Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.18.2 for AKI 2.0.0

    • Disabling behaviour changes now disables behaviour changes.
      • Scavs will default to moderately aggressive behaviour whtn behaviour changes are disabled, but should no longer have a chance to be cursedassaults
    • Melee-capable bots are now more dangerous, in a variety of ways, in order to compensate for their somewhat suicidal nature
    • More improvements to map multiplier performance and reliability
    • Fixed a potential bug when assigning armbands to bots
  • Is there an optimisation out for better fps, i understand that when loading bots strains your pc but im going as low as 40fps once they've spawned in.

    Pc specs: ryzen 7-3800x rtx 3070ti 32gb ram 512gb m2 ssd 1440p 170hz monitor. Any help would be appreciated

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.18.3 for AKI 2.0.0

    • Assaultgroup is back!
      • Thanks to Lua for clueing me in to the fact that this category still existed internally, even if it was removed from AKI_Data
      • All references to cursedassault in the config have been changed back to assaultgroup
      • This should help fix some of the "Not fighting X or Y type of bots" issues in the future
        • For now it should slightly improve BEAR vs USEC fighting when behaviour changes are disabled
    • Slight nerfs to melee-capable bots
    • Changes to spawns that should help prevent or reduce clumping
    • Small miscellaneous bugfixes
    • Slight changes to default difficulty
      • Scavs are a bit better
      • All bots react a little faster
    • Optimized the order of some spawn changes
      • No change should be able to get in another change's way now
    • Gravestone is still disabled
  • good afternoon I don't know if I'll be able to describe my problem, but when I open the config editor application that facilitates changing settings it appears incomplete on my pc screen and for that reason I can't change the settings I tried to enlarge the screen but nothing that's any use you could help me help me

  • good afternoon I don't know if I'll be able to describe my problem, but when I open the config editor application that facilitates changing settings it appears incomplete on my pc screen and for that reason I can't change the settings I tried to enlarge the screen but nothing that's any use you could help me help me

    If Eldgrim's advice doesn't help, the other option is to manually edit the config.json file in the configs folder. It does all the same things, it's just not as user-friendly.

  • Hello, I'm having troubles understanding some of the values in the config, can anyone please dumb them down for me with examples of what certain values would do? Thank you! (I'm legit unable to understand the explanation tooltips on the config itself, blame my 3 braincells :P).

    Here are the values in question:

  • Fin added a new version:


    Version 1.18.4 for AKI 2.0.X servers

    This is hopefully the last primarily bugfixing update for 1.18. If PMC spawning is reliable after this, I can move on to poking at new gear and difficulty options.

    • No huge changes, just some little tweaks and fixes
      • PMC spawning should be more reliable
      • Improved compatibility with Lua's CPSRR
        • The folder name has been changed for this reason. You can change it back if you'd like, but it will almost certainly cause fewer issues this way.
      • Small bugfix for melee-capable bots
      • Slight changes to AI accuracy
      • Small fixes to some of the debug information
  • im getting this:

    TypeError: Cannot set property 'difficulty' of undefined

    at Function.scrambleBots (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:1282:83)

    at AITweaks.main (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:3954:13)

    at AITweaks.load (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:98:8)

    at Function.executeMods (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:51867:28)

    at Function.load (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:51815:15)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:43618:15)

    at Function.load (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:52921:27)

    at Function.main (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:42371:9)

    at Object.161../Lib.js (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:42376:9)

    at o (C:\Program Files (x86)\Escape from Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:1:265)

    there is some solution for this)?

  • Same for me:

    Fin, when you're available, please check this.

    Thank you so much.

  • im getting this:[snip]

    there is some solution for this)?

    Are you using AKI 1.5.1, or AKI 2.0.x? The line you're getting that error on suggest you're probably using the wrong AKI version.

    Same for me: [snip]

    That's a different error happening in a different part of the mod. You appear to be using version 1.18.3a or earlier, and that bug should have been fixed in 1.18.4 and onwards.

  • Fin

    Hello. I've updated your mod to the most recent version from previous one. I went in raid to the customs and all bots were without weapons, just standing still with knifes out and not doing anything even if I go right up close to them. I will try to remove "z" in the mod folder name and see what will happen.

  • Fin

    Hello. I've updated your mod to the most recent version from previous one. I went in raid to the customs and all bots were without weapons, just standing still with knifes out and not doing anything even if I go right up close to them. I will try to remove "z" in the mod folder name and see what will happen.

    Changing the name of the folder is unlikely to do anything. -The first thing you should do is remove all your other mods, make a fresh profile, and see if the error still occurs. If it does, let me know. If not, keep adding things back until the error occurs again, and you'll know what's causing the error.

  • Are you using AKI 1.5.1, or AKI 2.0.x? The line you're getting that error on suggest you're probably using the wrong AKI version.

    That's a different error happening in a different part of the mod. You appear to be using version 1.18.3a or earlier, and that bug should have been fixed in 1.18.4 and onwards.

    i'm using 1.5.1 version

  • Changing the name of the folder is unlikely to do anything.

    Well, it worked. Now I have to deal with another problem (it was on the previous mod version too) - every bot moves very slow, often running out of breath. Some mod is interfering with your mod as it seems.

  • Hello, has anyone here had a problem with scavs not attacking each other? I have a USEC character who still tests out the mod functionality within Factory map but it seems that scavs only sees me as their target and not other scavs. I am currently using the latest version of the mod with CPSRR 1.3.0 with scav war setting always on. In config, I've set the scavs to both attack usecs and bears but it seems they don't see each other as targets.

  • I got this error when trying to use this mod, Lua's Spawn Rework - Reborn, zicoman's AI Configuration, and KMC-Core/KMC-Weapons together. The incompatibility is with KMC-Core/Weapons.

    Asking if the 3 of you can figure something out to solve this isn't the point of this post. Just letting you know there is a conflict/incompatibility/bug that you may want to investigate.

    It should be noted that the KMC mods are for 1.5.1 ..... so that's possibly the issue.
    EDIT : Yup. Did another test. Incompatible with KMC mods.

    Disregard, as they are the ones "outdated" per say.

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