ALP - Algorithmic Level Progression

  • DewardianDev added a new file:

  • dushaoan added a new version:

  • dushaoan added a new version:

  • Hey yo. I installed everything the way it should have been. Except I'm getting a

    ModLoader: Errors were found in order.jason Using default load order.

    Is this an error message i'm supposed to get? OR is my load order wrong? I'm using Algorithmic Level Progression along with MOAR. I noticed in the README of each mod that they both be placed last in the work order.

  • dushaoan added a new version:



    • Many issues with scopes!
    • Ammo weightings
    • Added a blacklist for the dumb over-powered ammos
    • Added a custom blacklist with instructions to the config (see! I listen some times :D ).
    • Fixed a ton of issues with weird mods
    • Fixed nvg scope spawning
    • Fixed armor/backpack/helmet weighting
    • Balanced a ton of spawning around certain items like magazine quantity, headphone weighting, non protective headwear, and headwear that wouldn't allow headphones to be more like what you would find with live.

  • dushaoan added a new version:



    • Low level balance
    • Some errors around custom items (likely poorly implemented scopes/mounts)
  • dushaoan added a new version:


    Major bug fix

    • Fixed a number of issues around mod compatibility issues
      Previous versions would error, this is fixed.
    • Fixed a number of weapon mod balance issues
    • Significantly improved weapon mod placement, ammo selection, and laser/light positioning
    • Fixed a few issues around Scav attachments
      Fixing Scav weirdness is on-going.
      TLDR: They appear to be using the Pmc gear weightings as a fall-through, meaning they will wear better gear than they otherwise would.

      I'm looking at fixing it but for now you have a bit more dangerous Scavs on average.
    • All level bots will choose far less META weapon mods, added quite a few overpowered ones to the internal blacklist

    NOTE: If custom traders add items that break this mod, turn the trader off in the config! I can't chase every compatibility bug.

  • dushaoan added a new version:

  • Found out one more problem. Sometime PMC bring 10 rounds mags for automatic weapon. For example for AUG. Bring only 4. In first fight with scav they run out of ammo and then hide in corner. I think this small mags should be banned for PMC.

  • DewardianDev added a new version:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Small bug fix:

    • Fixes weird pocket sizes on pmcs due to 5th tier bots having access to "pocket size items"...

    That's it for now!

    Have fun! :thumbup:

  • DewardianDev added a new version:



    • Fixed clothing level changes not being applied!
    • Added a few more heads/hand options for usec/bears
  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Bugfix (hopefully):

    • Revert 1.2.4 error caused by increasing bullets in secure containers far too much ?(.
  • DewardianDev added a new version:


    Minor fix:

    • Fix looting bots compatibility.
      PMCs should have much less loot when removePMCLootForLootingBots is switched on now.

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