SPT Realism Mod

  • I disabled the spawn tweaks and the error went away.. so far on customs and woods. Customs and Factory were the maps I was loading when getting the error.

    kinda weird...cuz it seems almost unrelated to the error.

    Could be that the spawn changes are conflicting with SWAG or another mod. Could also be that the spawn changes are causing a bot type to spawn which specifically are the ones causing the error, so disabling it has made it less likely.

    Having said that I am testing it with SWAG, POOP, LooseContainers, Lua's Custom Spawnpoints and I haven't gotten any errors yet.

  • Is the RK-1 angled foregrip supposed to have 30 ergonomics, over 3x as much as the next best ones?

    Yup, it also has -25 ADS speed. The "only" benefit of that ergo then is that it reduces sway and arm stamina drain. The idea is for it to help with handling heavy/un-balanced guns at the cost of ADS speed. You won't really get any benefit from it on guns that already have high ergo and/or are light. IRL, Zenit markets the angled adapter for the PKM so it seems that's the purpose of it.

  • Your doubts were correct.

    However the other bot mods seem to deal with what those tweaks adjust. Its just confusing as if that's the case, why is it still throwing the error when they're gone?

    The other mods don't mess with bot loadout...

    SamSWAT Heli Crashes? Maybe?

  • I don't think Heli crashes would do that. Did you try Realism Mod by itself? Sometimes installs can go wrong, or there might be a specific combination of config options that are causing the issue.

    Did you try without SVM or the other mods I listed? The way to find incompatible mods is to remove them one by one till it works, without reinstalling the mods you've removed, so that eventually you just have Realism Mod. But I'd only do that after you've tried just Realism Mod by itself, and to prioritize mods that are likely to be the culprit. Sometimes it can be more than one mod or a combination of specific mods that cause the issue.

  • I think I've narrowed it down to Prop's InRaidModding and SamSwat's HeliCrashes along with Munitions Expert.

    Seems Prop's mod was causing the actual error, and through the trouble shooting I noticed The Munitions Expert and Heli Crash mod just seem to make the bots stop spawning without throwing errors.

  • I think I've narrowed it down to Prop's InRaidModding and SamSwat's HeliCrashes along with Munitions Expert.

    Seems Prop's mod was causing the actual error, and through the trouble shooting I noticed The Munitions Expert and Heli Crash mod just seem to make the bots stop spawning without throwing errors.

    That must've been a lot of work to track down. Munitions expert by itself works with Realism, I use it myself.

    I don't think InRaidModding was in your list, but mod's or config apps that allow in-raid-modding tend to cause a number of issues, looking at the code for Prop's version looks like it has the potential to conflict, my money is on that being the main culprit.

    Edit: yeah it's InRaidModding, crashed first time I tried it.

    Edited 3 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • Small bug with configuration program: the option "Recoil, Ballistics and Attachements Overhaul" doesn't stick, meaning if I toggle the button and hit save, it doesn't actually write that setting to the config file

  • That must've been a lot of work to track down. Munitions expert by itself works with Realism, I use it myself.

    I don't think InRaidModding was in your list, but mod's or config apps that allow in-raid-modding tend to cause a number of issues, looking at the code for Prop's version looks like it has the potential to conflict, my money is on that being the main culprit.

    Edit: yeah it's InRaidModding, crashed first time I tried it.

    Yeah I'll probably readd munitions and helicrashes today and test when I get home. I think the bot not spawning issue may just be a server bug. after several plays its happened a couple of times even with no mods at all. Fix seems to be to just start a new session. But so far the issues with Realism itself seem to be solved.

    -as usual it's Prop's fault

  • I'm only running SPT Realism Mod, and i have noticed when i play as a scav, when i run next to PMCs they look at me, i yell scav stuff, they come to me and look at my feet, after some long time they will shoot at me. It happened with increased PMC difficulty checked/unchecked it doesn't matter. They will never talk unless i am not spotted. They will shoot at other Scavs on sight but not me. Raid difficulty is always untouched (As Online) and i have never changed it.

    It's the latest version of SPT Aki 3.3.0 with all the hotfixes.

    Edited once, last by SaladGuy ().

  • Small bug with configuration program: the option "Recoil, Ballistics and Attachements Overhaul" doesn't stick, meaning if I toggle the button and hit save, it doesn't actually write that setting to the config file

    Yeah sorry about that, you can redownload the mod for a fixed config app or manually change it in the config\config.json file.

    Yeah I'll probably readd munitions and helicrashes today and test when I get home. I think the bot not spawning issue may just be a server bug. after several plays its happened a couple of times even with no mods at all. Fix seems to be to just start a new session. But so far the issues with Realism itself seem to be solved.

    -as usual it's Prop's fault

    I'm glad you managed to resolve the issue! I tested Heli mod and didn't have issues.

    I'm only running SPT Realism Mod, and i have noticed when i play as a scav, when i run next to PMCs they look at me, i yell scav stuff, they come to me and look at my feet, after some long time they will shoot at me. It happened with increased PMC difficulty checked/unchecked it doesn't matter. They will never talk unless i am not spotted. They will shoot at other Scavs on sight but not me. Raid difficulty is always untouched (As Online) and i have never changed it.

    It's the latest version of SPT Aki 3.3.0 with all the hotfixes.

    It's a SPT issue, the devs have been discussing it and how to fix it. 3.3.0 introduced a new system of creating PMCs that's a bit buggy. Basically, PMCs can get the 'brain' of different bot types (like from bosses, scavs, raiders, etc.). Some of these 'brains' are buggy, some will work really well if you go into a raid as a PMC, while the same 'brains' might not be properly hostile to you as a P. Scav as you found. Hopefully they're able to find a fix for it for 3.4.0. My mod may make it more or less common because I change the odds of which 'brains' they get. You could disable the 'PMC types' config option to see if it'll be less common.

  • Thanks for replying, yeah i noticed reading the 3.4.0 update notes that they fixed this issue, and that they were i think using Shturmans behavior. I'll try out your suggestions.

  • Hi! There is a fail when I pass "tushonka" (can of beef stew) to the Therapist. Tushonka was bought at flea market.

    What other mods do you have installed?

    I just tested it and had no errors. You shouldn't be able to turn in Tushonka bought on flea, it has to be found in raid. The config option for FIR just makes it so that any item extracted from a raid counts as FIR, whether or not you die or if you brought it into the raid with you. For the next version I'll make it so traders don't require FIR in the first place.

  • What other mods do you have installed?

    I just tested it and had no errors. You shouldn't be able to turn in Tushonka bought on flea, it has to be found in raid. The config option for FIR just makes it so that any item extracted from a raid counts as FIR, whether or not you die or if you brought it into the raid with you. For the next version I'll make it so traders don't require FIR in the first place.

    I also had no errors when rebooted the server. Mods: Acog4Life, Amands's Graphics.

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