SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement

  • Solarint added a new file:

  • Solarint

    Changed the title of the thread from “Solarint's AI Behavior Tweaks” to “SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications”.
  • No its not normal, are you running Sptarkov 3.5.5?

    Sain 1.5 only works on 3.5.5, the newest update. You can try a previous version that matches your game version.
    It's essential for client mods to match the client version, so if the sptarkov version was made for a previous game version, most client mods will not work.

  • No its not normal, are you running Sptarkov 3.5.5?

    Sain 1.5 only works on 3.5.5, the newest update. You can try a previous version that matches your game version.
    It's essential for client mods to match the client version, so if the sptarkov version was made for a previous game version, most client mods will not work.

    Its 3.5.5 SPT and latest sain 3.5.5 in dedicated folder SAIN(1.4 had only dll file as i know). Idk i re-ran server and went again into Factory, had no errors. i'll test it a few more times and write again xd for sure

  • Its 3.5.5 SPT and latest sain 3.5.5 in dedicated folder SAIN(1.4 had only dll file as i know). Idk i re-ran server and went again into Factory, had no errors. i'll test it a few more times and write again xd for sure

    Oh interesting. I'll see if I can find the source of the error, thank you for all the logs and information.

    In the mean time, it shouldn't cause major issues.

  • Oh interesting. I'll see if I can find the source of the error, thank you for all the logs and information.

    In the mean time, it shouldn't cause major issues.

    Yup even with this errors i had no issues with fighting. Btw i think mods like Alevethings(kind of outdated) or Gamentor crazyguns(really outdated from 3.5.0) can break weapons and Sain in a weird way

  • Yup even with this errors i had no issues with fighting. Btw i think mods like Alevethings(kind of outdated) or Gamentor crazyguns(really outdated from 3.5.0) can break weapons and Sain in a weird way

    I believe I fixed the issue, and I'll have the fix out for next version. Fairly sure it has no adverse affects, but it just looks spooky seeing errors in the console.

  • Solarint added a new version:

  • Solarint

    Changed the title of the thread from “SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications” to “SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - All in One Pack”.
  • Quick question, I still have the sain experimental server mod, have those experimental changes been included in the new updates or can I/should I still have it installed? I haven't played in a bit and have been updating my stuff.

  • Quick question, I still have the sain experimental server mod, have those experimental changes been included in the new updates or can I/should I still have it installed? I haven't played in a bit and have been updating my stuff.

    Yeah, its unnecessary now. Many of the ideas I was looking at are fully implemented into the client mod, and it probably breaks some stuff for no reason too. So I wouldn't use it.

  • I'm getting bots stuck in place pretty often, sometimes it's all of them, other times just a few, looting them doesn't show anything wrong with their equipment, so it's not like they lack weapons or anything else.
    I'm on 3.5.5 using the All in one pack 1.0.0 (angry bots, audio, combat, flashlights, movement, vision, all 3.5.5)
    My other client mods are

    My server mods are

    Seeing where the frozen bots are, this MIGHT be an issue related to "Lua-CustomSpawnPoints", but I haven't tested it yet with the mod removed. They all seem to be in places where they wouldn't spawn in the vanilla game, so they were probably spawns added by "Extended Bots Spawnpoints"

    EDIT 2
    Lua-CustomSpawnPoints and Extended Bots Spawnpoints were not the cause of the issue, it's still happening even without those.

    Edited 3 times, last by Maldun88 ().

  • Expanded bot spawns will definitely cause that issue, I've used it myself and would run into it all the time.
    But, if the issue is still there:
    I haven't been able to reproduce this issue at all on my side, so something in your client mods may be conflicting in some way. Can you try disabling anything AI related except for sain and doing a few raids next time you play, and let me know if the issue is still there?
    I didn't notice anything in the other AI modes you are using that are obvious conflicts, but its hard to know for sure.

    Also: If you are using the optional test build of sain audio, I would recommend uninstalling that one for now, I haven't noticed it myself but Its also very WIP.

    Also, next time you play (if the issue is still there) can you attach your LogOutput file from the BepInEx folder so I can check for any error logs?

  • I did 6 raids, 2 on woods and 4 on customs (since those were the maps where I first noticed the issue happening) after removing the following

    dvize.BushNoESP 1.5.0

    dvize.NoNoZone 1.4.0
    Fenix_NoAI_ESP (3.5.5 patch by Props in the comment section)
    and I found no bots stuck in place. I had some weird bot behaviour where they would ignore me and keep walking even if I shot them, but I think that was just a bug, as it happened only on 2 out of the MANY bots I checked (probably around 80 bots in total).
    The next map I should check is interchange, since I had found bots stuck near the emercom exit previously, but so far, CustomSpawnPoints (and thus Extended Bots Spawnpoints) caused no issue, and neither did the test build of your audio mod.
    Nevermind, I must've gotten lucky like 10 times in a row since now it happened again. I'm removing CustomSpawnPoints and I'll see if it's gone completely
    EDIT 2
    Even without your audio mod and CustomSpawnPoints, it's still happening. I just had a pmc stuck in place at the bottom of the office staircase in factory. I've attached the bepinex log

  • Trying to put a spoiler in the post above spoilers the whole thing, so I'm making a new post instead instead of a third edit

    The issue wasn't happening in my test raids because it never happens on the first raid apparently. Of all the raids I've seen today, none that I did right after starting the server had this issue, be that with CustomSpawnPoints, with your audio mod, with both at once or with neither.

    I managed to get the traces log of the last time the error happened and there are errors tied to "LateToTheParty" failing to destroy loot, LootingBots causing this error "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added." and something causing this

    repeatedly. I have no idea what this could be caused by.

  • Solarint added a new version:


    Added "SAIN-Grenades"
    Bots will only react to grenades they can actually see!
    Built in reaction time system that is based on their bot type and difficulty setting.

    Updated/fixed a bunch of little things throughout the different modules.

    Included old SAIN-Sound version 1.2 in this pack.

    Added new Optional Audio Test Build 3 that catches a few errors. Still working on it.

  • Just got absolutely slapped -- headeyes instantly from a guy shooting at impossible speeds. I'm running Realism mod which I know gives PMCs different AI (including boss AI) -- is this intended performance for the bots with your mod?

    Honestly. Except for the unlucky headshot (they never intentionally aim for the head) that looked pretty fair. he was holding the corner you shot from and popped you since you shot his teammate, you can see him stand up and he's visible for a good 1/2 a second before he starts shooting. The fire-rate just sounded like a Suppressed SMG or Val, nothing out of the ordinary.

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