SPT Realism Mod

  • Thanks so much for the instructions and telling me what to look for, Fontaine. Glad you found a fix; it works for me now! Perhaps a solution could be a "Medchange_false" loadout where it has the same stuff just not the medkits? unless the issue is it's just hiding them instead of deleting them for whatever reason

  • Thanks so much for the instructions and telling me what to look for, Fontaine. Glad you found a fix; it works for me now! Perhaps a solution could be a "Medchange_false" loadout where it has the same stuff just not the medkits? unless the issue is it's just hiding them instead of deleting them for whatever reason

    Latest hotfix should hopefully fix the issue

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • I'd like to alter the same-side PMC hostility chance, but with this mod installed it's always 100% hostile. I was able to get it working in vanilla SPTarkov by editing the map files and bot files there.

    I tried making it zero in the mod folder's bot file (and I made it zero for the three pmc difficulty types), yet there always attack. Is there some other value that might cause this in your mod?

  • I'd like to alter the same-side PMC hostility chance, but with this mod installed it's always 100% hostile. I was able to get it working in vanilla SPTarkov by editing the map files and bot files there.

    I tried making it zero in the mod folder's bot file (and I made it zero for the three pmc difficulty types), yet there always attack. Is there some other value that might cause this in your mod?

    Mods will over-write any changes you make to the server files manually. You're not supposed to manually edit the server files anyway, write a simple mod to do it and make it load after all other mods instead. If you know what you're doing and you edited my mod files and it didn't work, then there's some other value or mechanic at play that neither of us are aware of.

  • Mods will over-write any changes you make to the server files manually. You're not supposed to manually edit the server files anyway, write a simple mod to do it and make it load after all other mods instead. If you know what you're doing and you edited my mod files and it didn't work, then there's some other value or mechanic at play that neither of us are aware of.

    I tested again with "bot_changes": false, in the config file and it seems like it's back to vanilla values.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Is the SPT realism profile meant to have nearly maxed out stash size(yet have no stash upgrades applied yet)

    the Description states the profile is based on standard edition with less gear and money, all the gear lines up at the 10x28 border, yet the actual stash starts as something like 10x68+

    Is this intended?

  • Is the SPT realism profile meant to have nearly maxed out stash size(yet have no stash upgrades applied yet)

    the Description states the profile is based on standard edition with less gear and money, all the gear lines up at the 10x28 border, yet the actual stash starts as something like 10x68+

    Is this intended?

    It's a bug, it will be fixed in next version.

  • The BNTI armors seem to have armor classes swapped, the Zhuk is level 10, but has the better movement stats and a description stating its the lightweight alt to the Gzhel, while the Gzhel has worse movement stats, but is level 9 armor, maybe I'm just missing something here.

  • It's in the description you're referencing, GOST 5 vs GOST 6 for the Ghzel and Zhuk respectively. Lower weight =/= lower armor protection in all cases. I'm just going off of what BSG claims, I don't have primary Russian sources. If you can provide a Russian source for what their rating should be, I'll change it.

  • It's in the description you're referencing, GOST 5 vs GOST 6 for the Ghzel and Zhuk respectively. Lower weight =/= lower armor protection in all cases. I'm just going off of what BSG claims, I don't have primary Russian sources. If you can provide a Russian source for what their rating should be, I'll change it.

    I guess if that's what BSG says, even thought half the description contradicts itself.

  • Would love to see some kind of trader randomized assort lists every reset. Combined with path to tarkov and your realism changes, it would provide for a pretty gritty experience. Imagine hiking across several maps, finally getting to the trader of your choice only to find that the ammunition you were going to buy is out of stock that reset. ^^ Love this mod and I couldn't play SPT without it. Thanks for your work on this mod. Also, I would be glad to assist with small tedious tasks, like filling in bot loadouts or adding things to loot tables. I can't do heavy lifting, but mainly the small annoying stuff. Let me know!

  • Funny enough that's doable, run a cycle for trader assort.json, and just random whether to delete the entry or not.
    the only thing i'm unsure - how to bind it to trade assort routes so it would refresh it.

    <This guy made this mod, check it out

  • Would love to see some kind of trader randomized assort lists every reset. Combined with path to tarkov and your realism changes, it would provide for a pretty gritty experience. Imagine hiking across several maps, finally getting to the trader of your choice only to find that the ammunition you were going to buy is out of stock that reset. ^^ Love this mod and I couldn't play SPT without it. Thanks for your work on this mod. Also, I would be glad to assist with small tedious tasks, like filling in bot loadouts or adding things to loot tables. I can't do heavy lifting, but mainly the small annoying stuff. Let me know!

    Funny enough that's doable, run a cycle for trader assort.json, and just random whether to delete the entry or not.
    the only thing i'm unsure - how to bind it to trade assort routes so it would refresh it.

    It's in my plans to do something similar to what you describe, like what Finn did with his Realistic Trader mod but instead of just randomized stock, randomized availability too. Not sure how to go about it or how feasible it is yet. Right now I'm 100% focused on getting my attachment overhaul done. It's grown in scope a lot, so more features, but it will take more time unfortunately.

    I appreciate the offer for help! For the time being I'll do the assorts and loadouts myself, but in the future if I need help with such tasks I'll let you know :)

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Don't know why this is happening, but I'm on the previous version still, but my bots seem to be inconsistent, I'm running into tier 3 bots at level 17, tier 2 at level 7, etc between my two profiles, I'm using the realism profile for both chars. I'm not just talking one or two like the description mentions, but nearly every usec bot running stuff like full autos and highcom at level 7 in factory.

  • Don't know why this is happening, but I'm on the previous version still, but my bots seem to be inconsistent, I'm running into tier 3 bots at level 17, tier 2 at level 7, etc between my two profiles, I'm using the realism profile for both chars. I'm not just talking one or two like the description mentions, but nearly every usec bot running stuff like full autos and highcom at level 7 in factory.

    Like the Overview says:


    There is a % chance of all the bots in your raid being of a higher tier. They will only ever be 1 tier higher than your current tier, and never a tier lower than your current tier. Every 5 levels, the % chance increases.

    The way SPT works, I have to spawn them all as the same tier. In the future maybe I can make it so that each bot has a % chance to be a different tier, but that will take a lot of work and my time is devoted to other features right now.

  • Like the Overview says:

    The way SPT works, I have to spawn them all as the same tier. In the future maybe I can make it so that each bot has a % chance to be a different tier, but that will take a lot of work and my time is devoted to other features right now.

    Ah, I thought it was a chance of each bot themselves, not all the bots in a raid, I was just remembering wrong.

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