Game Panel HUD

  • Definitely the problem is not in the mod Waypoints. I have an impressive list of mods installed and everything works fine.

    In the Panel HUD settings, I only disabled the hitmarker options so that another mod would work, I didn’t touch anything else.

    Agreed that Waypoints is not the issue, at least not in my case. I just got out of a trial raid and removing Waypoints did not bring back the exfil markers in my compass. Nor did going the full length of removing all SAIN/Waypoints sister mods either (SWAG, Donuts, SAIN, etc.)

    I will keep following this thread to see what others have tried. I do appreciate your feedback. Not sure why this install has been so cursed for me.

  • Agreed that Waypoints is not the issue, at least not in my case. I just got out of a trial raid and removing Waypoints did not bring back the exfil markers in my compass. Nor did going the full length of removing all SAIN/Waypoints sister mods either (SWAG, Donuts, SAIN, etc.)

    I will keep following this thread to see what others have tried. I do appreciate your feedback. Not sure why this install has been so cursed for me.

    That is indeed unfortionite maybe it was for my installation that waypoints was the problem maybe it is the combination at my end with Better Spawn Plus and Waypoints that made the problem.

    I will follow futher to see what other people have tried to get it back with the Same Combination that i have :D

  • mhh... what other mods do you have installed maybe there is a problem with a other mod

    ive got

    spt realism

    circular radar

    eft api



    mfacshop and its modules



    priscilu and its modules


    kmc weapons


    no bush esp



    civic black core

    anestasia +svetlana



    and use items anywhere installed

  • Hey guys,

    I found where the problem is: the plugins folder should be :


    With the new update, there's a new folder has been added and becomes :


    The "extra" SPT folder causes the Game panel and of course, other mods don't work properly. I just tested and Game Panel works fine

  • Isn't working for me

  • Did you install the new API and all of your plugins like this path:


    Remove the /spt sub-folder and put your plugins in the right folder

  • This was not the case for my install, the file pathing looked pretty normal to me, going: BepInEx/plugins/kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD/*mod files*

    There was no additional SPT folder in my case, though I do appreciate you sharing your solution! I'm glad it works for you now. :)

    Hopefully those of us having the same issue will find it together with more feedback. I suspect there is some kind of mod incompatibility although I am not sure which mod is causing the issue. I'm going to try a fresh install later this evening and install the HUD mod by itself first, ensure that it works, then add one mod at a time and check in game after each mod install to see where it breaks.

  • Whelp, that didn't take much experimenting. I started with a brand new fresh install of SPT 3.6.1 and began by only installing the Game Panel HUD mod by itself. All exfil locations and every other setting were functioning perfectly. My mission to begin installing one mod at a time and checking to ensure the compass was still working ended after only installing one more mod, which was the KMC Server Value Modifier (SVM) mod. I went into Woods and still had the Crossroads exfil show in my compass, but my other exfil locations were completely missing.

    At this juncture I'm just going to chalk it up to this mod does not get along with various other mods in it's current state (a few people have already pointed out Helicrash), and hope that an update from the creator may fix it someday.

  • I want to use this mod in 3.5.7 but I can't because all the download links for this mod lead to the same version. The newer EFT APi and the newer version of this mod DO NOT work. It just causes the icons of the health and compass to appear on the main menu screen. PLEASE put back some of the older versions of the mod. You have the older versions of EFT Api but not of the Game Panel Hud? I really enjoy this mod but I can't use it without downgrading to versions that don't exist anymore.

  • kmyuhkyuk added a new version:

  • Hey for some reason when i install the mod everything works fine but the compass. The compass is there but there is 0 icons whatsoever. I checked in the settings and its turned on but there is no icons. please help.

  • Hey for some reason when i install the mod everything works fine but the compass. The compass is there but there is 0 icons whatsoever. I checked in the settings and its turned on but there is no icons. please help.

    I am having the same problem.

    After installing these 3 mods the icons on the compass don't show up anymore, neither exfils nor quests.


    I am now troubleshooting the problem and I will update this post after I understand which mods is incompatible

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