Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Can you tell me how to do this?

    go to the \spt310\Aki_Data\Server\database\locations file path and then from there you will have a list of maps. Open the folder of the map whose boss spawns you want to edit (the folders should all be the same name as the map that they correspond to except for the folder "bigmap" corresponding to customs) and then go into the base.json file. Search for "bosschance" using ctrl+f and from there you can find a percentage value of that specific boss

  • Rogues still won't spawn for me on Lighthouse. All rogues are spawned as PMC's. Using the latest version of FAIT and SPT 3.2.1

    I have all spawn changes in FAIT set to false. And if I unistall it, rogues spawn as they should.

    = DEBUG HASH!! If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and =

    = paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!: =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    = =

    xĀā,6924436190181214,572264Ċ29Ė6062,Đ6376Ą7893ĆĬ,Ĉ352ħĒĘ3ĉĝ,ĸ3ī080Ĵ75Ď11Ĕ99Ĉ20ń3ʼn5483ĻĦőĽė7Ěō7Ň4565ŀđ9īŢ8đ,Ś7ʼnė1ĭę7ŝ,|ŇŇ0,Ÿ|assaultŴpmcboƂfollowergluharżžƀƉƋƍƏƑƓƕrscouƛƌƎƐƒƔƖsecurity,ƊƨƞƫơsnipeƶƜƩrkojaƽƵƷƝƐžƽtƖǁƸƐbƀlƵ|ŻŽſƁgrƥp,beǑuƮcŴ-ŇǪ,-Ģ-ŔŶģ.6dzĢ1.DZ.Ƿ.5ģǿǸŷǹǿŌŸŇŌǿŸȆŹ,PMCsȉŴƇtnameshƐǀƮƿƗtetțmwƳhƤmmżŴDzȮȀȒŷȌȋȯĢDZȰȊŴƘǜƂǙƄƆƈǒnjƟƬƗǛƚɂǃƺƭƤƦɉƹƠƭƯƱƳNJǂɐɅƼƾǀǙǣǥǧ,ȻƚǞǠȭȸǴĻĔŸ2Ǿ|Ÿ3źɮģɱŞŴŵɩǙŇŔēǷǿŵɯɭ|ş,8ʁ4ŸŀɶǙʃʅɶʇʄɱ|IJ,ɬɶŸēǙȶɶǬ1ǵɷȲ|ɶŴȹDz7Ź.8ŪɪʫɿİɱɯɱŔʁɻɶȯɼɾ5Ÿʹɶ5ǾČʼʾʑ|ʽ,ʿǙ˄ˆʙʗɱĢʘ|ĢĢǙǬȈʟȌʡǙʣȌȮɫɳĻʈɭŔʞˏăʵȰȯ˃ŸŃɶšɳɱ˪ņ˂ˬ10ˮǾ˰ʊ2ʲˌʺʯăɴɸˣʁ˓ʘɽɭpumǡƇƁʢ˕ȲȴŴ5dijcc5ba4bĬ6ŚĿʹ˴ġĔcdebė9d7f˴c˴0e7ce1Ś˙|ȫpȖȘȚȜ,ȞƐaȡȣeȥȧȩȫȑɲʤȳ˚ȸĔ͎Ňɮʨ˦͕0ɨɷʏȋʚɺ͎Ģ˜͟ʔ͢ʻʺ͐˜ɰȹ͌ȹȅ͍Ȋ5:ʽ:˴͢aƌɡͶ͵lͷͺ͹ͻȒ white blueBG

    = =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

  • go to the \spt310\Aki_Data\Server\database\locations file path and then from there you will have a list of maps. Open the folder of the map whose boss spawns you want to edit (the folders should all be the same name as the map that they correspond to except for the folder "bigmap" corresponding to customs) and then go into the base.json file. Search for "bosschance" using ctrl+f and from there you can find a percentage value of that specific boss

    I prefer doing this method for editing percentage values for the AI and use other mods for gear and weapons. This way it's much easier to keep track of things and it doesn't require mods to edit spawn percentages you just need mods for gear and alike. Sadly I stopped using FAIT for the meantime because of conflictions and errors, also other people have reported the same issue(s) I have/had so I didn't want to clog up this thread even more.


  • Is it normal that there are relatively less scavs on the maps than usual? I've noticed several times now and now that I'm on Shoreline Scavs with 12g kill with headshot runs me no more in front of the shotgun. Have now tried about 6-8 raids and have only 3!

  • Can you tell me how to do this?

    The advanced AI config contains directions, but to be more specific, you'd want to open it up, and find the "Goons" group under "bot_Categories". remove the ones you don't want modified from that group.

    Next, set "Enabled" to true

    Finally, go into "AI_setting_categories", and delete every entry for the group "Bosses", so that they all look something like:

    "Accuracy": {

    "setting_multipliers": {

    "Goons": 0.83


    "setting_names": [





  • Hi.

    I love your mod but I have a problem whit the bot spawning on Custom.

    The bots spawn on factory at any time but when I try to play on Custom they didn't spawn at all.

    I don't have any weapon generator mod and the lobby settings is on "as online".

    The game generate errors about mag not compatible but I don't have any modded gun so I don't know what to do.

    By the way, I use custom spawn mod, I tried to use FAIT whit out the mod but it doesn't work neither.

  • mod doesn't work with 3.2.2,

    No bots spawn and the 'length undefined' error occurs again, thanks for your works.

    Oh god, I thought it was me. I have reinstalled the game three times. I have the problem too, no AI spawns and red errors in the server history.

    This is the first thing in the server history:

    Loading: Fin-AITweaks

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Starting gear changes.

    *The mod folder has changed or loading was interrupted the last time this mod was run. Rebuilding gear lists to avoid errors.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created scavs bot 'assault' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created PMCs bot 'bear' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharassault' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharscout' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharsecurity' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'followergluharsnipe' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created raiders bot 'pmcbot' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created PMCs bot 'usec' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Created PMCs bot 'assaultgroup' inventory.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Gear changes complete.

    Fin's AI Tweaks: Finished

    * This in RED

  • Hello there,

    Since the release of 3.2.2, I've kept getting the same error from FAIT. I'm not sure if it's a mod conflict or FAIT just being outdated, but I keep getting a TypeError when loading into a Raid. This causes FAIT to Crash basically and no AI will spawn in after. When FAIT is removed, the game runs perfectly fine. Any help is appreciated as FAIT is an essential mod for me, Thanks. Server Log: server-2022-08-30-06.txt

  • I am having the same issue, word by word the exactly same thing. here is my hash if it helps

  • Fin added a new version:

  • Yes, still the same and sadly this was the final update. He's not updating this mod anymore unless someone else wants to do it and has the time. I even tryed his new mod and still have the same issue.

    For what its worth I got FAIT back working it the mod All The Backup Sights was conflicting with FAIT for some reason I really dont know why must have to do with weapon preset generation with the changes to where you can put offset sights and such,

    Edited once, last by Chadless: Also Macross Weapons armory is incompatible with FAIT at current just a heads up for anyone also experiencing issues ().

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