SPT Realism Mod

  • interesting... the problem is me sticking to the meta, got it

    make weapons great again, your mod is awesome

  • interesting... the problem is me sticking to the meta, got it

    make weapons great again, your mod is awesome

    Thanks man. Yeah the stats in this mod are completely different to normal EFT, what is good/bad isn't the same and usually really depends on the weapon you're trying to build: that buffer tube isn't good on a short barrelled M4 but might be good on a M4 with 20 inch barrel for example. Things are always getting tweaked anyway with feedback like yours.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Seems something in SPT Realism is causing gun sounds to be super low and muffled. Did some testing and can confirm it is coming for this mod.

    Are you wearing a headset? I've reduced how much they muffle gunshots now with the latest hotfix. They'll still reduce gunshot volume significantly compared to normal EFT, like they're supposed to. Different headsets have different amounts of noise reduction. Sordins have the least. I'll add their noise reduction ratings to stats in a later version.

  • Does M855a1 have like insanely high misfeed chances? im running a ak102 at 87% with a suppressor and its jamming once every 1-2 magazines almost(yes im firing full auto), or is it the suppressor?

    This might not matter anymore, as this was pre hotfix btw

  • So far i have two issues:

    1) Tiered flea its not working for me, im low level and the whole flea is already unlocked. This is on a new profile, only spt realism mod. I have hardcore flea unchecked. Also have remove blacklisted flea unchecked. My config file its not on Read only.

    2) PMCs are a lot harder than the previous version, you can really tell the difference, their time to react and shoot is almost instant, is this intended? i do not have pmc/boss difficulty settings checked.

    Let me know if you need any more info, and thanks for your work!.

  • Does M855a1 have like insanely high misfeed chances? im running a ak102 at 87% with a suppressor and its jamming once every 1-2 magazines almost(yes im firing full auto), or is it the suppressor?

    This might not matter anymore, as this was pre hotfix btw

    Latest hotfix has halved the malfunction chance of ammo and magazines. Weapons above 98% durability have half the malfunction chance, this threshold can be lowered in config. Check the stats of attachments, suppressors have a reduced malfunction chance with the trade-off of higher durability burn. There might be something wonky going on with some ammo, I'm looking into that rn. Let me know if the hotfix didn't help.

    Is the 260mm M4A1 barrel supposed to have such a high malfunction rate like 1000?

    "ModMalfunctionChance": 1000,

    I was wondering why it would jam on every single shot lol.

    That's not quite how malfunction chances are calculated in EFT. A standard M4A1 with 260mm barrel, colt buffer and gasblock, reliable mags and ammo will jam once in a while but not every shot. With the MK12 gasblock the 260mm barrel has a malfunction chance of 0.

    Do read the patch notes and check attachment's stats and descriptions for explanations. I replied to someone earlier in the thread about their M4 build that was pretty much as unreliable as you could make it :D, there's some info there too.

    Don't know what to tell you, tiered flea works on me end. Either your config file is set to read-only, or you have another mod that's interfering. There was another use who had this issue, not sure if they resolved it, but I can't replicate it on my end.

    Patch 13 has made bots more difficult for both live EFT and SPT, I don't change bots in that way so they'll act mostly like how they do in normal EFT/SPT, I just change the odds of behaviour patterns that are already in the game.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • That's not quite how malfunction chances are calculated in EFT. A standard M4A1 with 260mm barrel, colt buffer and gasblock, reliable mags and ammo will jam once in a while but not every shot. With the MK12 gasblock the 260mm barrel has a malfunction chance of 0.

    Do read the patch notes and check attachment's stats and descriptions for explanations. I replied to someone earlier in the thread about their M4 build that was pretty much as unreliable as you could make it :D

    Ahh, I get it, it was that way because I accidentally put the GS-5B while building instead of my MK12 GB, the amount of malfunctions made me check the barrel first in the mod data and I assumed a typo about it since similar barrels didn't have such a rating.

    Sorry lol, I assumed the patch notes with reduced malfunctions was supposed to fix this and you forgot that barrel, turns out it was my very borked build as I forgot to check buffers, old habits die hard.

    Edited once, last by Keaton ().

  • I think trader changes is behaving differently than the previous updates. The scarcity thing is still working as it used to, but at least for me, the changes to what traders will buy from you are not working. I'm used to selling tech stuff (SAS and SSD Drives) to mechanic, I'm pretty sure I could sell that stuff to him before in 3.4.1, but he no longer buys them. Is this something you can reproduce? Let me know what I need to give you if you want to further look into it. Thanks so much for working on this mod, you deserve a break. MVP of SPT modding for sure.

  • Ahh, I get it, it was that way because I accidentally put the GS-5B while building instead of my MK12 GB, the amount of malfunctions made me check the barrel first in the mod data and I assumed a typo about it since similar barrels didn't have such a rating.

    Sorry lol, I assumed the patch notes with reduced malfunctions was supposed to fix this and you forgot that barrel, turns out it was my very borked build as I forgot to check buffers, old habits die hard.

    Don't sweat it man, it's a bit of a convoluted mechanic :D just trying to make weapon modding and some weapons more unique and in-depth and true to life, still need to find the right balance for all of it. For an SBR M4 really you need the MK12, you might get by with the standard triangle gas block + a suppressor or muzzle device that has high malf reduction + buffer like the A2 or the new one that came with patch 13. For the next patch or so I'll add better ammo and magazine malf chance stats that actually reflect the odds better.

    Shotguns, submachine guns, rifles, etc. do not aim properly. what kind of problem is this? thank you

    Sorry don't know what you mean, I'll need more detail. In what way do they not aim properly? Do you mean they don't ADS at all? If that's the case you're probably trying to use a faceshield or mask that doesn't allow ADS. You can disable this feature with the in-game config.

    I think trader changes is behaving differently than the previous updates. The scarcity thing is still working as it used to, but at least for me, the changes to what traders will buy from you are not working. I'm used to selling tech stuff (SAS and SSD Drives) to mechanic, I'm pretty sure I could sell that stuff to him before in 3.4.1, but he no longer buys them. Is this something you can reproduce? Let me know what I need to give you if you want to further look into it. Thanks so much for working on this mod, you deserve a break. MVP of SPT modding for sure.

    It's not just you. Nothing changed on my end, either it's an SPT bug or BSG changed something. I'll let the devs know and hopefully they can sort it out, thanks for letting me know. And you're right, time to take a break :sleeping:

  • First of all, Thank you for the great mod :)

    I appreciate your hard work and wish the best luck for this epic project.

    Btw my problem is..

    it seems like the choosing raid entry point is not working for me.

    noticed that the pre-raid UI has been changed, in a bit wacky way I suppose.

    now changing bot count, boss spawn on/off options became quite annoying.

    looks like everytime I switch to further/previous pre-raid page, options keep getting reset,

    and chosen raid entry point also goes reset as well.

    so I've tried to start raid without switching the pre-raid screen, but looks like it's still randomized.
    (sometimes bot options successfully applied but sometimes don't.. new UI from 3.5.0 is treating me weird somehow)

    Realism Mod is the only main mod I am using,

    other mods are just some QoL stuff
    (watch anim, Make aimpoint great again, ammostats, reshade, profile editor)

  • Hi im having some problems with the mod, Im currently trying to run SPT Realism and it keeps giving me an error


    TypeError: undefined is not a function

    at new BotLootGenerator (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotLootGenerator.js)

    at new BotLooGen (C:\Users\user\Documents\-Things-\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\bot_loot_serv.js:47:1)

    at Main.preAkiLoad (C:\Users\user\Documents\-Things-\Games\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\mod.js:108:28)

    at PreAkiModLoader.importClass (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)

    at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1984:13)

    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47

    I've disabled all my mods and only have SPT Realism as the only mod inside and it is still giving me that error. It worked perfectly fine for me on 3,40 so I'm not sure whats the problem now

  • Thanks for the kind words :) Can't say I've had issues like this myself. Either way that would be 3.5.0/patch 13 issue and I recommend testing it without mods and if you still have issues to report it to the devs. The switching thing has always been an issue and is also an issue with live's offline mode if I recall correctly

    Hi I need steps to reproduce this, like what map and time at least. What bot config options are you using? And I assume you're using latest version of the mod on SPT 3.5.0? Is it happening every time or some of the time?

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • I havent edited anything, but htis happens

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: TypeError: undefined is not a function


    TypeError: undefined is not a function

    at new BotLootGenerator (C:\snapshot\project\obj\generators\BotLootGenerator.js)

    at new BotLooGen (D:\tarkov single\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\bot_loot_serv.js:47:1)

    at Main.preAkiLoad (D:\tarkov single\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\mod.js:108:28)

    at PreAkiModLoader.importClass (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.executeMods (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at PreAkiModLoader.load (C:\snapshot\project\obj\loaders\PreAkiModLoader.js)

    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

    at process.runNextTicks [as _tickCallback] (node:internal/process/task_queues:65:3)

    at Function.runMain (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1984:13)

    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47

  • I'm having the same issue with the flea. I'm lvl 31, using my previous profile. Before there where no trade items in the flea, no food and no meds (only the ones trader have), now everything is available. Just checked the config for the mod and all flea changes are set to true. The only thing that is loading after realism mod is zPlatinum-SPTRealismAmmoStats-1.0.1

    Edit: Just tested a new profile and it seems to be working. Only trader stuff is avaiable at LVL1. From the sv log it seems I have tier 6 flea unlocked in my 31lvl profile. Maybe it was not working correctly before? or maybe is a migration issue?

    Edit 1: I went back to 3.41 to check (I have both EFT's installed). I can verify that I have lots of barter goods unlocked which I thought I didn't, so my bad there. However I can now buy most food, which wasn't avaiable in 3.41 and now is in 3.5. The other thing I see is that in 3.41 I couldn't sell Grizzlys in the flea and I can en 3.5, and I can also sell an M4A1, which I can't in 3.41. There seem to be some inconsistencies between versions. I have the same mods in both varsions (except from SVM which isn't ready yet)

    Edit 2: I think it mostly working, there are some noticeable differences on the available items between 3.41 an 3.5, but not everything is avaiable

    Edited 3 times, last by Salchi ().

  • Thank you so much! The way this mod makes guns act and work is levels above the vanilla which frankly is unplayable for me after getting used to Realism mod and the Standalone recoil and attachment overhaul. Dope concept and great implementation, real big dicc energy of you that doubles because you made it available and supported it publicly.

    I have some questions about the releases for 3.50 that hopefully stems from me not using brain enough..

    You wrote that you had implemented some (all?) of SamSwats classic but still top notch weaponmods like FAMAS and L85/SA80. I haven't gotten them to work correctly tho.

    Both of the FAMAS and SA80 have less than 20 ergo like before and their recoil sums seems off as well. In raid single fire with tapping from L85 feels how I remember vanilla Tarkov felt, while when trying standard guns like MDR or AUG tapping works as mod intended. Is there a option in the config related to SamSwats guns? Almost forgot to mention I have managed (first time renaming) to add, as you suggested in the release notes, the letter "a" to weapon folders name (ie aSamSWAT-FAMAS) and after server giving me error also added "a" in mod.js.

    If possible any help or tips would be much appreciated :)

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