Posts by nooky

    nooky added a new version:

    nooky added a new version:

    nooky added a new file:

    nooky added a new version:

    nooky added a new version:

    nooky added a new version:

    nooky added a new version:

    scavs are still a bit overtuned, i'm working on them for 3.7.0, all my time currently is dedicated to 3.7.0. if you want you can try swag scavs instead, just delete any scav files from the preset(s) of your choice and use the SWAG SCAV options in the SWAG config, see the mod page for details on this.

    nooky added a new version:

    I did a quick cooldown test on Factory

    2 different points, 2 different groups. SCAVs. 60s trigger timer, 180s cooldown (default)

    point #1:

    1 bot

    2 bot cooldown

    triggered twice, cooldown started (time passed 60s, shows cooldown is working)

    point #2:

    2 bots

    4 bot cooldown

    triggered 3 times, 1/1/2, cooldown started. etc.

    i'd like to do more definitive tests on different maps, but it seems like cooldown is working as intended. can you do a test case similar to this one in areas where you're experiencing issues? if we assume it's a balancing issue instead then my initial guess is more scav points should be grouped and i'll likely decrease the max bots before cooldown down from 4 for all

    Could you give more details about the presets? Like how is live different from old live, and crazyraids vs impossible raids?

    I will say "morescavs" lived up to the name.

    sure, I have some details on the front mod page, under the title "Donuts - Presets Explained". it should be up to date but let me know if anything is incorrect, I'll gladly update as needed.

    nooky added a new version:

    you're on the right track. it's not PMC spawns in particular but all client side spawns, so all Donuts spawns seem to slow down any server-side spawns (bosses). you can test this behavior yourself, try disabling Donuts before a raid with your bot monitor on and check the spawn speed compared to w/ Donuts on. i'll keep digging