Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.11, for AKI8, B.. Whatever. 1.1.0

    • Armor, primary and secondary weapons can now be given to bots based on relative rarity (calculated off of a combination of the item's ingame price, and it's spawn chance) instead of ingame price. This should mean more interesting but low-level weapons in the hands of scavs, using the default settings. No more legions of scavs with nothing but AK variants.
      • This has both a maximum, and a minimum value
      • This value works linearly. Setting it to [0, 50] gives you all the weapon, armor, or whatever else. Setting it to [0, 25] gives you half the lower half, [25, 50] gives you the upper half, etc.
    • The 'changeBots' config entry now allows users to specify which class of AI they want a given type of bot to receive. Most people probably won't want to change this, but for people who want to make, say.. Gluhar's raiders as good as PMCs, without making regular raiders any better, you can do that now.
    • Difficulty tweaks.
    • Config tweaks
      • The 'intended' difficulty setting is 'easy', at the moment. Using the default config settings, 'impossible' is intended to be nail-bitingly hard, and due to the way things get scaled by the mod right now, that means 'easy' ends up being about what I'd prefer 'medium' to be.
    • Some other changes I'm probably forgetting.
    • Bugfixes
  • Any reason why factionIdentifiers is set to true but no AI are wearing arm bands?

    Here is my modlist (any other tips or conflicts I don't know about would be appreciated too!)

    I mentioned this in the main comment thread as well, I think, but ABL is the culprit. If you look through ABL's bot entries, and change the 'chance' value for AmrBand to 100, that will fix it. I'll also put up something that should get around this on its own shortly.

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.12 for AKI 1.1.0 (And probably 1.2.0)

    • Added granular spawn controls via an advanced spawn config file
      • It is not necessary to use this file, and it is disabled by default.
      • Explanations of how it works can be found inside the file itself
      • It's not as complicated as it seems, but I don't have any plans to make it more user-friendly. It exists purely for those who want to be highly specific with how their bots spawn.
      • It is recommended that you use Notepad++ to view this file. I've done my best to use tabs to keep everything neat and orderly, but I can't guarantee that other programs will display it appropriately.
    • To clarify functions, useNewSpawnSystem has been broken up into two options, both disabled by default
      • spawnPMCsAsBosses enables the spawning of PMCs via the boss entry, instead of the regular wave entry. This seems to help them work as a unit.
      • breakUpSpawnWaves contains the functions that broke up spawn waves to improve control over the exact number of bots that spawn
    • More difficulty changes
      • Difficulty feels like it's in a good spot again, but there are still some tweaks to be done for higher difficulties
  • Hello,
    I am having some issue with the mod, i put difficulty multiplier on 0 and tweak the aim speed multiplier and shot spray value to 1. But i am always getting one tap top of head by the AI first bullet playing on Easy difficulty.
    Is there a way to make them like actually bot instead of aimbot god ? a way to turn down the difficulty ? i am searching but can't find anything.

  • Hello,
    I am having some issue with the mod, i put difficulty multiplier on 0 and tweak the aim speed multiplier and shot spray value to 1. But i am always getting one tap top of head by the AI first bullet playing on Easy difficulty.
    Is there a way to make them like actually bot instead of aimbot god ? a way to turn down the difficulty ? i am searching but can't find anything.

    The easiest way would be to lower the aiShotSpreadMult below one (those multipliers accept decimal values), or raise the aiRecoilMult above one, both should have the effect of making your bots less accurate.

    I've been fiddling around with them a bit myself; in the latest version I've lowered the default aiShotSpreadMult to 0.6, and raised aiRecoilMult to 1.2, and that seemed to be a better 'default' state.

  • Fresh install, Any ideas?

    [ERROR] Trace:

    SyntaxError: E:\SP EFT\EFT\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\config\config.json: Unexpected string in JSON at position 1324

    at parse (<anonymous>)

    at Object.Module._extensions..json (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1172:22)

    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:986:32)

    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:879:14)

    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1026:19)

    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:72:18)

    at Object.<anonymous> (E:\SP EFT\EFT\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:11:16)

    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1138:30)

    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:10)

    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:986:32)

    ----------- EDIT -------------

    Solution posted by @ vladcbnn

    Whoever has the problem with JSON at position 1324, just add comma to "aiShotSpreadMult": 0.6

    I should be like this : "aiShotSpreadMult": 0.6,

  • Yup, that's the fix for it. -The download link now points to a pre-fixed version, as well.

  • when using the mod on AKI-1.3.0, it crashed while loading into the main interface,even if i disable the options related to AI's gear tweaks

    here comes the error report

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'equipment' of undefined

    at Function.addFactionIdentifiers (C:\EFT\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:2434:32)

    at Object.interceptWeather [as aitweaks] (C:\EFT\user\mods\Fin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:1942:13)

    at Function.getResponse (C:\EFT\obj\routers\HttpRouter.js:17:57)

    at Function.sendResponse (C:\EFT\obj\servers\HttpServer.js:112:29)

    at Inflate.cb (C:\EFT\obj\servers\HttpServer.js:147:22)

  • That looks like something is adding a type of bot that doesn't have an equipment entry, assuming you're using

    I can't be certain this will fix it, but if you go into mod.js and ctrl-f for the line:

    let a = botTypes[i]

    and then add this right under it:

    if (a)

    That should fix the issue. If it doesn't, setting factionIdentifiers to false will definetely solve it, but will also remove AI armbands.

    Edited once, last by Fin ().

  • Sorry, by only doing this doesn't it work

  • Hi there. I'm a noob to all this. I just installed everything last week and started modding away, first this mod is great. I have a, probably, noob question though. All of a sudden I'm not taking any damage from others. My armor will deplete, i can take fall damage, but I can just stand in front of scavs blasting away at me and I shake and get the concussion vision, but I never take any damage. What have I done?!?

  • Hi there. I'm a noob to all this. I just installed everything last week and started modding away, first this mod is great. I have a, probably, noob question though. All of a sudden I'm not taking any damage from others. My armor will deplete, i can take fall damage, but I can just stand in front of scavs blasting away at me and I shake and get the concussion vision, but I never take any damage. What have I done?!?

    Are you wearing a Balaclava_dev or Balaclava_test by chance?

  • Sorry, but there's a new error

    [ERROR] bot bossTest does not have properly defined chance values.

    [ERROR] bot followerTest does not have properly defined chance values.

  • Hey sorry I am a bit of a noob here but after installing this mod i no longer see Bosses every raid. I have this option turned on in Ereshkigal's All in One Mod and prior to installing this mod i saw them every raid. Is it possible i need to tweak a setting in your mod and if so can you point me in the right direction please? I am loving the mod tho! :)

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