SPT Realism Mod

  • Fontaine, my mosin nagant rifle jamming too often(92 durability) for such a simple weapon.
    Can you tell how total malfunction calculated cause I can't understand that through code?
    I saw baseMalfunctionChance in weaponTemplates, but I don't know if it used at all and why .336 AK has less base chance than mosin and why shorter mosin has more chance than longer.

    In my opinion, bolt action rifles has to be one of most reliable guns in game which is currently not...

    P.S. Already tuned thresholdMalfunction option to be 80%, but it only halved malfunction chance, which is still a lot.

  • Fontaine, my mosin nagant rifle jamming too often(92 durability) for such a simple weapon.
    Can you tell how total malfunction calculated cause I can't understand that through code?
    I saw baseMalfunctionChance in weaponTemplates, but I don't know if it used at all and why .336 AK has less base chance than mosin and why shorter mosin has more chance than longer.

    In my opinion, bolt action rifles has to be one of most reliable guns in game which is currently not...

    P.S. Already tuned thresholdMalfunction option to be 80%, but it only halved malfunction chance, which is still a lot.

    Because mosin is often big doodoo and makes sense from gameplay perspective to make the cheapest bolt action shitty so that other bolt actions have a purpose. At least in western countries, surplus mosins range from pristine, smooth and reliable to dogshit. These are surplus mosins that have been shot to shit by drunken scavs.

    There is no short vs. long Mosin, it's sniper vs. infantry variant. I don't understand the comparison to the .366 AK as they have nothing to do with each other. Bolt actions are very reliable in Realism, except the Mosin.

    Think it might be conflicting with the multicam retextures, makes sense I suppose

    Let me know if you figure it out.

  • Anyone else having issues reloading? as soon as I try to reload anything its just borked, cant interact with anything anymore. Just started with the latest version.


    Figured it out some issue with "Enable Reload and Chamber Speed Changes" in the f12 menu. Works fine with it disabled not sure if its just a conflict with another mod but I have nothing else touching reloads so idk.

    Got same problem. Helps only disabling "Enable Reload and Chamber Speed Changes" too.

  • The config file keeps corrupting and I have to keep reinstalling the mod. Seems to happen when I alt-f4 and come back to play the game later. Only happens on the newest version 7.11. Only tried to play twice so can't tell if there are more issues with this or not.


    NM seems to be working now. Not entirely sure what I did to fix it.

  • Got same problem. Helps only disabling "Enable Reload and Chamber Speed Changes" too.

    Did you check the comment above yours by Chadless that explained how they fixed it?

    What mods are you using?
    What version of SPT Aki are you using and what version of Realism?

    Did you update from a previous version of Realism to whatever version you are using now?

    Are there any errors in your logs?

  • Realism Mod: Failed To Fetch Application Context DataTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'inventory')

    Getting this error and after this error if i try and reload my gun it will be stuck, can't shoot, can't drop, can't do anything with guns

  • Realism Mod: Failed To Fetch Application Context DataTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'inventory')

    Getting this error and after this error if i try and reload my gun it will be stuck, can't shoot, can't drop, can't do anything with guns

    Need more information, what are you doing when the error occurs
    what version of spt aki are you running, what version of realism are you on?

  • Because mosin is often big doodoo and makes sense from gameplay perspective to make the cheapest bolt action shitty so that other bolt actions have a purpose. At least in western countries, surplus mosins range from pristine, smooth and reliable to dogshit. These are surplus mosins that have been shot to shit by drunken scavs.

    There is no short vs. long Mosin, it's sniper vs. infantry variant. I don't understand the comparison to the .366 AK as they have nothing to do with each other. Bolt actions are very reliable in Realism, except the Mosin.

    Let me know if you figure it out.

    Okay, you have a point. But I want to tweak mosin myself to be as reliable as others. Can you help me with that?

  • Need more information, what are you doing when the error occurs
    what version of spt aki are you running, what version of realism are you on?

    sorry i have never done a post like this before

    And i found a fix atleast for now it doesnt happen anymore i had to turn off : Enable reload and chamber speed changes , and that fixed it

    version im running is spt aki 3.5.5
    and Version 0.7.11 for realism.
    and what i am doing is shooting , and then when i try reloading the problem occurs

  • Got same problem. Helps only disabling "Enable Reload and Chamber Speed Changes" too.

    Figured it out, weirdly it was from an excessively high ergo multiplier in the config. Accidently had a 1.8 ergo multiplier not 0.8 and it borked reloading completely lol

    Anyways great mod.

    Please check previous post. The bug is from using the ergo multiplier where weapon ergo gets higher than base ergo. Solution is to either wait for fix, disable reload speed mechanic or leave the ergo multi at 1. Will release a fix soonTM.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Please help me! How do I just turn off the 10 item that is connected to the racks. I accidentally pressed J and now I have to play with my weapon constantly lowered. HOW DO I GET EVERYTHING BACK?

    UPD: Restarting the game helps, but still add the ability to disable racks directly in the f12 menu

  • Please help me! How do I just turn off the 10 item that is connected to the racks. I accidentally pressed J and now I have to play with my weapon constantly lowered. HOW DO I GET EVERYTHING BACK?

    UPD: Restarting the game helps, but still add the ability to disable racks directly in the f12 menu

    Press F12, and adjust ur keybind.

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