SPT Realism Mod

  • I'm having this issue after installing Realism:

    Basically all the gas blocks look like doge cubes. This is my current mod list and load order:

    I've tried reinstalling Realism in case I messed up but everything seems to be ok, all the bundles are where they are supposed to be.

    EDIT: After removing Leaves-ShinyAirdropGuns it seems the problem is gone, probably a conflict between these two mods.

    Edited once, last by Ameisin ().

  • That's very strange, thanks for letting me know what the issue was. I don't get how that mod could cause such an issue unless it's doing some strange things...

  • Tried everything that have found, but at least have this one
    Exception produced: Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RaidTimeAdjustmentService"

  • Tried everything that have found, but at least have this one
    Exception produced: Error: Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RaidTimeAdjustmentService"

    Means you have the wrong version of SPT or a pirated version of EFT/SPT

    Does Realism changing the raidtimes? Otherwise i would think, its got something to do with RaidOverhaul.

    Not sure what you're asking. Realism doesn't touch raid times, RaidOverhaul explicitly does

  • It said RaidTimeAdjustmentService so i assumed its got something to do with the raid times. But there is obviously a missunderstanding, so nevermind. 😅

    It means the version of SPT you are using does not have the RaidTimeAdjustmentService, which means you're not using the latest version of SPT/Realism mod

  • Hello fontaine, so I seem to be having a very strange issue, and this is the only mod that should mess with balistics in any capacity, but the stock saiga 12 with iron sights is very dysfunctional for me. If you slap on any kind of sight and use slugs, it works as intended, but with the stock iron sights, slugs will hit FAR above where you aimed. I tested with kitted saiga12 and stock, same deal, I tested other guns and shotguns with ironsights to see if this is generalized and its pretty much just the saiga12. If someone else could try out their saiga12 with iron sights on the gun range to see if the bullets are hitting far above where you are aiming that would be great.

  • Hello fontaine, so I seem to be having a very strange issue, and this is the only mod that should mess with balistics in any capacity, but the stock saiga 12 with iron sights is very dysfunctional for me. If you slap on any kind of sight and use slugs, it works as intended, but with the stock iron sights, slugs will hit FAR above where you aimed. I tested with kitted saiga12 and stock, same deal, I tested other guns and shotguns with ironsights to see if this is generalized and its pretty much just the saiga12. If someone else could try out their saiga12 with iron sights on the gun range to see if the bullets are hitting far above where you are aiming that would be great.

    Are you sure this isn't an issue with the base game?

  • I run my AKI server on a separate PC and everything works fine, but the stance changes for the realism mod on the main PC.

    On the server PC the stances work fine, I don't know if I should install another mod that could fix this or if its a bug.

    I tried reinstalling Realism mod and still the problem insists.

  • I run my AKI server on a separate PC and everything works fine, but the stance changes for the realism mod on the main PC.

    On the server PC the stances work fine, I don't know if I should install another mod that could fix this or if its a bug.

    I tried reinstalling Realism mod and still the problem insists.

    Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. Sounds like you don't have a standard setup/install of SPT or Realism mod, can't help in that case

  • Sorry I'm not sure what you mean. Sounds like you don't have a standard setup/install of SPT or Realism mod, can't help in that case

    So I have one PC that has an exact copy of the files from my main PC (Same mods and everything) that PC only runs the AKI server

    while my main PC connects to it. The only issue I'm having is when i press my key binds to change my stance nothing happens.

  • Fontaine added a new version:

  • Hi Fontaine,

    I cannot find the rechamber keybind anywhere? I've looked in the realism config utility, the game keybinds and the F12 realism menu?

    Can you point me in the right direction as I cannot get a round into my guns :D

    Many thanks!

    EDIT: I get it now it's the unchamber keybind - the one to remove a round from the chamber. Sorry I'm just an idiot! 8o

  • Hey "rechamber" is an EFT mechanic and keybind, it will be in your controls menu somewhere. I think default is control + r?

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