SPT Realism Mod

  • Hey, does the mod hardcap energy at 100? I installed the mod for bot gear presets, disabled everything else, both in exe config and in f12 config in-game and my Lvl 3 resting space upgrade doesnt give +10 maxenergy reserve even though it says that it does. Changing save json

                    "Energy": {
                        "Current": 100,
                        "Maximum": 100

    to 110, for example, also doesnt do anything because for some reason it reverts back to 100. Without the mod I can edit save json without problems and it works.

    will fix later

    Made the unfortunate issue of pressing my fix malfunction keybind while trying to reload and got stuck mid reload animation

    the only solution is to simply not do that


  • I have animation artifacts when I reload the magazine without leaving the canted sight; the ammo check on the pistol with ads enabled is also broken.

    sorry for google translate

  • Hello! I have a questin, is it possible to remove/disable the traders empty stock and make the market/traders inventorys back to the normal one whilst also using this mod.


    Got it fixed!

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.8.5 for SPT AKI 3.5.7

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Fixed bot changes failing if "Force Boss Items" is enabled.
    • Fixed weapon movement animations becoming very wobbly after interrupting stances with sprinting, aiming in and out quickly, etc.
    • Lowered volume of flesh hit sounds slightly.


    • Adrenaline: if you you get shot at or take blunt, shot or melee damage you get a painkiller effect. 30 seconds if shot at, 15 seconds if shot/hit. Credit to Kobrakonfor the original mod and idea.
    • Recoil Tweaks: tweaked the recoil curve slightly to up recoil during bursts slightly (more tweak more in future). Upped default "Recoil Intensity" config option slightly (will need to manually reset to default). Increased the recoil reduction from the "Flatness" stat. Muzzle brakes will now be a lot more effective.

  • If what you're reporting that ADS misaligns when reloading while using canted sights, that's default EFT behaviour. Nothing else you showed looks "broken" so I've no idea what you're trying to show. Next time please test without the mod installed before assuming something is a mod issue and not an SPT/EFT issue.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fontaine ().

  • Hey, I have run into an issue with the mod.

    I turned off the medical stuff, but the health items continue to have the Realism use counters and cannot be used to heal my leg, even in the hideout.

    I am sure it's something I probably messed up. Any idea what it could be? I've tried restarting the game a few times if that helps.

  • If what you're reporting that ADS misaligns when reloading while using canted sights, that's default EFT behaviour. Nothing else you showed looks "broken" so I've no idea what you're trying to show. Next time please test without the mod installed before assuming something is a mod issue and not an SPT/EFT issue.

    Reload ok. What about the other problems?

    Low stance canted sight aim (why does it rise first and then twist, it must be at the same time)

    Ammo check on the pistol (checks the pistol magazine, then looks at the front sight with a camera offset for an extra second)

    jump pistol animation (when jumping resets to default position)

  • I look forward to your pull request which fixes those pertinent issues, thank you.

    Edited once, last by Fontaine ().

  • Hey, I have run into an issue with the mod.

    I turned off the medical stuff, but the health items continue to have the Realism use counters and cannot be used to heal my leg, even in the hideout.

    I am sure it's something I probably messed up. Any idea what it could be? I've tried restarting the game a few times if that helps.

    Did you hit save in the config app?

  • Hi, I have an issue thats regarding the deafening, when I'm not wearing headphones, as pmc or scav, my guns have no sound, no muzzle flash, and no recoil. any way to fix this?

  • Fontaine added a new version:


    SPT Realism Mod v0.8.6 for SPT AKI 3.5.7

    NOT compatible with earlier versions of SPT


    • Adrenaline: refined and tweaked the adrenaline mechanic. It will now be accompanied by tunnel vision during the pain killer effect and followed by tremors after the effect. The strength of the negative effects, and the duration of the positive and negative effects are increased/reduced by the Stress Resistance skill. There is now also a cool down period of 60 seconds before the effect can be triggered again, this cooldown duration is also reduced by the Stress Resistance skill. Added config option to disable it. Thanks to Jiro for the suggestions on how to improve this mechanic.
    • Sanitar: tiered and modified the loadouts of Sanitar and his followers.
    • Bot Loot: adjusted how bot loot limits are handled, bots should more consistently have meds if they're supposed to.
    • Spawn Tweaks: spread out bot spawns significantly in order to reduce the performance hit from all bots spawning at once and reaching max bot capacity all the time. Upped base boss spawn chance on most maps slightly, especially Reshalla on Customs and Sanitar on Shoreline.
    • Various stat tweaks: reduced malfunction stat penalties from 1911 hammers. Increased ADS penalty on B25u. Reduced base ergo on Kedr/Klin and SR2M. Buffed AR-15 family weapon's reload, check ammo and check chamber
    • Stances: corrected and refined bot stances. Reduced weapon movement while walking.
    • Weapon Handling: increase weapon sway + inertia slightly, increased the penalty for having folded/no stock on ADS speed and sway. Reduced weapon movement while walking.

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