SPT Realism Mod

  • OlPPgqR.png

    Being met with this when I try to launch the server, only happens when Realism is installed :(

    Probably mod conflict, uninstall other mods till it works. Or something is wrong with your SPT install. I've had this error reported before and every time I never get a response about what the cause was, and I can't reproduce it so nothing more I can do.

  • hi, i know you said that you won't be responding to comments regarding to gunsmith quests but there seems to be a bug with gunsmith 21. I handed m700 over but it wouldn't let me hand in the pistol although it had all the requirements (muzzle brake, pistol grip and a flashlight) and it had the golden check mark.

  • I'm making compatibility patches for other addon items. I can make patches for weapons easily. I just add them into your templates folder. Unfortunately for armor, I cannot do this as easily because it feeds from SPT's actual item database and won't see any other items added from mods, even though I added armor profiles to the templates area. Is there any work around you can think of? Thanks in advance!

  • hi, i know you said that you won't be responding to comments regarding to gunsmith quests but there seems to be a bug with gunsmith 21. I handed m700 over but it wouldn't let me hand in the pistol although it had all the requirements (muzzle brake, pistol grip and a flashlight) and it had the golden check mark.

    I don't have the time to look into GS quests, I recommend using profile editor to auto complete it

    I'm making compatibility patches for other addon items. I can make patches for weapons easily. I just add them into your templates folder. Unfortunately for armor, I cannot do this as easily because it feeds from SPT's actual item database and won't see any other items added from mods, even though I added armor profiles to the templates area. Is there any work around you can think of? Thanks in advance!

    Not sure what you mean. I don't recommend replacing the files of any other mod, that's a bad way of making compatibility patches. For weapons use the preset making/sharing feature, there's instructions in the overview page of my standalone recoil mod. For armor just make changes to the armor's stats in your own mod and make sure it loads last.

  • I worded that poorly. I meant that I was adding compatibility to weapons added by other mods via the preset/template method you referenced. However, when I go to add in armor from other mods, it says "Unclassified" under Armor class, even though Ive added the correct armor class "Gost 2", etc. into the armor templates. Other things added from your mod like Spalling chance etc, I cannot change for the custom armor, even though I've added this info into the template area. In my limited knowledge, my guess is because Realism is feeding from SPT database and not other mod databases. Do you know any work around off the top of your head? I want to use all your features, I'd just like to add more items into the game and make them compatible. I followed how you added SamSwat's stuff for weapons. It's just the armor that's giving me problems atm. Thanks for all the responses!

  • I worded that poorly. I meant that I was adding compatibility to weapons added by other mods via the preset/template method you referenced. However, when I go to add in armor from other mods, it says "Unclassified" under Armor class, even though Ive added the correct armor class "Gost 2", etc. into the armor templates. Other things added from your mod like Spalling chance etc, I cannot change for the custom armor, even though I've added this info into the template area. In my limited knowledge, my guess is because Realism is feeding from SPT database and not other mod databases. Do you know any work around off the top of your head? I want to use all your features, I'd just like to add more items into the game and make them compatible. I followed how you added SamSwat's stuff for weapons. It's just the armor that's giving me problems atm. Thanks for all the responses!

    Only weapons and attachments are set up for presets, I'll have to add armor presets at some future point

  • Probably mod conflict, uninstall other mods till it works. Or something is wrong with your SPT install. I've had this error reported before and every time I never get a response about what the cause was, and I can't reproduce it so nothing more I can do.

    Same issue is here. I know you this issue is how to! ;) I know.

  • hi. is it possible to only extract reload speed modifier from this mod, as i cant find any mod for reload speed anymore, bot reload is buggy

  • Is m61 meant to be 1 tap to thorax? Because i get 1 tapped with it wearing class 8-9 armor, its one thorax and dead. Which at level 30+ is really frustrating because the PMCs will rat you out and beam you across bushes in maps such as shoreline and lighthouse. All times ive died to PMCs i hear their voice line far away behind some bush and insta beamed 1 tapped to thorax. When checking the damage screen after death theres no fragmentation or nothing, its just a single m61 bullet to thorax. Happened about 3 times already.

    I also one day got randomly beamed through the floor on factory extraction, a PMC was near forklift, i was on the extraction undeground, behind the closed door you have to unlock while i was talking on the phone afk, heard a voiceline and the bot beamed me through either the floor or the wall, because the door was closed. I dont know if this is a tarkov issue a SPT issue or a realism mod issue, tho. Ive never had that happen to me before.

    Edited once, last by Macarebe ().

  • Is m61 meant to be 1 tap to thorax? Because i get 1 tapped with it wearing class 8-9 armor, its one thorax and dead. Which at level 30+ is really frustrating because the PMCs will rat you out and beam you across bushes in maps such as shoreline and lighthouse. All times ive died to PMCs i hear their voice line far away behind some bush and insta beamed 1 tapped to thorax. When checking the damage screen after death theres no fragmentation or nothing, its just a single m61 bullet to thorax. Happened about 3 times already.

    I also one day got randomly beamed through the floor on factory extraction, a PMC was near forklift, i was on the extraction undeground, behind the closed door you have to unlock while i was talking on the phone afk, heard a voiceline and the bot beamed me through either the floor or the wall, because the door was closed. I dont know if this is a tarkov issue a SPT issue or a realism mod issue, tho. Ive never had that happen to me before.

    "Is m61 meant to be 1 tap to thorax?" Well if you don't have the right armor, of course it will. The armor system is still WIP, I just recently overhauled how armor damage and blunt damage works, it will take a long time to balance it all out, and in either the next version or the one after that penetration will be completely reworked, so right now things aren't final. M61 will however penetrate class 8 in 1 shot no problem, at least out of a 20+ inch barrel. Shouldn't be possible to one tap class 9 armor unless it had below max durability. Maybe you are using armor that can spall and our head wasn't at max health, then got spalling to the head. I'll reduce M61 chances on PMCs anyway.

    As I said before a few times, I don't touch AI behaviour, I just change the odds of what templates are selected. Turn the difficulty down in-game, disable the PMC type changes, or try getting a mod like POOP to work and putting that on one of the easier presets. Also SPT is on an older version of EFT where bots where beaming in live too. SPT devs also raised the difficulty of PMCs, if you have issues give them feedback.

    As for shooting through floors, I've never seen that happen and I don't see how this mod can be responsible for that. I didn't somehow give bots wallhacks ^^

    Edited 3 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • I just installed and did everything the installation page said but when i when to run the server file it kept saying the application had a critical error and failed to run.

    exception produced: typer error: can't read properties of undefined ( reading ' get Config')

    did I mess something up on my end or did I not download it correctly?

    I don't believe Fontaine has updated the mod to SPT version 3.5.1 yet, which appears to be what you're trying to run the mod on. Wait for an update or play on 3.5. :)

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