SPT Realism Mod

  • I installed the realism mod, no other and my first issue was no AI on customs and so I loaded into factory and no bullet hits registered is there a fix for this sorry if this is the wrong thread

  • Fontaine one more question - almost everytime when I die 2+ times in a row, my previous bleedings reappear. For example - if raid 1 I die with 2x Heavy bleeds and 1x Light bleed, I heal these bleeds and then die in raid 2 without getting any bleeding in the process, after going back to main screen and character's health I can see these 3 previous bleeds and I have to treat them again. sometimes it also happens at the very start of the raid, but I discovered it goes away if I hit alt+f4 and then restart the game. Also, treating light bleed from stash screen doesn't consume med's HP - Heavy bleeds use 2x as expected. I'm not really sure if it's strictly related to Realism, because I stumbled across multiple similar threads, either in live EFT or other SPT mods suggesting it's some kind of a glitch. however in my case it's happening far too often (almost every iteration of KIA streaks).

    EDIT. I might also add that this happens also when I successfully extract (but less often). There's also no fresh wound debuff visible on affected body parts.

    Did you test to see if it happens without Realism mod?

    It's been more than a year now. I know the aim-punch throwing off your aim is a thing in main tarkov but I don't remember the blurring effect being so pronounced. Are you saying that your mod doesn't/can't turn both effects off and these effects can't be turned off by any mod?

    If you haven't played in a year then how do you know it's Realism mod increasing it and it isn't just how EFT is? I don't touch it.

    Sorry for posting in the comments.
    So - how do I turn off reduced arm stamina loss? I use the mod only for the bot loadouts for now, and turned everything else off both in the client and in f12 menu, but arm stamina is still very overbuffed.
    I also think armor is less protective and shotguns are stronger than without Realism.
    So it seems like some things can't be turned off from the mod manager and through F12 menu?
    What do.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you only want bot loadouts then delete the .dll and only enable bot-related config options.

    So I can't load any AI on customs it cant do a key word "replace" any idea what I can do to fix this issue?

    I can't do anything with this information, at least post the error...

    I installed the realism mod, no other and my first issue was no AI on customs and so I loaded into factory and no bullet hits registered is there a fix for this sorry if this is the wrong thread

    There are hundreds of things that can go wrong to caused that and 99.99% of them are user errors (wrong SPT version, wrong mod version, conflicting mods, etc.).

    which parameter in the settings is responsible for the audibility of your steps? and how to reduce the damage from falls, since legs break if you jump from 3 meters

    This mod doesn't touch footstep sounds, and if isn't in the config options then there isn't a coifing option for it. For the second question there's this config app in the mod's folder that has all the server-side config options with tool tips explaining what they do.

  • I installed the realism mod, no other and my first issue was no AI on customs and so I loaded into factory and no bullet hits registered is there a fix for this sorry if this is the wrong thread

    This is the same exact issue im having.

    edit: I am using your most recent version, this ONLY happens on customs.

  • Finally got around to trying the mod and I'm really enjoying it. It adds a ton of depth and it's clear a lot of thought and care was put into it.

    I'm having difficulty with the high/low ready modes. If I set one of them to MMB, it will activate, but not deactivate - where with the default keyboard controls, you can press once to lower, once to raise.

    Right now I feel the controls for it are a bit awkward, too much to actually make use of them in the middle of a firefight. I'd love the ability to bind them to the scrollwheel like Ground Branch - scroll up for high-ready, down once to shoulder, down again for low-ready and vice-versa. Right now it doesn't recognise scroll as an input, and cycle stances only goes one way as well, so it'd presumably need two new inputs - cycle up and cycle down, each without short-stocking. A binding to bring the weapon to shoulder, ie disengage from any of the added stances, would also be really helpful. Edit: Oh, and an option to automatically exit each of these stances after ADS would be a godsend

    And a request for an optional feature - passive healing. Something like 0.2hp per second at full condition - modified negatively by stamina, thirst and hunger in order of severity, and maybe positively by skills. Low (<20%) energy/satiety would nullify it completely, whilst depleted hydration would halve the rate, and depleted stamina would reduce it to 75% - so you're rarely going to be at 100%, and the rate can vary a lot depending on circumstances. It'd let players have the option of an additional source of healing, whilst further rewarding good resource management, and add another dimension to the decision to use healing drugs and their consequences - maybe you shoot yourself up with adrenaline to get that quick heal now, but you tank your hydro/energy and so potentially lose out on long-term healing if you're not well-supplied.

    Also wanted to ask if anything would break if I changed raid timers and hydration/satiety decay rates with SVM or any other mods

    Edited once, last by Morbo513 ().

  • Hey! first time doing this mod stuff, threw the mod in my spt file, and now im getting the error "

    The application had a critical error and failed to run

    Exception produced: SyntaxError: C:\Users\polyc\OneDrive\Desktop\spt\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\db\traders\therapist\sell_categories.json: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0


    SyntaxError: C:\Users\polyc\OneDrive\Desktop\spt\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\db\traders\therapist\sell_categories.json: Unexpected token in JSON at position 0

    at parse (<anonymous>)

    at Object.Module._extensions..json (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1173:22)

    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32)

    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)

    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)

    at Module.require (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1855:31)

    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)

    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\polyc\OneDrive\Desktop\spt\user\mods\SPT-Realism-Mod\src\traders\traders.js:37:22)

    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1105:14)

    at Module._compile (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1894:32)"

    Any idea where i should go with this?

  • Hey, Fontaine! Thanks a lot for the mod! Having a lot of fun. But I have a question, I don't know if I misunderstood the ballistics or there's a chance of a bug. The situation happened more than once, but the last one was as it follows:

    - I was wearing a Killa armor (full durability and level 9 (not showing real armor class)) 85% blunt damage reduction

    - I got shot in the thorax and killed (blunt damage) with one bullet of 7.62x51mm TCW SP (160 dmg and 55 pen) ~50 meters away
    - I have "Armor Hit Zones" enabled but "Armor Hitzones for player" disabled. "Body Hit Zones" is enabled.

    - The armor returned on insurance with full durability (120)

    The question is: The blunt damage reduction of 85% doesn't mean I was going to take at the maximum 160-(0.85*160) = 24 dmg?

    The body hit zones still affect the damage even if it doesn't penetrate? I was expecting the body hit zones to only affect bullets that go through the armor. Could I be killed if the former thought is false? Like a shot in the heart area with purely blunt damage.

    Thanks in advance for clarification! Love the mod!

    Edit: I found that in the line 305 of the 'SPT-Realism-Mod\src\ballistics\armor.ts' the ";" is missing at the end of "serverItem._props.BluntThroughput = 0.15". I don't know javascript, but could that be the problem? (if there's any)

    Edited once, last by Arkan ().

  • This is the same exact issue im having.

    edit: I am using your most recent version, this ONLY happens on customs.

    You don't know that it's the same issue, there are dozens of possible reasons why it could happen. Make sure you have the right mod version, no other mods, the right SPT version that you installed correctly, make sure it's even this mod that's causing the problem by actually testing it without the mod installed. Nothing more I can do or say.

    Wrong SPT version/bad install/wrong mod version/bad install/bad config/conflicting mods. Also one drive is a really bad place to run apps from.

    Send a picture of the end-game screen, most people completely misinterpret it and it can be buggy in SPT. Blunt damage reduction doesn't work as simple as that, it's not a flat % reduction (based on armor level, durability, energy and penetration value of the round, etc.). How sure are you it was a one shot? People report getting one shot through armor all the time on live. Armor alway returns at full durability in SPT. Unless someone does some standardized testing with footage I can't do anything with this information.

    Thanks for the feedback. I have active aim and low ready on my side mouse buttons, I don't find it too bad using whatever spare keys are near WASD for short-stocking which I don't use often. Bepinex input config is very limited, I'd have to write code for every other keybinds or mousewheel for each possibility that people would want and then have them enable/disable them with config which could get messy. Maybe it's something I can figure out in future. Auto exiting stances after ADS would be nice for some but very annoying for others and too messy to give people the option.

    There already is limited passive healing, anything beyond that is too cheesy for my liking even if it's reduced by stamina or hydration/energy. It's very easy to get full hydration/energy and you can just stand still for a few seconds to regain stamina. Stims and surgery kits can be used to restore HP fully, stims already have debuffs after using them which I may tweak in future to be more harsh (but BSG is already going to add addiction). I can't say if changing decay rates would break anything, raid time shouldn't affect anything at all.

  • Here is the screenshot I took right after. Unfortunately I don't have the footage, I was almost at full health at the moment. The only other damage I had was a minor fall 1 HP at the right leg.

    You're 100% sure you disabled hit zones for player? If you did then I don't know what to tell you, I double checked the code. No steps to reproduce or data to work with.

    so i wanted only the loadout changes and only just the pmcs but when i removed the other bot loadouts that were not pmcs i got this error.

    it happens when any loadout json is gone.

    So you removed some files and then got an error saying the server couldn't find the files you deleted and you're reporting this to me? Come on man.

    Weird error I am getting on Realism, I checked the file path and there is a file there

    dw about it not an issue, fixed next version.

  • The stamina issue didn't disappear when I removed everything except the SPT-Realism-Mod folder in "mods".
    I removed both the .dll and the config.
    And again, everything except "bot changes" and loadouts is turned off in the config .exe.

  • You're 100% sure you disabled hit zones for player? If you did then I don't know what to tell you, I double checked the code. No steps to reproduce or data to work with.

    Yeah, I just checked here to be sure, it's disabled. The first two times it happened I thought about that, so I disabled to see if it would keep happening. The last time it was disabled. I'll try to keep playing with the armor and try to record it. If I'm able to reproduce again with video I'll come back to you.

  • Hello this mod is really cool so far. I’ve only had 1 issue I got this mod 15 minutes ago and I loaded into a factory raid, after about 2 minutes I realized no one was dying and I wasn’t able to damage anyone and they weren’t able to damage me. No armor damage no flesh damage no damage at all. I’m sure it’s a setting or something that I can’t find or maybe it’s another issue. Anyways I was wondering if i’m doing something wrong and what I should do to fix it. For reference the only mods I have installed so far are Spt Realism and Amands Graphics. Thanks again for this Mod.

  • not sure whats causing this issue but i do know that it is your mod. any time i use cerain rifles. (so far ive noticed m4a1 and ak74 variants) the game drops to about 15 FPS. it is completely unplayable until i drop the weapon or switch weapons

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