SPT-AKI Profile Editor

  • I have the same issue, my stash is empty except for some thicc cases and like a week ago i was adding stuff no problem, i download some more mods and now i cant add anything cause it says no free slots available, but then i delete the mods i added and it still doesn't work. No idea what's going wrong, and I don't have the mod you had, the Mira custom mod.

    Try with version 1.9 instead it might tell you what the real problem is, I think there's some bug with the error messages in 2.0

  • I am having the same issue as AdaptiveGrub. It says I have to install .net when i try to open the profile editor, but I wouldnt be able to open SPT at all if I didnt already do this.

    Edit: Yes Ive downloaded SDK, .net, and Desktop .net, but i still get the message. Ive tried asp too.

    Edit 2: SOLUTION FOUND. I was using x86 instead of going with x64. If anyone has this issue in the future.. try uninstalling then switching from one to the other.

  • Anytime I try to run, it says i must install .NET, but i already did, i wouldn't be able to play AKI if i didnt

    If youre still having an issue, try using a different .NET version. If youre using x86, use x64. If youre using x64, try using x86. Make sure you get both desktop runtime and the other runtime, versions 5.0.16. This solved my issue, im sincerely sorry if it doesnt solve yours

  • Ereshkigal added a new version:

  • Hey, so I'm brand new to SPTarkov, but I'm encountering an error with the profile editor. When I first installed it, it worked great. I went ahead and changed all of my stats to match my live server account. However, it is now giving me an error that I have not seen anyone else mention yet. The Profile Editor does not launch past this stage. If I hit close, it just says to start the game and try again. Ive tried to uninstall the mod and reinstall it but to no avail.

  • Hey i have a litlle problem every time i dubble click the SPT-AKI Profile Editor it wont start i alredy re install it a few times but it wont work pls help

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