Posts by Tinyteeth

    Cool, appreciate the heads up.

    I have not noticed this, but could be default SPT Aki behaviour.

    Out of interest, how did you disable after raid healing?

    Вечер добрый! Я тоже заметил проблемы с AIM у ботов. И проблема не в самом моде, нет. Проблема в ботах 3 и 4 Tier. Ощущение что ты играешь с читерами. Они видят сквозь кусты, стреляют издалека очередью, как правило точно в голову. Более того, бот стрелял по мне от ВС РФ на Таможне, в то время как я бежал на другой стороне за вагонами и забором, стоило ему только немного меня заметить. И он стрелял вплоть до того, пока я не добежал до конца забора, и он меня не убил точным выстрелом. Он видел меня будто вагонов и бетонных заборов вообще нет, и уверенно стрелял. А по забору прилетали пули именно в том месте где я бежал. Wall Hack какой-то! Про AIM вообще молчу. Всегда точно в голову, в автоматическом режиме. Замечают мгновенно! Ощущение что у них радар. Если тебя заметили, ты их не перестреляешь. Стоит высунуться, хоть краем - голова, глаза обеспечены. Я люблю этот мод, но вот в этом аспекте реализмом не пахнет. В последних описаниях говорилось что игра стала больше похоже на живую. Ну видимо читеры тоже, как часть живой игры))) И да, это относится к игре на высоких уровнях. Я заметил это после 25 уровня. Соответственно после 34 уровня, в полной мере начинается то о чём пишу. Реальный человек может тебя и в кусте в 2 метрах не увидеть и мимо пробежать, эти же увидят за 200 метров да ещё и пристрелят как белку в глаз.

    Извиняюсь, если есть какие-либо проблемы с этим переводом или тоном. Я пользуюсь ChatGPT для его выполнения.

    реализм вообще ничего не меняет в ИИ ботов. Всё, что ты описываешь, это или другой мод, или просто базовое поведение игры. Если у тебя в конфиге включена опция "PMC Difficulty", то боты на более высоких уровнях, как 3 и 4, будут настроены на более сложные уровни, типа Хард и Невозможно.

    Предлагаю попробовать мод типа (POOP), (SAIN) или (Fin's AI Tweaks) и подстроить сложность под свой вкус. Хотя я думаю, что проблема, возможно, лежит в самом Таркове, потому что ИИ-шкам нравится читить.

    Are the bots on harder difficulty because of this mod? Some can see me from 300-400m away and trough bushes. i have the anti ESP Bush mod but idk if it works well. And PMC's literally hit almost every shot and its frusttrating.

    No, realism does not change AI behaviour at all, it just changes their loadouts. The only thing that realism DOES change if you have the setting enable which is "PMC Difficulty" is setting the difficulty of the ai based on their tier of loadout, but it does not change any of the stats at all from default SPT Aki.

    The behaviour that you're mentioning is not due to any changes that Realism makes.

    I don't remember which caliber it was, 5.45 or 5.56 but, is there a reason I would be killed via a shot to the thorax with HP ammo while wearing the CPC Goons plate carrier? Armor was near to or full durability and my thorax wasn't that damaged. Image of the armor in question below for quick reference. I have everything that would apply to this enabled in SPT config. I'm thinking I just got really unlucky after looking at the ammo chart in the info folder.

    Realism makes adjustments to the areas on armor that stop bullets or let bullets through based on the plate location in the armor, not all of your thorax is protected like in live tarkov.

    Enhanced Hit Zones Preview (turn on subtitles). - YouTube

    Hello, I had a problem with spawning bosses, I changed both with the help of KMC SERVER VALUE MODIFIER, and changed in the game files. But they don't spawn, can you help?

    Depends on what level you are, if you have boss spawn tweaks enabled in Realism and are a low level there is a very low chance that a boss will spawn.

    Any changes that you make to the base game for boss spawns will be overwritten by a mod as they load after, make sure that KMC spawns after Realism to have its changes take effect, or turn off Boss Spawn Tweaks in the Realism config.

    I use more or less all of the same mods as you besides AutoProfileBackup (which Realism has a very similar feature to already)

    There shouldn't be any conflicts, so make sure to check your config as this issue does not occur for me.

    Also if I got a mod like SWAG would it still spawn bots with the loadouts and tiers from this mod?

    Yes, swag wont conflict with realism as swag doesn't change loadouts, it simply controls how/when bots spawn, I would personally suggest getting nookys preset and loading it after realism. Make sure if you do get SWAG and nookys that you turn off the spawn changes in realisms config

    Hello, you there is option Guarantee Boss Spawns, it works only with raid option Boss spawning or always when bots turned on?

    And what means Boss Spawn Tweaks?

    Guarantee Boss Spawns is a dev option to make it so that if you have bot spawning on and have enabled boss spawns the boss on any given map is a 100% chance to spawn, not intended for regular play, it's to test the mod.

    Boss Spawn Tweaks enables Realisms system to change the chance that bosses will spawn based on the players level.

    Same problem with the new health system.

    1)When the "Enable Medical Overhaul" option is enabled, severe bleeding in the chest, on hands(probably legs, don`t get on them) will not be stopped by anything other than the CMS & SURV12 surgical kits and AFH-1 & Zagustin Injectors, not Celox, nor CAT, IFAK, AFAK. "Gear Blocks Heal" was off all the time.

    2)When using TIER 1,2,3 medkits on a player with full HP in hideout through the "heal all" context menu, the game freezes with continuous attempts to heal. During this I can't kill the game process through the task manager, only through a system restart. It happens with both on&off "Enable Medical Overhaul" option.

    You shouldn't be able to use tier 1,2,3 medkits at full health, the option should be greyed out

    I'm trying out the new med system, I just had some problems 2 raids in a row. One raid I got a light bleed on my stomach, I dropped my armored rig and backpack, but wasn't able to use army bandages or a medkit, but an esmarch worked which is weird cuz you said we wont be able to use tourniqets on stomach/chest. Next raid I got a heavy bleed on chest, dropped armor/backpack but wasnt able to use any meds at all including calok. Idk if im just missing something or if its a bit buggy.

    You cannot have anything on your chest, so Armor, Tac vest or backpack.

    Medkits should work on chest, thorax and stomach to stop bleeds, bandages and esmarch/cat should not.

    Please help me! How do I just turn off the 10 item that is connected to the racks. I accidentally pressed J and now I have to play with my weapon constantly lowered. HOW DO I GET EVERYTHING BACK?

    UPD: Restarting the game helps, but still add the ability to disable racks directly in the f12 menu

    I don't really understand what issue you are having, but you can press J to cycle stances or use Up arrow to go High Ready, Down arrow to go low ready, right and left as well or tap the key again to go back to your standard ready stance.

    F12 menu will let you rebind/unbind these keys.

    Realism Mod: Failed To Fetch Application Context DataTypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'inventory')

    Getting this error and after this error if i try and reload my gun it will be stuck, can't shoot, can't drop, can't do anything with guns

    Need more information, what are you doing when the error occurs
    what version of spt aki are you running, what version of realism are you on?

    Got same problem. Helps only disabling "Enable Reload and Chamber Speed Changes" too.

    Did you check the comment above yours by Chadless that explained how they fixed it?

    What mods are you using?
    What version of SPT Aki are you using and what version of Realism?

    Did you update from a previous version of Realism to whatever version you are using now?

    Are there any errors in your logs?

    Is it not recommended to use a AI wave mod like "swags" with Realism ? I know its not in the list you put up but have seen others say they use both .

    Really enjoying your Mod as it is but Reserve / interchange could do little more action and just wondered if Realism + Swags + Nookypresets would work as intended together .

    Thx again for all your effort :)

    Swag and Nookys works well with Realism, just make sure in the realism config you turn off "Spawn tweaks", and load SWAG after Realism.

    You need to provide more information, like when is this happening, is it consistent, what mods do you have installed etc.