SPT Realism Mod

  • since i use poop too, i should desactivate any bot change anyway no ?

    POOP ought to be compatible, though my bot type changes will conflict with theirs so one will likely override the other (but you can just disable my bot type changes).

    Quote from Quote from drsone

    Hello so when i enable boss spawns they never enable? is there a fix to this

    Do you mean the bosses don't spawn? They do, it ups the spawn chance, but they can be in many more locations than normal so you'll have to check most of the map where bots spawn. In the next version I've changes this so bosses on their main map only spawn where they would in live, but can also spawn on other maps.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Hello. Small visual bug with the ammo packs in traders showing them being empty, IE 0/30 for those 30 round packs. But once bought they are full and ones found in raids are also good.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Is there a way to make it so theres alot more bots to spawn im not running into any pmcs or scavs

    Personally I am using Poop with Poop variety as well as SWAG with SWAG Variety.

    Poop switches up AI behavior. SWAG creates waves of bots spawning in every few minutes to keep the map busy.

    I also recommend Lua's custom spawn points to create a ton of new spots in which bots can spawn to break the pattern. Lua has pinned a post under the comments section with a variety of configs for the mod that supply actual spawnpoint data, as the mod itself only supplies the framework and some basic additional spawnpoints.

    You can run multiple configs together to use the spawnpoints of all configs at the same time.

    You can also try setting the raid option from "as online" to "high" or "horde". As for the SWAG mod, you will find a general config.json in the mod folder which also has AI amount and AI difficulty options specifically for the SWAG mod. The standard setting is "normal" but you can also type in "medium" or "high" there to adjust the spawn amount of SWAG.

    But even if just with the basic settings, I'm sure you'll see a ton of action. Factory specifically has become a warzone.

    From a compatibility perspective, I haven't noticed any daring issues so far. All these mods seem to play along quite nice. But Fontaine has the insight into how his mod exactly works and can tell you more about eventual compatibility issues.

    To me it's definitely playable.

  • Is there a way to make it so theres alot more bots to spawn im not running into any pmcs or scavs

    If you're running into literally no PMCs or Scavs then it's likely you have a mod conflict or bad install of SPT/Realism Mod. Keep an eye on the console for any errors, they'll appear in red.

    If you are getting some bots bot not enough to your liking, you could try using the config option to increase the bot cap, and if that's not enough you could try playing with the bot quantity set to high (pre-raid options).

    From what I've seen POOP is compatible and POOP variety by extension (bot the bots might behave strangely, maybe best to disable my mod's changes to bot difficulty and types), Lua's Custom Spawn Points definitely is (not sure if it still works for 3.4.0 though).

    Unsure about SWAG. SWAG variety states in the description that is isn't compatible with Realism Mod. You'd have to disable my mod's Bot Changes for SWAG variety at the very least, so it's up to you if that's what you want to do.

  • Unsure about SWAG. SWAG variety states in the description that is isn't compatible with Realism Mod. You'd have to disable my mod's Bot Changes for SWAG variety at the very least, so it's up to you if that's what you want to do.

    I've just checked and am actually running SWAG without having any of your options turned off, so your Mod's Bot changes as well as the PMC loadout changes are in, but SWAG loads after your mod, so it may be overriding something.

    Though from the few playthroughs I had now, a lot of bots (raiders as well as scavs and PMCs) do spawn with the Christmas balls added by your Christmas event update. As for their AI behavior (especially that of the bots spawned in with SWAG) I am a complete noob in regard to understanding what even LowLevelAI and HighLevelAI means and how these AI classes like assault or assaultgroup interact with them.

    I have fought PMCs, Scavs, Raiders and Rogues so far, as well as two run-ins with Sanitar. PMCs, Rogues and Raiders seem to hit hard. USECs take their time before shooting, so if I place a quick head-eyes, it's an easy fight. But if they open fire, I usually end up with blackened arms and heavy bleeds.

    If there is a mod conflict, it must be something I am simply unaware of or something I simply don't notice as unwanted behavior.

  • Hmm that's interesting, doesn't sound like there are any major issues then. Not sure why they said SWAG isn't compatible then. At the end of the day if it's working for you and you enjoy it, it doesn't really matter. I'll look into SWAG and do some testing to see what's up.

  • Hmm that's interesting, doesn't sound like there are any major issues then. Not sure why they said SWAG isn't compatible then. At the end of the day if it's working for you and you enjoy it, it doesn't really matter. I'll look into SWAG and do some testing to see what's up.

    Let me know if I can help you in any way providing logs or anything.

    I just had a look at my latest logs out of curiosity and the only errors in the current playthrough (3.4.1 using your latest hotfix) I see are related to armor plates generation, because I started using the Realistic Plate System at one point and then removed it again as I didn't particularly like the added micromanagement.

    These are some leftovers trying to generate items with ID = null since the mod is gone.

    But I don't get any errors or hiccups related to bots with my current setup.

  • Фонтейн, привет! Заметил что у твоих медицинских предметов (TIER MEDKIT), время использования 1200 секунд! Получается пользоваться ими невозможно, это 20 минут реального времени. Если уж они копируют анимацию CMS, то сделай так же 16 секунд стандартных или вроде того. Спасибо!

  • Фонтейн, привет! Заметил что у твоих медицинских предметов (TIER MEDKIT), время использования 1200 секунд! Получается пользоваться ими невозможно, это 20 минут реального времени. Если уж они копируют анимацию CMS, то сделай так же 16 секунд стандартных или вроде того. Спасибо!

    They aren't intended to be used in raid, they are made for using in the hideout, because now you cannot use the other medkits to restore HP anymore. This was mostly a requested item for people who use PTT, it's not really relevant or useful unless you forget to heal with Therapist.

  • Они не предназначены для использования в рейде, они сделаны для использования в убежище, потому что теперь вы больше не можете использовать другие аптечки для восстановления HP. Это был в основном запрашиваемый предмет для людей, которые используют PTT, он не очень актуален или полезен, если вы не забудете лечить с помощью Терапевта.

    Всё, вопросов нет, спасибо!

  • I'm having a problem using your MOD where I can't ADS with some weapons but I can with others. Any ideas? Cheers.

    Please check the mod's overview page for an outline of all features of the mod.

    It says in the description of faceshields if they allow ADS or not, and stocks that allow it will say so too. You can toggle this feature with the in-game config.

  • Фонтейн, привет! Заметил что на последней версии мода не идёт прогресс выносливости. 0% за 18 уровней. Не могу строить обогрев в убежище. Версия 3.4.1. Моды: Amands's Graphics, Acog4Life. Не тестировал в ванильной версии, не могу утверждать что здесь причина в моде, но скорее всего.

  • Фонтейн, привет! Заметил что на последней версии мода не идёт прогресс выносливости. 0% за 18 уровней. Не могу строить обогрев в убежище. Версия 3.4.1. Моды: Amands's Graphics, Acog4Life. Не тестировал в ванильной версии, не могу утверждать что здесь причина в моде, но скорее всего.

    You stop levelling endurance once you pass 25kg of weight, so to level endurance you'll have to stay under 25kg. I can raise it to 30kg next patch but not past that otherwise you'll be able to move too quickly. I'll have to find a solution client-side at some point. Issues with the Heating module in the hideout will have nothing to do with my mod, I don't touch it.

  • You stop levelling endurance once you pass 25kg of weight, so to level endurance you'll have to stay under 25kg. I can raise it to 30kg next patch but not past that otherwise you'll be able to move too quickly. I'll have to find a solution client-side at some point. Issues with the Heating module in the hideout will have nothing to do with my mod, I don't touch it.

    Спасибо, понял. Не знал об этом. Если найду ещё ошибки, напишу.

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