that is appearent to see? The images posted, one green, one white/grey, are those suppose to be a comparison, or examples of what it looks like with the mod enabled? Can you post "clear" side by side images of "vanilla" and with the mod enabled? There is noindication that this is not working, there are no errors in the BepInEx console, it's just I see absolutely no difference with or without it installed. Thanks in advance.
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [Configuration Manager 16.4.1]
[Info : BepInEx] Loading [UCNVG 1.0.0]
[Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UCNVGPatch
[Info :ModulePatch] Enabled patch UCNVGThermPatch
Kobrakon Author
the base nightvision in the hideout is already clear, it’s more noticeable with something like the PNV-10T as it disables the texture mask and filters
Thanks so much for the clarification. I will try that out.
Could see the difference with the [PNV-10T]. Thanks for replying, and the mod.......
kobrakon strikes again. works perfect for me!
some pictures would be nice
Kobrakon Author
I play at 4K so my pics are too fat to attach
Kobrakon Author
there i uploaded da fookin images