SPT Realism Mod

  • IIRC, the rar has 2 folders (BepInEx and user) you have to extract those to the main SPT install instead of user\mods. The files will go in the right folders this way

    yep, i had the github variant, but the other download did work. Thank you!

  • So even after turning off realistic player health and putting the mod before everything in the mod order, I can't change my health. Tried both KiKi health multiplier and SVM but it resets my health to 440. When I remove Realism I get the health I want

  • Having a strange issue with the traders. It appears that some of the new trades/barters from 0.13 have somehow entered into the 12.12 traders as seen below:



    This is what the traders look like without the mod installed:



    All I have done in the mod config is to disable the med changes.

    My other mods are:

    - Lua's CSP with Doc's Gangstalker config

    - POOP with POOP variety

    - SWAG

    - SAMSwat FOV, ReflexSight and SelectEntryPoint mods

    - Amands Graphics

    - Your FOV fix

    - Kobrakon Immersive Raids

    Any way to help will be appreciated, thanks.

  • So even after turning off realistic player health and putting the mod before everything in the mod order, I can't change my health. Tried both KiKi health multiplier and SVM but it resets my health to 440. When I remove Realism I get the health I want

    Alright thanks for reporting the issue I'll get that fixed for the next version.

    The trader LL's are changed and randomized, check the Mod's overview page for details.

  • I have a feature suggestion, there is a low ready animation in game which can be seen in the hideout if you try out your weapons in the range area but look away from the range. It'd be kinda cool to be able to toggle low ready just for immersion/realism. I don't know how plausible it is adding these to bot AI and the player character while in raid, just an idea.

  • I have a feature suggestion, there is a low ready animation in game which can be seen in the hideout if you try out your weapons in the range area but look away from the range. It'd be kinda cool to be able to toggle low ready just for immersion/realism. I don't know how plausible it is adding these to bot AI and the player character while in raid, just an idea.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Cool idea, but while it may be feasible to implement for the player, it might as well be impossible to add to the AI unfortunately. BSG spoke about adding low and high ready and making AI look more natural, we'll just have to hope and see if they do it.

  • Not sure if this is a bug related to this mod or an SPT bug, but when refreshing the fleamarket it resets the trader stock. E.g. the trader buy screen will be correctly out of stock, but when checking/refreshing flea market, it is in stock again.

  • Not sure if this is a bug related to this mod or an SPT bug, but when refreshing the fleamarket it resets the trader stock. E.g. the trader buy screen will be correctly out of stock, but when checking/refreshing flea market, it is in stock again.

    Thanks for letting me know, I'll look into it.

  • Not sure if this is a bug related to this mod or an SPT bug, but when refreshing the fleamarket it resets the trader stock. E.g. the trader buy screen will be correctly out of stock, but when checking/refreshing flea market, it is in stock again.

    So if I understand correctly, you go to fleamarket, press refersh, go to the trader's buy screen, and their stock is refreshed? I haven't been able to replicate this. Which of trader config options do you have enabled?

  • So if I understand correctly, you go to fleamarket, press refersh, go to the trader's buy screen, and their stock is refreshed? I haven't been able to replicate this. Which of trader config options do you have enabled?

    Here's a screengrab of me doing it: https://streamable.com/38xui1

    1. Buy something that trader only has 1 of (from trader or flea)

    2. Open flea market to view that item - trader has it for sale again immediately

    3. Buy it again, it goes out of stock

    4. Press refresh button - item back in stock

    Wonder if it is related to SVM being used... let me try with no other mods running.


    Removed all other mods and created a fresh account (on 3.4.1) - same behavior occurs


    Which of trader config options do you have enabled?

    All trader config options in the UI are checked

    Edited 2 times, last by kyoukopan ().

  • Thanks for the detailed report, it's very helpful. I tested with no mods installed, it's an SPT issue. It's just not noticeable normally because the stock quantities are so high you wouldn't look at it. I'll report this to the devs, hopefully they can fix it.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

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