SPT Realism Mod

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod w/ Recoil and Attachment Overhaul for SPT AKI 3.2.5

    NOT compatible with SPT AKI 3.2.3 or earlier.

    Mirror in case you can't access Mediafire: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mb1w…-Overhaul-v0.5.3.rar?dl=0

    Just an update to 3.2.5 with minor changes/fixes.


    • Fixed recoil damping (recoil wiggle) not being set.
    • Fixed potential bug causing bosses to get the wrong difficulty.
    • Fixed potential bug causing VSS, VAL and other weapons having very low ROF.


    • Airdrops: airdrops now have 'types' (medical supplies, food, ammo, weapons, electronics, etc.). Each raid there is a % chance of a different type of airdrop. Also tweaked the frequency and timing of airdrops, making them more rare and happening later in the raid. First iteration of these changes, will tweak it over time.
    • Attachment and Weapon Balancing: Nerfed Magpul AFG, buffed Fortis + Skeletonized foregrip. Lowered ROF gain from suppressors and skewed it towards semi ROF. Lowered camera recoil on some shotguns. Buffed 5.56 ARs recoil angle.
    • Configuration: added config options for airdrops and fall damage.
    • Player: Lowered fall damage a small bit and made fall damage changes configurable.
  • Hi, this bug comes out all the time (It's not because of a conflict with other mods) :

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')

    at C:\snapshot\project\obj\services\BotLootCacheService.js

    at Array.findIndex (<anonymous>)

    at BotLootServer.addUniqueItemsToPool (C:\snapshot\project\obj\services\BotLootCacheService.js)

    at BotLootServer.myAddLootToCache (F:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bot_loot_serv.js:67:26)

    at BotLootServer.getLootCache (F:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bot_loot_serv.js:11:18)

    at BotLootCacheService.result.getLootFromCache (F:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.js:93:40)

    at BotLootGenerator.generateLoot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotLootGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')

    TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '_id')

    at C:\snapshot\project\obj\services\BotLootCacheService.js

    at Array.findIndex (<anonymous>)

    at BotLootServer.addUniqueItemsToPool (C:\snapshot\project\obj\services\BotLootCacheService.js)

    at BotLootServer.myAddLootToCache (F:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bot_loot_serv.js:67:26)

    at BotLootServer.getLootCache (F:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\bot_loot_serv.js:11:18)

    at BotLootCacheService.result.getLootFromCache (F:\Games\EscapeFromTarkov\EscapeFromTarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism\src\mod.js:93:40)

    at BotLootGenerator.generateLoot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotLootGenerator.js)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotInventoryGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.generateBot (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

    at BotGenerator.generate (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotGenerator.js)

  • Hi, I'm going to need details. What version of SPT are you running? If it's 3.2.6 then that would be why. If not, when did it happen? What map? Start of raid or later on in the raid? Why are you sure it's not because of other mods, do you have no other mods installed?

  • Hi, I'm going to need details. What version of SPT are you running? If it's 3.2.6 then that would be why. If not, when did it happen? What map? Start of raid or later on in the raid? Why are you sure it's not because of other mods, do you have no other mods installed?

    Version 3.2.5, this happens as soon as I load, on any map, no bots are generated due to this error,I tried everything and found out why this is happening. This is because I turn off the "med_changes" function, because everything works with it, and as soon as I turn it off, this error again. (I have already removed all mods, leaving only SPT-realism, and nothing helped except enabling this feature). It would be great if you fixed it, please.

  • Version 3.2.5, this happens as soon as I load, on any map, no bots are generated due to this error,I tried everything and found out why this is happening. This is because I turn off the "med_changes" function, because everything works with it, and as soon as I turn it off, this error again. (I have already removed all mods, leaving only SPT-realism, and nothing helped except enabling this feature). It would be great if you fixed it, please.

    Your bots are at tier 3-4 are they? I suspect what's happening is that rogues, raiders, and higher tier PMCs have the makeshift medkits as loot, but the server is crashing with med_changes disabled because it's trying to give them an item that no longer exists. An oversight on my part, apologies for that. It should be fixed for the next version, need to do more testing to confirm that's the issue. I hope to get out the next version soon enough.

    For now your only options are to keep the med_changes enabled or manually edit the bot loadout files.

  • Your bots are at tier 3-4 are they? I suspect what's happening is that rogues, raiders, and higher tier PMCs have the makeshift medkits as loot, but the server is crashing with med_changes disabled because it's trying to give them an item that no longer exists. An oversight on my part, apologies for that. It should be fixed for the next version, need to do more testing to confirm that's the issue. I hope to get out the next version soon enough.

    For now your only options are to keep the med_changes enabled or manually edit the bot loadout files.

    Thanks, I will wait for the fix.

  • Hi I reuploaded the file with the fixes, so you can just redownload the mod. You can replace all files or just copy over the db folder and overwrite the original. Please let me know if that resolves the issue.

    Thank you very much, fix helped.

  • Two questions:
    1. Is it possible to edit bots (particularly PMCs of the same faction) so they have a low chance to be hostile? if so which config file would I have to edit within the mod? I see that there is a botconfig.json file in db > bots and there are 3 PMC archetypes within the file with the "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent", unsure if editing this portion would cause issues.

    2. Not sure if this is a bug or an intended feature but I cannot seem to equip CF mask or any other similar masks with a ballcap anymore when the mod is installed. Picture below

  • Two questions:
    1. Is it possible to edit bots (particularly PMCs of the same faction) so they have a low chance to be hostile? if so which config file would I have to edit within the mod? I see that there is a botconfig.json file in db > bots and there are 3 PMC archetypes within the file with the "chanceSameSideIsHostilePercent", unsure if editing this portion would cause issues.

    2. Not sure if this is a bug or an intended feature but I cannot seem to equip CF mask or any other similar masks with a ballcap anymore when the mod is installed. Picture below

    1. yeah that'd be the property to edit, the 3 sections are for the 3 base bot tiers, so you'd want to edit each of them. Just make sure the value is between 1-100.

    2. Not a bug. I made certain hats and masks incompatible to prevent bots from spawning with clipping gear as unfortunately BSG hasn't made the effort of editing the meshes depending on what combination you wear. I could make it optional in the future

  • 1. yeah that'd be the property to edit, the 3 sections are for the 3 base bot tiers, so you'd want to edit each of them. Just make sure the value is between 1-100.

    2. Not a bug. I made certain hats and masks incompatible to prevent bots from spawning with clipping gear as unfortunately BSG hasn't made the effort of editing the meshes depending on what combination you wear. I could make it optional in the future

    Appreciate the response! It definitely would be nice to see being able to wear certain headgear and masks again as an optional setting

  • Hey, i have this error message after spawning in raid on shoreline and factory.Not happening without this mod.

    "bear Unable to spawn item item_food_konserva_fish after 11 attempts, ignoring spawn limit

    usec Unable to spawn item herring after 11 attempts, ignoring spawn limit

    usec Unable to spawn item canned_beef after 12 attempts, ignoring spawn limit

    usec Unable to spawn item хлебцы армейские after 11 attempts, ignoring spawn limit

    bot generation failed - unable to find bot with type assault in cache

    unable to find bot assault isPmc: false in cache

    bot generation failed - unable to find bot with type bossKnight in cache

    unable to find bot bossKnight isPmc: false in cache"

    SPT version is 3.2.5

    Mods used: Sam FOV and SPT Realism.

    Any help would be appreciate it, great mod btw i really like it.

    Edited 2 times, last by lucarus ().

  • Were the bots still spawning? Those errors happen time to time and usually don't cause issues.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Yes the bots spawn without any issues, even the Knight spawn at the same raid ( I got killed by him :D ) so i guess its just "false positive" ? Anyway, thank you for your time and your mod.

    I spoke to the devs, the cache part of the error just means the sever ran out of pre-made bots and had to generate a fresh one for whatever reason, bots should still spawn and function no problem. NP, enjoy!

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Oh dear. Maybe you have an anti-virus that doesn't like it? For now you can still edit the file manually, it just isn't formatted and doesn't have comments.

    I just double checked with my anti-virus software (I just have the default Windows 10 anti-virus), tried first by adding an exclusion for the file and folder, and eventually turned it off completely and I am still unable to run it.

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