GhostFenixx added a new file:
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Install .Net 6 by using this link: […0.4-windows-x64-installer]
Install 7ZIP []
Unzip using 7ZIP and move ServerValueModifier folder into your users/mods folder.
To access the GUI, open up the Greed.exe inside the mod folder.
Delete mod folder to uninstall, Delete loader.json to disable the mod.How do I even install any mod?
1. Download the mod.
2. Extract the mod archive into GameFolder/user/mods/, it should appear after running server for the first time.
3. Be sure to look that you haven't put folder into another folder.
Path should be precisely like this "GameFolder/user/mods/*modfolder*/*modcontents*"
In default case scenario it would be "/user/mods/ServerValueModifier"
So if you run into missing package.json don't cry about it in comments
4. Run Greed to adjust the mod to your likings
5. Apply your changes by following the Greed main page.
6. Start the server & the game.Server terminal says I am missing a loader. What should I do?
Really, you didn't manage to read all of the messages it told you to do in server terminal?
SVM doesn't have a default configuration file. If you haven't applied any kind of settings, then the mod disables itself.
Create a preset and then apply it. Be sure loader.json have been created in Loader folder, so is preset in Preset Folder.
My pockets have disappeared!
Data related to your pockets’ structure is stored inside SVM.
Disabling the CSM (Case Space Manager) section OR removing SVM from the modlist removes your pockets.
To get your pockets back, enable the CSM, open the CSM, enable the pockets section therein, and then set the sizes of your pockets to your own preference.
If you want to remove SVM from your modlist, then revert pockets to default using the CSM
by selecting `Revert to default pockets`. Then run the game and only afterward delete SVM.
This application uses Media and/or Materials from the Video Game "Escape from Tarkov" and links that leads to Game official wiki that can be accessed via ``
Escape from Tarkov content and materials are the intellectual property of their respective owners "Battlestate Games Limited".
Developer of this application is not affiliated to "Battlestate Games Limited" nor their Wikis, in any way
In AI PMC Section, PMC Names consist of usernames of multiple SPT communities.
If you find yourself uncomfortable to be in this list or you find certain name offensive - report to a mod developer.
I don't support old/outdated versions of my mods meaning you will not receive any help from me if you are using an old version.As of moment of writing[09.03.2023 UPD 2024] I am not planning to make any kind of Compatibility with mods, however the SVM itself is quite modular, if you think conflicts can happen - you can always disable incompatible section via Greed.
Related to SVM:Ereshkigal - Main inspirator, a lot of initial code was used from Ereshkigal's mods, such as Bots loadouts, Aki Configurator and AKI-AIO.
Senko, Chomp, Spaceman - Assisted or is part of the development in one way or another, whether it be being the owner of code snippets used in this mod, to actively developing the mod or providing help.TheSpartacus - Transition to AKI 3.0.0 and general help between releases
Related to UI (GFVE/GREED):
SerWolfik - for GFVE icon.
Lacyway - Major help with UI transition, giving me a head start with WPF
SSH_ - Archive with Icons
BattleStateGames - for creating those icons.Misc:
KMC - Reuploading the mod onto the SPT-Aki website.
Volcano - Oddba representative of SVM
Nexus4880 - Creator of 'Hide Special Icon' Plugin for Case Space Manager
Fire Hawk, Z3R0, Tabi, Assassin, Morgan, RakTheGoose - Testers, feedback
G10rgos, DaveyB0y, Fortis, olli991, Kain187, GamesB4Gains, Kiriko, MalecSP - Donations
Ukrainian - celebrutu
Korean - 루퍼, 고라니Chinese - Volcano
Everyone else who provided any kind of support to the project, whether bug reports, feedback related to UI or helped other to with issues.