Posts by pitAlex

    pitAlex added a new version:

    Sometimes you can have 1 bot becoming an enemy even though it is of the same faction. SAIN seems to affect that. So if it's 1 every once in a while, that is fine.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    - fixed using bear voices for USECs when englishBear is disabled

    - ensure looting bots brain, if present, is disabled when a bot becomes a follower

    - enforce followers to have the same side as the player on spawn

    - refactor the code that deals with followers using player equipment in order to address some errors

    - added flag to turn off enemy marker when reporting status

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed incorrect options positions of squad setup in the configuration manager that 3.6.2 has.

    pitAlex added a new version:

    • followers picked up in raid will now have "assist" tactic. In assist mode, followers do not listen to push or hold commands, they tend to do their own thing.
    • added flag to copy player's clothes for squad setup in Configuration Manager
    • Extended the distance for which the bot decides to search for a shooting spot during combat (Default tactic only)
    • Removed fence level settings that originally were used to force commands to work on bots (before version 3.x.x)
    • fixed bug where the follower that was picked up during raid was giving back loot that was given to him (only the squad remembers should do that)
    • fixed some bugs in what messages are sent to the user based on if he did not give any loot to a squad member or picked up a follower

    pitAlex added a new version:

    Does it happen frequently or you seen it rare? I've seen it once in all my tests, but I've seen it before long back for vanilla bots as well. Thus I suspected a vanilla issue. I did not like it either and wanted to do something to stop them from freezing but have not seen it again so I can't tell what made it happen.

    pitAlex added a new version:

    pitAlex added a new version:


    A small update containing some fixes and changed Maximum Followers to accept 0 as a value, and changed "Random" to "Default" for the equipment name to hint that it will use the default SPT equipment setup when selected.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed plugin throwing an error because the cfg file was not present at startup.
    Improved the cover-to-cover action as well as the regroup command.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Updated squad spawning system where you can now select which equipment preset each squad member can spawn with as well as selecting their tactic.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed issues with spawning while having FIKA and or SWAG and or QuestingBots.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Upgrade to SPT 3.9.x.
    Added "report status" under TEAM STATUS (this was previously the ping command) which in addition to giving you the follower's status, it will also display the location of the enemy they are currently observing.
    Improved following during combat and the "balance" tactic.
    Followers now spawn before you, making this compatible with SWAG+Donuts and Questing Bots.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Updates to the fighting logic of the followers. Normal and the Goons. In my opinion, goons are a lot more better now, although bird brain still could use some work. And still haven't managed to find the best logic for fighting marksmen. I will try to find time to focus just on the marksman fight.

    pitAlex added a new version:


    Fixed bugs in taking multiple items on the side of the Goons and regular followers.
    Improved come here and that direction gesture commands.
    Added display info about the combat mode of a follower when doing ping squad. Increased the ping radius to 300.
    Added detection when a group makes the player an enemy. This should make the rogue faction be enemies of the Goons as soon as they mark the player as an enemy of theirs.

    Known issue: Giving a follower loot when he has no room left will end up with a bug where the bot gets stuck in the take item action and appears frozen. Use the "attention" command to get him out of it.