Props Obviously Original Program (POOP) 1.5.3

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I have taken Fins AI Tweaks, bastardized it, rebuilt it like bad furniture, and hammered shit into it that looks wrong. Then i sprinkled soy sauce on it hoping it tastes better. I give you POOP.

I have taken the mod and given it a name change as I can't honestly call this FAIT anymore.

I will probably keep adding more features in but for the most part it does the following right now:


  1. Ability to mod AI Template difficulties via config and an advanced config file (set ai to allow to throw grenades or aim at the head).
  2. Legendary Mode that allows you to fight your own player if you survive 10 (not run-through) raids. Set how often it replaces PMCs in config.
  3. Ability to specify replacing Bot Scav behavior via a percentage in the config.
  4. Ability to specify health modifiers for specific bot types in config.
  5. Automatic Difficulty Adjustments (based on every run now) enabled via config. If you die in a raid, it adjusts difficulty down for you.. if you survive it raises it.
  6. Specify whether AI can talk out loud in config
  7. Mark rogues as hostile/non-hostile to USEC via config.

It should highly be compatible with other mods unless it affects AI behavior of some sort. If not, you should be able to disable the feature that is breaking. If its still breaking mod compatibility, i probably still won't fix it since its bare bones as it is, but you can voice your complaints in the comments.


Just unzip it to your spt-aki/user/mods folder... at some point the next version will be a whole new name.

I think it goes without saying that if you want difficulty adjustment, use poop variety mod:

POOP Variety

I also highly recommend SAIN as it gives more realistic actions on top of this mods values to tweak:

  • Version 1.5.3

    This is a test version, should work on all 3.5.x

    1. Changed the multipliers to the old format/less things changed. Should be easier to configure.
    2. Added aiming type to config instead of aim for head and a random option (more realistic if you want variety aim based on difficulty level of bot)
    3. Added CanShootToHead from Core AI Template instead of forcing aiming type.
  • Version 1.5.2

    1. Fixed up more issues with bots shooting to the left/right of you (was a scattering spread issue).
    2. Tuned up the viewing angle so bots are no longer as blind of you (you can obviously set this to what you want)
    3. Tuned up the hearing multiplier in the default config so they can still hear you coming now. (you can obviously set this to what you want)
    4. Fixed Can_Talk (i think).
    5. Lowered Legendary Player chance to 2%. Was too frequent in games.

    I don't think this would interfere with any AI Client mods like SAIN - it would overwrite anything i have in here.

    If you use an nvidia card, turn off vsync and nvidia reflex in-game to stop bot spawn stutter.

  • Version 1.5.1

    Should work with 3.5.5 and 3.5.6 SPT Versions

    1. Fix the inversed config for allowaimathead - thanks tinyteeth
    2. Fix bots aiming in other directions too quickly while stationary
  • Version 1.5.0

    3.5.5 and 3.5.6 version of SPT. May work for earlier versions (i don't know but not supported)

    1. Rewrote the mod completely
    2. Difficulties may be customized per role (with descriptions with each setting). You can also create files for a specific role if you want. See the AITemplates > Role Specific folder.
    3. Fixed legendary player mode where you fight your own player with the appearance and gear that you were wearing when you last achieved 10 consecutive successful raids in a row. 5 percent chance to see that player in your game based on the pmc and side that spawns (needs to match your player).
    4. AI Multipliers in the config now target related settings even if its in a different category.
    5. Fixed the talking so they shouldn't talk unless firing?
    6. Added weapon distance prioritization and turret use to the config.

    Big Shoutout to TinyTeeth for helping me test.

    There is no readme because everything should have comments in the json5 files.

  • Version 1.4.0

    3.5.0 Release of Poop

    1. Version update for 3.5.0, no new features for this version.

    Relinked to test Version while i fix the bot issue related to Legendary Player

  • Version 1.3.0

    1. Updated for 3.4.0 SPT-AKI
    2. More options for choosing which bots will talk.
    3. Changed how bots talk - should be true/false instead of the difficulty of the bots chosen in the config.
    4. Removed escort mode because it will never work.
    5. Automatic Difficulty is on a more forgiving curve. It will take like 10 raid survivals to adjust the difficulty .5 while it used to only take one survival to adjust difficulty.
    6. Updated Legendary Player spawning to actually in queue. Use a high value in config as you will not know when they spawn.
  • Version 1.2.8

    1. I didn't generate unique IDs for the legendary player when cloning it. Now it does but that means if you have a legendary progress save, its data is bad. you'll have to re-achieve it lol.
    2. Includes fix for new profiles not created yet error.
    3. split up source into multiple files to make it easier to develop.

    You will probably should delete old directory and put this one in place.

    I haven't had a chance to test this since i'm on 3.4.0 . let me know if issues still in 3.3.0

  • Version 1.2.7

    1. Add ability to specify AI types for scav 'assault' and 'cursedassault' role substitution in the config (just add/delete the names - you can use the list below it in the config as a reference and it should be all lowercase). This means scavs will be replaced with whatever AI Role Behavior you specify. Also note that it changes the role on the kill summary at the end so unless you don't care about that , a 50 percent chance would probably be a good mix.
    2. Name change. If you have the existing Fins AI Tweaks folder, delete it before installing mine. If you want to save your progress (if you working towards legendary), copy the progress.json in the doNotTouch folder to the new poop/doNotTouch folder.

    FML its called pmcAltRoles in the config, but it really means scav alternative roles.

    i'll fix it later. replaced the zip so it should be fixed now.. unless you downloaded it early

  • Version 1.2.6

    Fix the issue with an empty progress.json.

    1. Detect if progress.json is empty and provide values for it.
    2. Cleaned up code so it runs in the right place.
    3. Added more exclusions so that if you set config settings to false, it works correctly.
    4. Fixed issue with it actually changing your actual profile (must use stringify and the convert back to json object).

    Might need to look at AI more for scavs... they don't seem as aggressive maybe? you guys let me know if its working as you think it should.

  • Version 1.2.5

    It is now updated for SPT 3.3.0.

    1. Added a new Legendary Player mode where if you survive 10 straight runs in a row:

    • it will clone your character from that exact moment. Each successful run over ten it will update that snapshot of your player
    • You will encounter this clone as an enemy and he will have a bossAI role assigned to him. He will have a dogtag but may show up as savage in kill feed (i did that to make sure he attacks you).
    • Dying in a raid resets the survival count means your character legendary snapshot will remain as is until you can get over 10+ raids survived again.
    • Set percent chance out of 100 in settings.- I would keep it low since it is kind of like duping.. the percent chance isn't actually that percentage though because the player sits in a cached queue too, so its like 1/4 of that.

    2. Noticed that scavs = assault weren't included in the role changes for 3.3.0. I detect if its a scav and then based on the percentage chance in AITweaks config, it will assign a new role (same function that the PMCs now get assigned.)

    3. Kept the regular AI Changes otherwise - skill tweaks whatever.

    Note there is a large pause at the profile loading screen... your shit is not frozen.

    Let me know in comments how you feel about the bot roles given to scavs as of right now.

  • I expect legendary mode to break realism in the newest 1.5.3 version since it uses the generateBots method to make the legendary player. If it doesn't , thats cool.

    I haven't seen many comments about how stuff is broken with the multipliers so i assume only reddit people are mad at poop.

    Thumbs Up 3
  • TBH I thought, and someone should make a mod for this, but I thought that this was a mod that made your PMC have to take occasional poops in raid or else they recieved debuffs, and possibly even a MAJOR debuff if they didn't make it to a poop location in time. And then I thought that poop variety had different poop assets, maybe even depending on what my pmc recently ate. SOMEONE PLEASE ADD IT :kekw:

    Happy 3 ? 1
    • fuck is wrong with you

    • I'm assuming this guys played SCUM before. You can ignore the pee pee dance and shit squirm all you want. But when your character has to go, they go. Was mid fight with 3 zombies. My guy stopped, pulled his pants down and started dropping his load with said zombies still alive and well. I died obviously :D

  • @Props I'm using some of the logic of your mod to build a lite weight difficulty mod to accompany my algorithm set of mods.

    But I just wanted to say that walking through your code is absolutely hilarious, and you should write comedy!

    //Using multipliers for easy testing. Will clean up later....

    //..This is a disgusting lie. The multipliers are here to stay >:D

    //This variable is stupid and I hate it.


    Heart 1 Happy 1
    • I'm almost done with my mod, thanks for your work. I learned a lot walking through your code and think I've come up with something I never would have been able to without your contribution to the community.

      Cheers again :thumbup:

    • I'm glad you did. I'm sure you came up with something much better then i did :).

      Happy 1
    • That's hilarious! SVM loads in with some funny lines.

      SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, Sanitar did nothing wrong

      SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, Your PMC name is disgusting. You should really reevaluate your life choices

      SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, You better not forget to take splints with you this time

      SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, I know you are reading this

      SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, Each new line added in message of the day is increasing the load on your CPU, let that sink in

      SVM 1.9.1 has initialized, Who wrote this stuff anyway?

      ^^ ^^ ^^

  • Getting errors, no bots in the game. Just me. Any help?

    Error: session id provided was empty

    Error: session id provided was empty

    at SaveServer.getProfile (C:\snapshot\project\obj\servers\SaveServer.js)

    at ProfileHelper.getFullProfile (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\ProfileHelper.js)

    at ProfileHelper.getPmcProfile (C:\snapshot\project\obj\helpers\ProfileHelper.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBotNickname (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\Users\Krimminal\Desktop\Tarkovv\server\user\mods\zPOOP\src\Overrides.js:152:74)

    at BotGenerator.prepareAndGenerateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotController.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\controllers\BotController.js)

    at BotCallbacks.generateBots (C:\snapshot\project\obj\callbacks\BotCallbacks.js)

    at RouteAction.action (C:\snapshot\project\obj\routers\static\BotStaticRouter.js)

    at BotStaticRouter.handleStatic (C:\snapshot\project\obj\di\Router.js)

    • This mod is no longer maintained.

    • dang, any good alternatives there that is server mod?

    • Randmaa, have you found anything similar?

    • Server mods no, if you play regular spt, then use SAIN Ai mod, its perfect. download its depencies

  • the ai seems always shoot me through bush and grass, even i have used nobushESP.dll, how could i change that? (i set this: MAX_VISION_GRASS_METERS: 0.4, no working?

    • are you using sain? sain has no bush esp built in.

  • Hey Props, thanks for the great work on this mod. I've just got into SPT and the POOP AI makes the encounters so much more dynamic and interesting. I'm hoping you, or another knowledgeable member of the community can help me with something, though.

    I'm having a problem with AI engaging me from across the map e.g. sniped at big red from (I assume) mid map sniper scav, with more than a second between the crack of the round and the muzzle report.

    Again, I am new to this so please forgive any ignorance if my assumptions are way off here. But I assume this issue is caused by the "DIST_TO_SHOOT" in the AI Templates when boss behaviour is applied to scavs. If this is correct, I'm happy to tweak this setting to get it where I desire it, but it feels like this would be papering over a crack, as to shoot at me the AI first has to know where I am?

    I've tried playing with the visibledistancemult in the difficulty config, but this doesn't seem to make a difference to them engaging me from long range, and thus I assume this is not the setting I'm looking for. What setting/s am I looking for for their visibility range, and will changing these mean I can run higher numbers on DIST_TO_SHOOT without getting engaged from across the map? Having the AI know where I am anywhere on the map and only not shooting me because they have an arbitrary number set for where they can engage feels like it would take away a lot from the gameplay experience for me personally.

    Thanks again for all the great work you do.

    • Well, try using SAIN instead of poop as it has distance built-in to the bepinex menu. This mod will probably be discontinued. Or you can try using the 1.4.0 version of poop with poop variety.

  • How does this mod affect/interact with SAIN? Does it do anything SAIN already does?

    • it has settings that sain doesn't but its end of life. I'm not going to spend time updating it.

  • Is Poop compatible with 3.5.8?

  • Is the "BOSS_DIST_TO_SHOOT" the range at which AI can engage, because if so a range of 256 seems quite high

    • thats why its there for you to modify :)

      it may or may not work.

      Thumbs Up 1
    • It worked better for me when I swapped to 9^2 (81) instead of 16^2 (256), at 256 I was taking fire from across reserve. Thank you for the indepth settings, it really helps improve the quality of my experience.

  • I am trying to get rogues to be bearable on lighthouse.
    Messed with files, reinstalled clean.
    Tried the RoguesNeutraltoUSEC (i am a usec) as true, saving the file and relaunching server.
    Rogues now shoot me even further than they used to.
    Are there multiple settings that need changed to get this to work?

  • Hey, what does "OverrideConfigMultipliers: false" in bossBehavior.json5 mean?

    • basically you put that to true if you want to use the values in the behavior files directly (instead of being affected by the multipliers in the main config.json5 file).

      put it to false if you want those values to be affected.

  • Any chance you'd add some sort of toggle to stop bots from using stationary weapons?

    • there should be a config option for that. (it may or may not work)

    • Found it, never even opened the config.json5 file before thinking it's just some kind of copy of the config.json file.

      Also before finding it found these parameters and changed them to low/high in hopes it will help. Won't be testing now as am still pissed after dying to the mounted mgs and launchers on lighthouse like 4 times in a row. Will write tomorrow if it works or not.



      Happy 1
    • Doesn't seem to have worked 100% but felt like less turrets were manned overall.

  • If I want to change aiming type I need to change the default 'random' to 1, for example?

  • Hey, I've been wondering how to reduce the amount of times AI hits headshots. So far, I tried disabling them completely in core.json5 and config.json5 by changing the values of CAN_SHOOT_TO_HEAD and AllowAimAtHead to false. However, I'm still getting shot to the head more than to the body, out of nine deaths so far only two were not a headshot. I'm pretty new to modding Tarkov, so I'm not sure where to look for the solution. It's not the recoil of the gun kicking up on to the head, as often I get just straight up one tapped.

    This is the mod list I have installed in case it's something caused by other mods


    • Well, maybe you aren't setting the can_shoot_to_head in the right ai profiles.

      The ai roles change between pmcs (it can be given a boss role or follower role of some sort). Same thing applies to scavs if you are using Poop.

    • Weird, can't seem to find this variable anywhere else than zPOOP\config\AITemplates\Core\core.json5. Is it supposed to be in Role Specific files as well? I'm asking because ctrl+f doesn't seem to find anything related to head in those files aside from CHECK_HEAD_ANY_DIST which was set to false by default.

    • Looks like that setting is in the core.json5 file.

      it would apply to all bots

    • I think the dynamic difficulty messes with this setting. I disabled it and haven't got headshot since. Would recommend looking into it as it might be related.

      Edit: Never mind, boss minion just hit head eyes (which is ironic cause he was called Okulist) I guess some rare headshots are fine enough tho, especially if they're coming from bosses.


    I get those errors after adding poop to mods folder. I cant load into the map (woods in this example)

    Mods i use: realism (only bot loadouts, rest is disabled), swag, poop, sain, drakiaxyz waypoints.

    • that is wierd. did you edit the role specific jsons inside the poop folder at all?

      its either that, or realism is messing with it i guess.

    • Reinstalled whole STP and it works.

      Now i can adjust the difficulty and from what i understand:

      If i change for example: "RecoilMult: 1.3" to 0.5, it will cause bots to have more recoil and it will be harder for them to hit me?

      Same with the rest of those multipliers?

    • 0.5 means they have less recoil.

  • Hello thank you for the great mod! I'm enjoying it.

    I'm curious to know how this mod work with the in-game raid settings(AI difficulty/AI ammount) which I can set before I go to raids?

    I usually play the game with just 'as online' for both AI difficulty and AI ammount, but if I set them differently how does this mod work?

    Setting it 'easy' makes it easier, hard makes it harder? Or nothing happens because POOP disables those in-game settings?

    but AI ammount setting works with POOP right?

    Thanks in advance!

    • it will work with whatever in-game raid difficulty you choose.

    • Thanks for the reply!

      So OverallDifficultyModifier can get stacked with in-game settings.

      Like, I set Poop's OverallDifficultyModifier to 2.0, but still if I choose 'easy' in the game it'll makes it like 1.0 or 1.5? or something like that difficulty?

      Am I roughly correct here?

  • Thank you, I appreciate you all with these mods for adjusting difficulty, but the AI is broken to the bone, even with setting everything as the lowest as possible ( i set the overall difficulty to -0.999), i still need to use the godmode in the tarky menu to be able to win a fight, don't get me wrong 99% of scavs are dumb now but as soon as it's not a scav my cheek get slapped.

  • XK3zq8v.png

    So let me get this straight, my mod is currently setting the bots difficulty to max even if I have the config file for very easy installed?

    Because I'm getting clapped by bots with TOZs from 100+ meters away while I'm prone in a bush.

    • Poop sets difficulty for all bot difficulties. If you choose easy in raid settings, you won't see bots that are above normal difficulty. If you choose as online, tarkov mixes difficulty types.

      i will be reworking the mod for multipliers soon, but you can try setting that lower in config.

    • Appreciate the reply. Gonna set them to Easy for a while since I can't stand getting sniped by TOZ slugs.

  • Hi All,

    The mod seems to be working great. Fixes the insane aimbotting i was having with SAIN alone.

    I searched around but cant find any readme. The comment in the config states that all multipliers should be turned down to make it easier. However, when i compare easy and hard presets, some of the multipliers seem like they should be turned up to make it easier. Specifically, aimspeed, visionspeed, and shotspread. I turned these down to around 70% and the ai is spotting me and shooting at me from the loading dock in back of interchange when i am next to the extract at emercom. At night.

    I dont think they should be spotting and suppressing me from like 100m in the dark, when im in the shadows.

    Anyway, key point is clarification for each multiplier to explain if up is harder or down is harder.

    Please let me know.

    • thats the way it should be. (I probably messed up the math in my code) Because i'm guessing what some things do.

      I plan to change the calculation back to the old format.

  • Do I have to select the difficulty level before a raid, or just leave it "as online"?

  • After playing around with 1.5.1 and 1.5.2, I can say confidently that on default settings, the bots are significantly over-tuned. Every bot you encounter, including Scavs are deadly accurate, fire without delay upon spotting you, and with the current version of the SAIN beta in conjunction with it, bots tend to group up and work together as a team to the point where they're actually super annoying. They will flank you as if they can see where you're moving through solid objects.

    The biggest issue is that bot sighting range is intense. I've bee able to replicate bots taking pot shots at me from over 400 meter ranges across the lake on Woods. Watching those green tracers fly across the lake and almost hit me everytime just to find out I was getting shot at with a pp-19 with iron sights is quite a weird experience.

    Overall, this actually works fantastic in combination with SAIN, but its just wayyy overtuned. On top of that, its difficult to understand the new config and how to get it to work properly as well as difficult to understand how to configure individual bot profiles. Basically, this mod would be great if PMC vision was cut in half and bots were a little slower to react to spotting you instead of firing as if they've been ADSing on you the entire time. Just some tunes for the default settings, and this alongside SAIN makes for the most authentic experience so far with SPT.

    Thinking 1
    • After some more testing, it came down to SAIN actually being way overtuned. The default settings for POOP are still slightly overtuned, but after disabling SAIN, bots are much more manageable.

    • oh really... what values you change in SAIN (for everyone's benefit)

    • Originally nothing. I was using the beta version of SAIN, and I actually spoke with Solarint, and he said that this was actually normal because the game cannot differentiate between SMGs and Assault Rifles, so bots will use Assault Rifle Accuracy with SMGs, hence why I was getting shot at from so far with SMGs. So he recommended that I enable advanced settings in the f12 menu and turn on "Is Global Fog Disabled" and set a manual option of bot distance sighting. I set it to 140 meters and have significantly more balanced gameplay.

      Furthermore for the SAIN beta, PMCs and Scavs share the same AI, so every fight feels like a challenge. He said this was temporary.

    • Can you share your POOP settings? Ive played with all values and couldnt get it to a reasonable experience.

  • Hey man, thanks for such a great mod!
    I have couple of questions regarding AI behaviour tho. Is there a way to make PMCs more dangerous without touching scavs? Especially in close combat - I am fine with them at long ranges, but they're a bit too slow for my liking at close range. Especially when you start shooting them - at close range when you get a first shot you win like 99% of the time because bots seem to suffer a bit too much from hit recoil and can't hit you back at all. So any way to reduce hit recoil on them? Make em fight properly like a player would fight?
    Oh, and if you know an easy way to tweak just scavs as well, I'd like to try that too if possible.

    • Code
      You can edit the Poop Difficulty file in the src folder and comment out the setting like this by putting "//" before it:
      //setting.Scattering.HandDamageScatteringMinMax =
            //Number(setting.Scattering.HandDamageScatteringMinMax) /

      That will make it default for if you shoot the bot and the aim suffering. To make the settings not affect scavs, you can just remove the scavBehavior file from the config\AITemplates\RoleSpecific.

      Did I do it right?
      Also, what about bots not being able to hit you even up close? Often times poor bastards can't hit me point blank and I'm suspecting it's one of the settings too. I don't mind bots missing shots at me from far away, but up close they should be able to hit like all the time first shot.
      Thank you for your help.

    • Also this happens:
      This guy was shooting me for half a minute while I was looking at him in amazement. Left, right, above, below... Everywhere but in my direction. Until something clicked inside his little bot head and he finally got me ded in one short burst.
      That happens... quite often. Not always, but often enough to spoil the experience. Any ideas?
      I don't have any combat mods except yours.

    • did you edit config file at all for the multipliers?

    • Yeah, set overall difficulty to 3.
      Spread to 3.
      Reaction time to 4.
      Turned off "player boss" and difficulty adjustment mode.
      Funny thing is they behave just fine at long ranges. But when you're up close this happens.
      Oh, and I noticed that boss scavs aren't affected by this.

  • I find the default configs in 1.5.2 makes the AI too hacky. Several instances of them beaming you down full auto at long ranges.

    I'm going to see if my old 1.4 version still works with SPTarkov 3.5.7. No errors on the startup console at least.

    Version 1.5 probably should be called 2.0 instead as it's completely different :P

  • Does increasing ShotSpreadMult makes bot shots spread more?

    • decreasing it should make it spread more (i believe)

    • Something is way way off with latest version, jumping from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 made bot shoot at me from 100+m away, I cant even see them... did you change any values related to how far they can see you?

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Abood, same thing happened to me, I was in tarcones looting safe room and got sprayed at by a bot at RUAF lol

    • GirthCertificate , you should try woods lol. I am doing some HEAVY testing spent like 3hrs testing the settings and still cant figure it out, it looks like its mostly boss ai that can spot and shoot u from hundereds of meters away.

    • Same thing here, one of the sniper scav from custom was shooting at me from the other side of the map lol

  • Is there a way to easily make scavs use PMC or raider AI? I tweaked the settings to be a little easier across the board, so PMCs and bosses feel perfect but scavs just aim a the ground now. Basically just increased shot spread and time to aim but now the scavs are just stupid while PMC's feel good.

    • You could try removing the scav behavior file from the role folder and see if that helps, but that would make it use default scav behavior.

      The harder fix would be putting the specific number values for the pmc, boss, and raider behaviour files. Which is digging into the code to see how the multiplier calculation is for that setting.

    • Awesome, thanks for the insight!

    • Would it be as simple as copying the code in assaultgroup_gameSTART to assault_gameSTART?

      (and then the same thing for raidSTART)

      in the donottouch folder

      sorry relatively new to modding

    • No, not that easy. lol

      i wouldn't mess with it then.

      Thumbs Up 1
  • I'm trying to wrap my head around the role based configs, but I've run into a point of confusion. In game, scavs are DEFINITELY easier than PMCs- I've read that PMCs use boss AI configs by default, so that makes sense. However, in the role based configs, every type has the same values- PMCs and Bosses and Scav behavior configs are all identical minus the roleTypes at the top.
    Do these configs do nothing unless OverrideConfigMultipliers is on? Or are these identical configs just acting on the default varied values?

    • They do work. I just was too lazy to paste in different values. Ideally they would be whatever is in the aki configs now.

      I had to paste those comments for every line so i was like fk.. i'm not changing the values for everything.

    • But that brings in my second question- If the configs for scavs and PMCs are identical, why are PMCs harder?

    • That goes back to boss AI being given to PMCs by default while scavs only sometimes get boss AI. If you set the scav chance to wildtype100 in my config, i bet they would be just as hard.

    • So is the boss AI just innately more accurate, even with all the same values for AI aiming/scattering/etc?

      Thumbs Up 1
  • Hello!

    So I was running this on version 1.4 for a long time with awesome results.

    After upgrading I've noticed that bots will lock onto me from 300 meters out and no matter where I am, (woods through 100 trees), they still see me and it's impossible to shoot back.

    Basically, the pmcs are often just super laser firing on me from distance.

    Is there a way to target this behaviour specifically in the config?

    Oh, also sometimes their fire rates are super wack, I reduced it 0.2 in the settings but getting shot 40 times in the span of 2 seconds with an ak was bizarre.

    • hmm.. i guess i could go through and put the default values in the rolebased configs (i was just too lazy after putting all those comments in).

      and then you would be able to edit from there.

      Heart 1
    • I appreciate you looking into it.

      I'd dig myself but I'm finding I enjoy playing the game more when I code less.

    • Exactly the same here

  • I am running sptarkov 3.55 with zpoop 1.51 with a bunch of other mods, its a new installation from a few days ago.

    I find that the bots are easy to face generally except on reserve where the bots are giving me a very difficult time. I have yet to play "lab". The bots on reserve seem to kill me very quickly, sometimes first shot misses, second shot and I am dead from a sniper rifle where I know the general direction it came from.

    Is there something specific about the reserve AI that's harder than the other AI? I have set:

    EnableAutomaticDifficulty: false
    OverallDifficultyModifier: 0.6

    with difficulty on 0.6 the AI on factory seems bad at aiming, but on reserve I am still getting murdered. Suggestions? I dont mind editing values in the json to resolve but I would need advice for which values to change.

    The rest of the mod stack:




    AmandsGraphics 1.5.2






    • I wonder if it has something to do with the assigned difficulties to maps, like factory is labeled as the easiest map in game I think

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Is there a way to modify the relevant value on how difficult the map is? I would like it to be harder than other maps but be able to lower it to the point where its actually playable.

      I tried again last night after reinstalling zPoop, initially turning off dynamic difficulty. Just in case the difficulty was turned up by me playing a lot of factory.

      Once again jumped on reserver, I got destroyed by a scav when trying to return fire at about 80-100m out. Relocating nearby to return fire at the scav basically meant I would get hit before I could even see the scav...

    • Different locations do seem to have configurable %chances of different difficulties, with Factory seemingly having a 0% chance of any difficulty (which I suppose means all its bots come in at the same baseline, probably "Normal"), while most other maps including reserve have a 10% easy, 40% hard, 50% normal, and 0% impossible.

      You can find and edit these in Aki_data/server/database/locations/(mapfolder)/base.json

      (I'd back these files up first!). Line numbers vary by map but you're looking for the configs "BotEasy", "BotHard", "BotNormal", and "BotImpossible". My assumption is that if any of these have a value, all values have to add up to 100.

      EDIT: Different locations also have a set of "BotLocationModifier"s, with mostly the same options as Poop's modifiers. Reserve in particular seems to have a 0.6 AccuracySpeed (in the game's math lower numbers are better) compared to other maps flat 1, so ALL bots on Reserve gain accuracy faster unless Poop overrides these

    • Thnx man, I will try change stuff up and see what results I get.

  • when I edit the AIDifficultyModifier do I have to enable OverrideConfigMultipliers for the AIDifMod to take effect? in RoleSpecific

    I want to simulate my old zPOOP difficulty settings I had set up like this:

    "overallAIDifficultyMod": 0.0, "lowLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": -0.5, "midLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 2.05, "highLevelAIDifficultyMod_Neg3_3": 3.25,

    • You do not. Override config multipliers is the opposite where if youwant to use specific settings in the behavior file, it will ignore the multipliers in the main config file.

  • Hey, thanks for the mod, but need some help regarding config. I've looked through the configs but didn't see/notice the setting I'm looking for.

    At the moment, bots notice you across the map at night, and I was looking for a way to fix it. For example, I got on the sniping rock @ night @ lighthouse, and Scavs from cottages started beaming me down...

    You literally cannot go and do some sniping anywhere because bots will insta-notice you across the map and start beaming you. While it's fun go go close combat sometimes you wanna go and snipe a bit, and it's pretty impossible.

    So I'm looking for something that would tone down bot vision at night, because this is ridiculous.

    • Looks like the OverallDifficultyModifier going from 1x to 2x while VisibleDistanceMult staying the same has doubled the bots vision range,

      Old version

      OverallDifficultyModifier: 1.0,

      AimSpeedMult: 2.0,

      ShotSpreadMult: 1.0,

      VisionSpeedMult: 2.5,

      VisibleDistanceMult: 1,

      FullAutoFireRateMult: 1,

      RecoilMult: 1.1,

      HearingMult: 0.5,

      GrenadePrecisionMult: 1,

      New Version

      OverallDifficultyModifier: 2.0

      AimSpeedMult: 2,

      ShotSpreadMult: 2

      VisionSpeedMult: 1

      VisibleDistanceMult: 1

      FullAutoFireRateMult: 0.2

      RecoilMult: 1.3

      HearingMult: 0.8

      GrenadePrecisionMult: 1

      Changing the VisibleDistanceMult to 0.5 should give them the same vision as before.

    • I wonder why the new version adjusts the AI to be that much harder? I would figure these would be set to default values as a starting point to build off of, unless I'm misunderstanding something. I hope the new variety version gives us a better idea though, whenever it comes out!

    • Quote

      Looks like the OverallDifficultyModifier going from 1x to 2x while VisibleDistanceMult staying the same has doubled the bots vision range,

      everything should multiply since its a multiplier.


      I hope the new variety version gives us a better idea though, whenever it comes out!

      I'm workin on it. The hardest and easiest difficulties are always the simplest. Balancing the others is what takes time. I dont want 'Hard' to be too close to normal or 'Very Hard'

    • Thanks for this, was wondering why the pmcs were shooting at me from across the map with 10x fire speed.