SPT Realism Mod

  • I'm having the same problem, and i think that's why my rouges are not spawning


    They spawn for me.

    Is anybody else getting this kind of error?


    Following this, the client gets stuck at extract and ALT+F4 is the only way.

    That error shouldn't freeze the client or prevent you from extracting in any way. If you read it, it's a bot weapon generation error, and the error itself says that a preset will be used instead. It happens because my mod requires bots to have certain mod slots filled. I haven't yet modified bot loadouts apart from PMCs and Scavs, but when I get around to modifying all bot loadouts, the error won't happen anymore.

    Does your client freeze at the exact moment the error happens? If it was that error causing it, it should happen instantly, not only when you go to extract. What map and extract?

    Are you 100% sure it isn't a bug with SPT itself or another mod? What other mods are you using?

  • Does your client freeze at the exact moment the error happens? If it was that error causing it, it should happen instantly, not only when you go to extract. What map and extract?

    Yes, the client freezes for a couple of seconds when the error appears on the server log. At the extract, the client hangs on a black screen. I've only tried on Customs, any extract.

    Are you 100% sure it isn't a bug with SPT itself or another mod? What other mods are you using?

    Yes, It only happens when SPT is loaded. I've tried several times with and without SPT, to be sure.

    The other mods are Lua-ExamineAllItems, Lua-SpawnRework and Trap-PathToTarkov. SPT is the last one added. With only the other three mods present all is good. Also, it doesn't happen 100% of the time.

  • After some digging around it seems it may be a problem with Lua-SpawnRework mod. In my case, it only manifests itself when coupled with SPT REALISM MOD.

    more info here.

  • Yes, the client freezes for a couple of seconds when the error appears on the server log. At the extract, the client hangs on a black screen. I've only tried on Customs, any extract.

    Yes, It only happens when SPT is loaded. I've tried several times with and without SPT, to be sure.

    The other mods are Lua-ExamineAllItems, Lua-SpawnRework and Trap-PathToTarkov. SPT is the last one added. With only the other three mods present all is good. Also, it doesn't happen 100% of the time.

    That's not the server freezing, it's stutters from bots loading in, that's completely normal.

    SPT as in Single Player Tarkov.

    After some digging around it seems it may be a problem with Lua-SpawnRework mod. In my case, it only manifests itself when coupled with SPT REALISM MOD.

    more info here.

    How certain are you that it only happens when SR is combined with SPTRM? Does this bug happen to you every single raid when these mods are combined? Can you give the me the exact steps to reproduce it?

    I play using PTT and SR time to time, and never had issues with getting stuck/crashes at extract. I've had the client lockup completely randomly one time, but that's not the same thing that's happening to you it seems.

  • Sorry to bother you but I have a issue that I can't figure out. Before I load the server and the launcher I'm going into the config file with notepad ++ and am changing the ai difficulty section of your mod from false to true and saving. Then I load the server and then the launcher and everything works as intended. The problem is that after I close the game and the server everything gets reverted back to how it was and I have to make the config changes every time before I want to play the game because the config from false to true doesn't actually stay saved. Actually, the same thing is happening with another mod that I use (luas custom spawn points which is disabled by default). Windows 10 generates a config.bak file but after I turn the game and the server off those .bak files get erased and I have to literally make all the changes again before I load the game. I've even tried making the config files read only in Windows but that's not working either. Do you have any idea how to prevent the changes?

    Edit: I solved the issue.

    I changed a setting within notepad++ to stop creating .bak files, and all the config changes are sticking like they should.

  • Hi Fontaine, I've been getting issues with my flea market being completely barren of any offers after disabling the flea market changes with flea changes in the config file, and after hitting level 15, and wondering what was going on with the flea, I disabled the tiered flea option as well. My flea market still seems to be broken, and seems like it's tiered still or broken. I've checked my server log, and it says I'm on tier 3 of the flea. Any help?

  • Hi Fontaine, I've been getting issues with my flea market being completely barren of any offers after disabling the flea market changes with flea changes in the config file, and after hitting level 15, and wondering what was going on with the flea, I disabled the tiered flea option as well. My flea market still seems to be broken, and seems like it's tiered still or broken. I've checked my server log, and it says I'm on tier 3 of the flea. Any help?

    If you're getting the log saying "Tier x Unlocked" that means Tiered Flea isn't disabled. Make sure the config file isn't set to "Read Only", see the "Installation and Config" Tab of the Overview page for more details. If you're using Notepad++, maybe you're having the same issue as the user above you?

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod for SPT AKI 3.2.4.

    Mirror in case Mediafire is blocked in your country: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yyod…ealism-Mod-3.2.4.rar?dl=0

    Just a small update to latest version of SPT, 3.2.4.


    • Tweaks to Movement and Player Stats: reduced fall penalty a lot. If this change put you off from the last patch, I recommend giving it another try to see if you like it. Decreased time to get to full sprint speed a small bit. Increased stamina capacity slightly. Lowered stomach and arm overdamage a little.
    • PMC/Scav Loot: added a few more quest/hideout items to Scav and PMC loot pool.
    • Lowered Durability Burn: globally reduced durability burn by 10%, lowered durability burn on some pistols and SMGs.
    • Bot Health Config Options: bosses, their followers, rogues/raiders and cultists can individually have their health be set to be the same as the player or vanilla health.
    • Ammo Tweaks: buffed damage for most non-rifle rounds a small bit. Buffed buckshot damage and bleed chance slightly. Nerfed 7.62x39 damage, lowered damage for "full calibre" rounds and slugs as it was excessive. Reverted 40mm velocity changes, as the way BSG has implemented GLs makes it impossible to aim them if they have the correct velocity. Buffed MP-APERS 40mm damage and penetration and increased pellet count.
    • Armor Tweaks: decreased speed and ergo penatly for all armor.


    • Fixed all makeshift medkits appearing at Med module 1, now you get a higher tier per module level.
  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod w/ Recoil and Attachment Overhaul HOTFIX for SPT AKI 3.2.4.

    NOT compatible with SPT AKI 3.2.3 or earlier, won't be compatible if client version changes with 3.2.5.

    Mirror in case Mediafire is blocked in your country: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2hou…T-RELEASE-v5.0.1.rar?dl=0

    Hotfix for the Overhaul fixing a number of issues and bugs, as well as balance changes.


    • Compatibility: added null checks which should make mods that add new weapon attachments compatible. I am unsure if new weapons will be compatible, as I haven't found any up-to-date mods that add them. Please let me know of any specific mods that seem to conflict with the overhaul and I will look into it. Mods that change weapon attachment compatibility will not be compatible, there's a slim chance it might work if it is loaded AFTER this mod in the load order.
    • Tweaked Mechanic Gunsmith Quests: they should now all be completable. Also updated the Quest descriptions with the new stat requirements. Let me know if any of them are an issue.
    • Fixed bug causing weapons to not update their stats properly if changing parts that have the same weight in-raid.
    • Fixed bug where weight and ergonomics were not taken nto account for weapon "aim drag" and inertia. Lowered the base amount of aim drag/inertia so that lighter weapons are more reaction than base EFT.
    • Fixed auto fire rate not being displayed.
    • Fixed Reactor brake staking stats with its suppressor.


    • Aim Sway: aim sway is now affected by the weight and ergonomics of the weapon (mostly weight). Base aim sway is lower than base EFT. I recommend disabling the "Hold Breath" keybind for it to be properly balanced.
    • Ergo and Weight: upped the impact of balance on ergonomics.
    • Tweaks to various weapon stats: rebalanced pistols significantly, increased base vertical recoil for most ARs, reduced recoil for Bolt Actions, reduced Horizontal recoil for shotguns, increased recoil overall for DMRs. Gave correct weight and tweaked balance for AKM, AK74, and DVL.
    • Tweaks to attachments: reduce ROF gain from suppressors, added negative ergo values to high capacity magazines,
    • Tweaks to ammo: buffed damage for .357, 12ga and KS23 buckshot.
    • Tweaks to player: increased stamina capacity and regeneration rate, reduce arm stamina drain rate. Lowered base weight limits so penalties kick in a little bit sooner (2-3kgs), but upped the max weight ceiling. Reduced arm and leg overdamage by 5%.
    • Lowered chance of tier 3 bots spawning during tier 2. Upped PMC same-side hostile chance.
  • After the most recent update, I've noticed that modding a weapon is essentially pointless. Before the update, I had weapons (specifically the AK-104) in the 60 ergo/40 vertical/70 horizontal range.

    A base AK-104 has better stats than a heavily modded one. List of used mods given.

    Before the update, the weapon attachments worked fine. Now? Not only do they not help, they make things worse AND you can no longer see the changes the attachment makes my hovering the mouse arrow of the mod and looking at the stats box.

  • After the most recent update, I've noticed that modding a weapon is essentially pointless. Before the update, I had weapons (specifically the AK-104) in the 60 ergo/40 vertical/70 horizontal range.

    A base AK-104 has better stats than a heavily modded one. List of used mods given.

    Before the update, the weapon attachments worked fine. Now? Not only do they not help, they make things worse AND you can no longer see the changes the attachment makes my hovering the mouse arrow of the mod and looking at the stats box.

    Most of that is already addressed in the mod's Overview page.

    Any mod that touches attachment or weapon stats will not be compatible with my mod, which massively changes how attachments and recoil works and balances all attachment and weapon stats already. In this case Freshte's mod is loaded first, so my mod will overwrite most of his changes so it's not as big of an issue, but I still recommend using one or the other instead of both.

    You can no longer see the stat deltas by hovering over them because it causes much bigger performance issues than if they are disabled. It's the trade off to having a much more in-depth weapon modding system. Unfortunately there's nothing else I can do about it unless BSG optimizes their code.

    In vanilla EFT, the stock AK-104 has 54 ergo. Your build would have 47. That's not fundamentally different to how it's balanced in my mod. You're comparing a gun with suppressor, scope, laser, and light to a gun without any that is 1.7kg lighter than it. If you were to take a stock AK-104 and add the same sight, laser/light and suppressor with a shitty handguard, no grip, stock pistol grip and stock, your build would have better ergo. The parts you put on that added ergo, like the stock, foregrip and pistolgrip, offset the negative ergo from the weight and balance. I fail to see how those mods made your build worse or how there was no point in adding them.

    You can get your build a bit lighter by swapping some parts for lighter ones, and there are higher ergo foregrips, handguards and maybe stocks. You'll regain more ergo that way. You cannot go into a mod that rebalances attachments and weapons dramatically and expect the same builds or parts to be good, or for things to work the same.

    Having said all that, as it is a test release, balance is not even close to being final. I'm constantly tweaking things. If you have any specific and constructive feedback as to what could be improved, please let me know.

    At the same time, it will never be the case that a much heavier gun will have the same or better ergo than stock. That wouldn't make any sense, be balanced or be realistic IMO.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • The part that doesn't make sense is a heavier weapon with parts that increase comfort for aim/use has worse recoil. But, in this case, that seems to not happen. That would be like saying a stock Honda Civic has better handling than one modified for racing. Weight alone should decrease recoil, as the gun can't kick as hard as a result. Ergo being worse only somewhat makes sense from a weight point of view. But if the gun is more easily controlled with the attachments, some of that ergo nerf should be mitigated because control has increased. through better grips and a change in the angle for the supporting arm.

  • The part that doesn't make sense is a heavier weapon with parts that increase comfort for aim/use has worse recoil. But, in this case, that seems to not happen. That would be like saying a stock Honda Civic has better handling than one modified for racing. Weight alone should decrease recoil, as the gun can't kick as hard as a result. Ergo being worse only somewhat makes sense from a weight point of view. But if the gun is more easily controlled with the attachments, some of that ergo nerf should be mitigated because control has increased. through better grips and a change in the angle for the supporting arm.

    The weight alone simply can't contribute to an amount of recoil reduction sufficient to be perceivable, not with the firearms we have in the game for sure.

    As for the ergo, I really don't see why attachments matter all that much in terms ergo itself. The ergo, as we currently have it, seems to be just target/sight acquisition, and I think and underexperienced shooter wouldn't be as quick to lock sights on target, especially with a firearm they're not that familiar with. Things get worse and slower when you have any kind of magnification, and much better with red dots and stuff, of course, but I really doubt that some foregrips and other bells and whistles help you acquire target any faster - they're for recoil and bracing, they won't give your PMC the same skill as someone else, more experienced with the firearm in question, would have.

    Attachments are important and stuff, but they shouldn't be the name of the game if we want to talk any semblance of realism in an FPS, really.

  • The part that doesn't make sense is a heavier weapon with parts that increase comfort for aim/use has worse recoil. But, in this case, that seems to not happen. That would be like saying a stock Honda Civic has better handling than one modified for racing. Weight alone should decrease recoil, as the gun can't kick as hard as a result. Ergo being worse only somewhat makes sense from a weight point of view. But if the gun is more easily controlled with the attachments, some of that ergo nerf should be mitigated because control has increased. through better grips and a change in the angle for the supporting arm.

    How does your build have worse recoil?

    Your build has better vertical recoil, and it has better dispersion and camera recoil if you look at the what each attachment does, and fire them side by side. Put a bastion and a good sight that isn't bugged (Eotech w/ magnifier does weird things to recoil in EFT) on both the AK104s and fire them side by side, there is a real and perceptible difference between the two. Dispersion and camera recoil are disabled from stat view because they clutter the UI, but in the next version you will be able to enable them in config.

    Also check out the overview page for this mod for explanations of how the different parts behave. The reason why your build may have worse horizontal recoil is because the stock adapter lowers vertical recoil by redirecting that recoil rearward into horizontal recoil. Also horizontal recoil is just visual, it doesn't affect where the shots go, just how you perceive the recoil. Remember that in EFT, horizontal recoil is just the recoil going rearwards.

    You can't compare a car to a gun, and just because something is modified doesn't mean it is better. A heavy build with lots of stuff on it will have worse ergo, but better recoil. That's exactly the result you got.

    "But if the gun is more easily controlled with the attachments, some of that ergo nerf should be mitigated because control has increased"

    That's literally what is happening, that's what I said to you was happening. The pistol grip, foregrip and stock has offset some of the negative impact of the weight. If you put the light, laser, sight and suppressor on an otherwise stock AK104, it would have worse ergo. What you expect to happen is exactly what is happening. Even then, you can build a modded AK104 that is heavier, that has the same sight, laser, and scope, that has better ergo than stock. Why not try different parts and play around with the new balance?

    Again, things are still in the early stages of balancing, but the outcomes you stated you expect are already the outcomes you're getting.

    The weight alone simply can't contribute to an amount of recoil reduction sufficient to be perceivable, not with the firearms we have in the game for sure.

    As for the ergo, I really don't see why attachments matter all that much in terms ergo itself. The ergo, as we currently have it, seems to be just target/sight acquisition, and I think and underexperienced shooter wouldn't be as quick to lock sights on target, especially with a firearm they're not that familiar with. Things get worse and slower when you have any kind of magnification, and much better with red dots and stuff, of course, but I really doubt that some foregrips and other bells and whistles help you acquire target any faster - they're for recoil and bracing, they won't give your PMC the same skill as someone else, more experienced with the firearm in question, would have.

    Attachments are important and stuff, but they shouldn't be the name of the game if we want to talk any semblance of realism in an FPS, really.

    That's somewhat what I went for. Weight does play a significant role on recoil reduction in my mod, but not as much as a compensator or whatever. Each type of recoil is affected by different amounts (vertical, horizontal, dispersion and cam recoil). A heavier gun will have perceptibly less recoil overall, but in a more subtle way.

    The way I have ergo in my mod is that it impacts sway, ADS speed, and arm stam drain. For ADS speed, it defines how fast ADS is, and weight and balance act as modifiers to reduce ADS speed. Some attachments like certain stocks increase ADS speed independent of ergo stat. Sway and arm stam drain is mostly based on weight, with ergo acting as a modifier to it indirectly. Essentially, the greater the difference between base ergo and current ergo, the worse sway and stam drain is.

    I agree that foregrips and such don't magically make you handle the weapon much better, so I didn't give them crazy high ergo stats. I will adjust it over time though to find a nice balance.

    I agree that attachments shouldn't be the be-all-end-all, that's what I went for, for the sake of realism. A well-modded weapon will recoil significantly less and be overall more capable, however a stock gun isn't useless and is perfectly usable in its own right.

    I think the issue is that people coming from base EFT, which is balanced like an MMO, expect meta builds, best-in-slot mods, crazy recoil difference between stock and modded, etc. while mod is much more nuanced and subtle than that.

    Having said that, most of the time in base EFT, a gun with a light, laser, sight and suppressor is going to have worse ergo than a stock build, so I really don't understand the issue.

    Edited 3 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod w/ Recoil and Attachment Overhaul HOTFIX 2 for SPT AKI 3.2.4.

    NOT compatible with SPT AKI 3.2.3 or earlier, won't be compatible if client version changes with 3.2.5.

    Mirror in case you can't access Mediafire: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4zfp…-Overhaul-v0.5.2.rar?dl=0

    Hotfix for the Overhaul fixing a number of issues and bugs, as well as balance changes.


    • Fixed Auto ROF not being displayed in Weapon Inspect menu.
    • Fixed mistakes in calculating weapon ergo, folded weapon stats and accuracy.
    • Fixed bug causing the player to have reduced movement speed when attempting to ADS while using a faceshield.


    • Bots: moved Tier 3 PMCs to a 4th Tier, and split Tier 2 into two different tiers. Tier 2 remains the same, and Tier 3 has the same base as Tier 2 but with better gear odds, armor and with lower tier weapons removed. I will expand on this in the future. The odds of each tier per level has been adjusted to take this into account, and there should be a much smoother gradient of progression, with a bit of randomness added in. Added the foundation for new tiered loadouts for Rogues and Raiders. For now, I've changed their gear and weapon selection, and changed appearance their appearance from a cursed PMC/Scav hybrid to each having a unique, lore-based aesthetic. Very WIP. Gave all bots elite Vitality, so that they will bleed out less often, meaning you are less likely to just find piles of corpses. Added most quest keys to PMCs and Scavs: USEC have Shoreline keys, Bear have Reserve keys, and Scavs have Customs keys. Nerfed scav backpack chances for larger packs.
    • Attachment and Weapon Balancing: buffed the AK family of rifles a little bit. Buffed UMP and VAL/VSS recoil angle. Nerfed AR-15 family of rifles a little bit. Corrected weight for all Zenitco parts. Reduced shotgun spread a little bit and standardized it across all shotguns (more buffs to shotgun spread to come). Started adjusting the base accuracy stat for weapons and barrels to be realistic. Adjusted stats for stock adapters, buffer tubes and PDW stocks. Tweaked all rifle pistol grips, they now all should give better ergo for the most part. Tweaked and corrected the ROF for short-barreled AKs, and the ROF gain from boosters, to be realistic. Corrected base balance for (hopefully) all weapons now. Increased MP5 recoil.
    • Flea Market: made the hardcore flea config less punishing: prices are lower, and there are more offers. Weapon mods have been divided into more specific categories that are unlocked earlier in the Tiered Flea progression. Fixed various mistakes.
    • Player: decreased fall and jump penalty a small bit.
    • Configuration: added configuration options to the in-game menu (hit F12). You can now adjust the reduction to sensitivity while firing (I recommend only adjusting the Sensitivity Limit). You can also select which weapon stats to display (Balance, Dispersion, Recoil Angle, Semi ROF, Camera Recoil). You can disable/enable the Faceshield and Inspectionless Malfunctions mechanics. Faceshield config option is removed from the config.json file, use the in-game option instead.
    • Aim Sway: lowered base and max aim sway and drag. Made pistols have reduced aim drag but increase aim sway, and made stockless weapons get an increase to both.
    • Weight, Balance: increased the impact of balance on ergo, and decreased the impact of weight. Increased the impact of weight and balance in reducing recoil.
    • Custom Icons: added some custom icons and repurposed existing icons for the new stats.
    • Penalties: tweaked the penalty from having a folded stock or no stock.

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